Source code for lyceanem.electromagnetics.empropagation

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import cmath
import copy
import math
import pathlib

import cupy as cp
import numpy as np
import open3d as o3d
import scipy.stats
from matplotlib import cm
from numba import cuda, float32, float64, complex64, njit, guvectorize, prange
from numpy.linalg import norm
from scipy.spatial import distance

import lyceanem.base_types as base_types
import lyceanem.raycasting.rayfunctions as RF
import lyceanem.geometry.geometryfunctions as GF

def dot(ax1, ay1, az1, ax2, ay2, az2):
    result = ax1 * ax2 + ay1 * ay2 + az1 * az2
    return result

def cross(ax1, ay1, az1, ax2, ay2, az2):
    rx = ay1 * az2 - az1 * ay2
    ry = az1 * ax2 - ax1 * az2
    rz = ax1 * ay2 - ay1 * ax2
    return rx, ry, rz

def cross_vec(a, b, resultant_vector):
    resultant_vector[0] = a[1] * b[2] - a[2] * b[1]
    resultant_vector[1] = a[2] * b[0] - a[0] * b[2]
    resultant_vector[2] = a[0] * b[1] - a[1] * b[0]
    return resultant_vector

def cross_vec_norm(a, b, resultant_vector):
    resultant_vector[0] = a[1] * b[2] - a[2] * b[1]
    resultant_vector[1] = a[2] * b[0] - a[0] * b[2]
    resultant_vector[2] = a[0] * b[1] - a[1] * b[0]
    norm = abs(
            resultant_vector[0] ** 2.0
            + resultant_vector[1] ** 2.0
            + resultant_vector[2] ** 2.0
    resultant_vector[0] = resultant_vector[0] / norm
    resultant_vector[1] = resultant_vector[1] / norm
    resultant_vector[2] = resultant_vector[2] / norm
    return resultant_vector

def dot_vec(a, b):
    return a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1] + a[2] * b[2]

def cross_norm(vector_a, vector_b, norm):
    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    temp_vector = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=complex64)
    temp_vector[:] = 0.0
    cross_vec(vector_a, vector_b, temp_vector)
    norm = abs(
        cmath.sqrt(temp_vector[0] ** 2 + temp_vector[1] ** 2 + temp_vector[2] ** 2)
    return norm

def calc_sep(source, target, dist):
    dist = (
                (target["px"] - source["px"]) ** 2
                + (target["py"] - source["py"]) ** 2
                + (target["pz"] - source["pz"]) ** 2
        + dist
    return dist

def calc_dv(source, target, vector):
    vector[0] = target["px"] - source["px"]
    vector[1] = target["py"] - source["py"]
    vector[2] = target["pz"] - source["pz"]
    norm = abs(cmath.sqrt(vector[0] ** 2 + vector[1] ** 2 + vector[2] ** 2))
    vector[0] = vector[0] / norm
    vector[1] = vector[1] / norm
    vector[2] = vector[2] / norm
    return vector

def transmit(ray_component, starting_point, end_point, wavelength):
    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    loss1 = cuda.local.array(shape=(1), dtype=complex64)
    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    lengths = cuda.local.array(shape=(1), dtype=float32)
    wave_vector = (2.0 * scipy.constants.pi) / wavelength[0]
    calc_sep(starting_point, end_point, lengths)
    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    outgoing_dir = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=complex64)
    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    local_E_vector = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=complex64)
    calc_dv(starting_point, end_point, lengths, outgoing_dir)
    if lengths == 0:
        loss1 = 1.0
        loss1 = (cmath.exp(1j * wave_vector * lengths[0])) * (
            wavelength[0] / (4 * (scipy.constants.pi) * (lengths[0]))
        # loss1=(wavelength[0]/(4*(3.1415926535)*(lengths)))

    sourcelaunchtransformGPU(ray_component, starting_point, outgoing_dir)

    ray_component[0] = ray_component[0] * loss1
    ray_component[1] = ray_component[1] * loss1
    ray_component[2] = ray_component[2] * loss1

def transmitone(ray_component, starting_point, end_point, lengths, wavelength):
    lengths[0] = calc_sep(starting_point, end_point, lengths[0])
    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    outgoing_dir = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=complex64)
    calc_dv(starting_point, end_point, lengths, outgoing_dir)
    sourcelaunchtransformGPU(ray_component, starting_point, outgoing_dir)
    ray_component[0] = ray_component[0] * end_point["ex"]
    ray_component[1] = ray_component[1] * end_point["ey"]
    ray_component[2] = ray_component[2] * end_point["ez"]
    # return ray_component,lengths

def transmitmulti(ray_component, starting_point, end_point, lengths, wavelength):
    lengths[0] = calc_sep(starting_point, end_point, lengths[0])
    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    outgoing_dir = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=complex64)
    calc_dv(starting_point, end_point, outgoing_dir)
    ray_component = sourcelaunchtransformGPU(
        ray_component, starting_point, outgoing_dir
    ray_component[0] = ray_component[0] * end_point["ex"]
    ray_component[1] = ray_component[1] * end_point["ey"]
    ray_component[2] = ray_component[2] * end_point["ez"]
    return ray_component, lengths

def pointlink(ray_component, starting_point, end_point, lengths, wavelength):
    # assuming we start with a `static' electric field vector, convert to `ray',
    # then propagate
    lengths = calc_sep(starting_point, end_point, lengths)
    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    propagation_dir = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=complex64)
    calc_dv(starting_point, end_point, propagation_dir)
    ray_component = sourcelaunchtransformGPU(
        ray_component, starting_point, propagation_dir
    return ray_component, lengths

def sourcelaunchtransformGPU(ray_field, outgoing_dir):
    Field Transform to create either travelling ray fields or tangential surface currents,
    in each case no electric field can propagate parallel to the normal vector.
    For a travelling ray, the outgoing_dir represents the direction of propagation, while for the surface currents
    the outgoing_dir represents the surface normal vector
    This should be called for each `illumination' when the surface is `hit', and when the outgoing ray is calculated

    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    temp_E_vector = cuda.local.array(shape=(2), dtype=ray_field.dtype)
    temp_E_vector[:] = 0.0
    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    ray_u = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=ray_field.dtype)
    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    ray_v = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=ray_field.dtype)
    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    x_vec = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=float32)
    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    y_vec = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=float32)
    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    z_vec = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=float32)
    x_orth = float(0)
    y_orth = float(0)
    z_orth = float(0)
    x_vec[:] = 0.0
    y_vec[:] = 0.0
    z_vec[:] = 0.0
    x_vec[0] = 1.0
    y_vec[1] = 1.0
    z_vec[2] = 1.0
    # make sure ray vectors are locked on appropriate global axes
    x_orth = cross_norm(x_vec, outgoing_dir, x_orth)
    y_orth = cross_norm(y_vec, outgoing_dir, y_orth)
    z_orth = cross_norm(z_vec, outgoing_dir, z_orth)

    # print(y_orth)
    # print(z_orth)
    if (abs(x_orth) > abs(y_orth)) and (abs(x_orth) > abs(z_orth)):
        # use x-axis to establish ray uv axes
        cross_vec_norm(x_vec, outgoing_dir, ray_u)

    elif (abs(y_orth) >= abs(x_orth)) and (abs(y_orth) > abs(z_orth)):
        # use y-axis to establish ray uv axes
        cross_vec_norm(y_vec, outgoing_dir, ray_u)

    elif (abs(z_orth) >= abs(x_orth)) and (abs(z_orth) >= abs(y_orth)):
        # use z-axis
        cross_vec_norm(z_vec, outgoing_dir, ray_u)

    cross_vec_norm(outgoing_dir, ray_u, ray_v)
    # #the ray fields must be contained in ray_v and ray_u, as there can be no E field in the direction of propagation
    # #so if the depature vector is 0,0,1, then Ez must be 0.
    temp_E_vector[0] = dot_vec(ray_field, ray_u)
    temp_E_vector[1] = dot_vec(ray_field, ray_v)
    ray_field[:] = 0.0
    # #map ray axes onto global coordinate axes to keep everything neat
    # ray_field=np.array([temp_E_vector[0]*,ray_u)+temp_E_vector[1]*,ray_v),
    #                             temp_E_vector[0]*,ray_u)+temp_E_vector[1]*,ray_v),
    #                             temp_E_vector[0]*,ray_u)+temp_E_vector[1]*,ray_v)])
    ray_field[0] = temp_E_vector[0] * dot_vec(x_vec, ray_u) + temp_E_vector[
    ] * dot_vec(x_vec, ray_v)
    ray_field[1] = temp_E_vector[0] * dot_vec(y_vec, ray_u) + temp_E_vector[
    ] * dot_vec(y_vec, ray_v)
    ray_field[2] = temp_E_vector[0] * dot_vec(z_vec, ray_u) + temp_E_vector[
    ] * dot_vec(z_vec, ray_v)

    return ray_field

def sourcelaunchtransformreal(ray_field, launch_point, outgoing_dir):
    Field Transform to create either travelling ray fields or tangential surface currents,
    in each case no electric field can propagate parallel to the normal vector.
    For a travelling ray, the outgoing_dir represents the direction of propagation, while for the surface currents
    the outgoing_dir represents the surface normal vector
    This should be called for each `illumination' when the surface is `hit', and when the outgoing ray is calculated

    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    temp_E_vector = cuda.local.array(shape=(2), dtype=float64)
    temp_E_vector[:] = 0.0
    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    ray_u = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=float32)
    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    ray_v = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=float32)
    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    x_vec = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=float32)
    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    y_vec = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=float32)
    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    z_vec = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=float32)
    x_orth = float(0)
    y_orth = float(0)
    z_orth = float(0)
    x_vec[:] = 0.0
    y_vec[:] = 0.0
    z_vec[:] = 0.0
    x_vec[0] = 1.0
    y_vec[1] = 1.0
    z_vec[2] = 1.0
    # make sure ray vectors are locked on appropriate global axes
    x_orth = cross_norm(x_vec, outgoing_dir, x_orth)
    y_orth = cross_norm(y_vec, outgoing_dir, y_orth)
    z_orth = cross_norm(z_vec, outgoing_dir, z_orth)

    # print(y_orth)
    # print(z_orth)
    if (abs(x_orth) > abs(y_orth)) and (abs(x_orth) > abs(z_orth)):
        # use x-axis to establish ray uv axes
        cross_vec_norm(x_vec, outgoing_dir, ray_u)

        # ray_u[0]=ray_u/x_orth
    elif (abs(y_orth) >= abs(x_orth)) and (abs(y_orth) > abs(z_orth)):
        #     #use y-axis to establish ray uv axes
        cross_vec_norm(y_vec, outgoing_dir, ray_u)

    elif (abs(z_orth) >= abs(x_orth)) and (abs(z_orth) >= abs(y_orth)):
        #     #use z-axis
        cross_vec_norm(z_vec, outgoing_dir, ray_u)

    cross_vec_norm(outgoing_dir, ray_u, ray_v)
    # #the ray fields must be contained in ray_v and ray_u, as there can be no E field in the direction of propagation
    # #so if the depature vector is 0,0,1, then Ez must be 0.
    temp_E_vector[0] = dot_vec(ray_field, ray_u)
    temp_E_vector[1] = dot_vec(ray_field, ray_v)
    ray_field[:] = 0.0
    # #map ray axes onto global coordinate axes to keep everything neat
    # ray_field=np.array([temp_E_vector[0]*,ray_u)+temp_E_vector[1]*,ray_v),
    #                             temp_E_vector[0]*,ray_u)+temp_E_vector[1]*,ray_v),
    #                             temp_E_vector[0]*,ray_u)+temp_E_vector[1]*,ray_v)])
    ray_field[0] = temp_E_vector[0] * dot_vec(x_vec, ray_u) + temp_E_vector[
    ] * dot_vec(x_vec, ray_v)
    ray_field[1] = temp_E_vector[0] * dot_vec(y_vec, ray_u) + temp_E_vector[
    ] * dot_vec(y_vec, ray_v)
    ray_field[2] = temp_E_vector[0] * dot_vec(z_vec, ray_u) + temp_E_vector[
    ] * dot_vec(z_vec, ray_v)

    return ray_field

def scatteringkernal(network_index, point_information, ray_components, wavelength):

    cu_ray_num = cuda.grid(1)  # alias for threadIdx.x + ( blockIdx.x * blockDim.x ),
    #           threadIdx.y + ( blockIdx.y * blockDim.y )
    # margin=1e-5
    i = 0  # emulate a C-style for-loop, exposing the idx increment logic
    # ray_components[cu_ray_num,:]=0.0
    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    lengths = cuda.local.array(shape=(1), dtype=np.float64)
    while i < (network_index.shape[1] - 1):
        if i == 0:
            lengths[0] = 0.0
            ray_components[cu_ray_num, 0] = point_information[
                network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1
            ray_components[cu_ray_num, 1] = point_information[
                network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1
            ray_components[cu_ray_num, 2] = point_information[
                network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1

        if network_index[cu_ray_num, -1] == 0:
                ray_components[cu_ray_num, :],
                point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1],
                point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1],
            i = network_index.shape[1] - 1
                ray_components[cu_ray_num, :],
                point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1],
                point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1],
        # else:
        #    ray_components[cu_ray_num],lengths=transmitmulti(ray_components[cu_ray_num,:],
        #                point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num,i]-1],
        #                point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num,i+1]-1],
        #                wavelength)
        i += 1

    # print(cu_ray_num,lengths[0],abs(ray_components[cu_ray_num,2]))
    wave_vector = (2.0 * scipy.constants.pi) / wavelength[0]
    # loss1=cuda.local.array(shape=(1),dtype=complex64)
    if lengths[0] == 0.0:
        loss1 = 1.0
        loss1 = (cmath.exp(1j * wave_vector * lengths[0])) * (
            wavelength[0] / (4 * (scipy.constants.pi) * (lengths[0]))

    # print(cu_ray_num,lengths[0],abs(loss1[0]),abs(ray_components[cu_ray_num,2]))
    ray_components[cu_ray_num, 0] = ray_components[cu_ray_num, 0] * loss1
    ray_components[cu_ray_num, 1] = ray_components[cu_ray_num, 1] * loss1
    ray_components[cu_ray_num, 2] = ray_components[cu_ray_num, 2] * loss1

def scatteringkernalv2(
    problem_size, network_index, point_information, scattering_matrix, wavelength

    cu_ray_num = cuda.grid(1)  # alias for threadIdx.x + ( blockIdx.x * blockDim.x ),
    #           threadIdx.y + ( blockIdx.y * blockDim.y )
    # margin=1e-5
    i = 0  # emulate a C-style for-loop, exposing the idx increment logic
    # ray_components[cu_ray_num,:]=0.0
    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    lengths = cuda.local.array(shape=(1), dtype=np.float64)
    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    ray_component = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=np.complex64)
    sink_index = network_index[cu_ray_num, -1] - 1 - problem_size[0]
    # print(cu_ray_num,sink_index)
    while i < (network_index.shape[1] - 1):
        if i == 0:
            lengths[0] = 0.0
            if point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["Electric"]:
                ray_component[0] = point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1][
                ray_component[1] = point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1][
                ray_component[2] = point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1][
                source_impedance = cmath.sqrt(
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["permeability"]
                    / point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1][
                # noinspection PyTypeChecker
                outgoing_dir = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=complex64)
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1],
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1],
                ray_component[0], ray_component[1], ray_component[2] = cross(
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["ex"],
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["ey"],
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["ez"],
                ray_component[0] = ray_component[0] / source_impedance
                ray_component[1] = ray_component[1] / source_impedance
                ray_component[2] = ray_component[2] / source_impedance

        if network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] == 0:
            sink_index = network_index[cu_ray_num, i]
            i = network_index.shape[1] - 1
            # transmitmulti(ray_component,
            #              point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num,i]-1],
            #              point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num,i+1]-1],
            #              lengths,
            #              wavelength)

                point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1],
                point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1],
        # else:
        #    ray_components[cu_ray_num],lengths=transmitmulti(ray_components[cu_ray_num,:],
        #                point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num,i]-1],
        #                point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num,i+1]-1],
        #                wavelength)
        i += 1

    wave_vector = (2.0 * cmath.pi) / wavelength[0]
    # loss1=cuda.local.array(shape=(1),dtype=complex64)
    if (lengths[0] != 0.0) or (lengths[0] != cmath.inf):
        loss1 = (cmath.exp(1j * wave_vector * lengths[0])) * (
            wavelength[0] / (4 * (cmath.pi) * (lengths[0]))
        scattering_matrix[sink_index, 0] += ray_component[0] * loss1
        scattering_matrix[sink_index, 1] += ray_component[1] * loss1
        scattering_matrix[sink_index, 2] += ray_component[2] * loss1

def scatteringkernaltest(
    problem_size, network_index, point_information, scattering_matrix, wavelength

    cu_ray_num = cuda.grid(1)  # alias for threadIdx.x + ( blockIdx.x * blockDim.x ),
    #           threadIdx.y + ( blockIdx.y * blockDim.y )
    # margin=1e-5
    i = 0  # emulate a C-style for-loop, exposing the idx increment logic
    # ray_components[cu_ray_num,:]=0.0
    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    ray_component = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=np.complex64)
    sink_index = network_index[cu_ray_num, -1] - 1 - problem_size[0]
    # print(cu_ray_num,sink_index)
    while i < (network_index.shape[1] - 1):
        if i == 0:
            lengths = float(0)
            if point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["Electric"]:
                ray_component[0] = point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1][
                ray_component[1] = point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1][
                ray_component[2] = point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1][

                source_impedance = cmath.sqrt(
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["permeability"]
                    / point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1][
                # noinspection PyTypeChecker
                outgoing_dir = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=complex64)
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1],
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1],
                ray_component[0], ray_component[1], ray_component[2] = cross(
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["ex"],
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["ey"],
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["ez"],
                ray_component[0] = ray_component[0] / source_impedance
                ray_component[1] = ray_component[1] / source_impedance
                ray_component[2] = ray_component[2] / source_impedance

        if network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] != 0:
            # sink_index=network_index[cu_ray_num,i]-1-problem_size[0]
            temp = lengths
            ray_component, lengths = pointlink(
                point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1],
                point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1],
            if temp == lengths:
                print("error", network_index[cu_ray_num, i], lengths)

            # convert field amplitudes to tangential surface currents
            if (i < network_index.shape[1] - 1) and (
                network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 2] != 0
                # noinspection PyTypeChecker
                outgoing_dir = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=complex64)
                outgoing_dir[0] = point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1]][
                outgoing_dir[1] = point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1]][
                outgoing_dir[2] = point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1]][
                ray_component = sourcelaunchtransformGPU(
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1]],
                ray_component[0] = (
                    * point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1]["ex"]
                ray_component[1] = (
                    * point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1]["ey"]
                ray_component[2] = (
                    * point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1]["ez"]
                ray_component[0] = (
                    * point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1]["ex"]
                ray_component[1] = (
                    * point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1]["ey"]
                ray_component[2] = (
                    * point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1]["ez"]

        i += 1

    wave_vector = (2.0 * np.pi) / wavelength[0]
    # loss1=cuda.local.array(shape=(1),dtype=complex64)
    if (lengths != 0.0) or (lengths != cmath.inf):
        # print(cu_ray_num,lengths[0],abs(ray_component[2]))
        loss1 = complex(0, 0)
        loss1 = cmath.exp(1j * wave_vector * lengths)
        loss1 = loss1 * (wavelength[0] / (4 * (cmath.pi) * (lengths)))
        scattering_matrix[cu_ray_num, 0] = ray_component[0] * loss1
        scattering_matrix[cu_ray_num, 1] = ray_component[1] * loss1
        scattering_matrix[cu_ray_num, 2] = ray_component[2] * loss1

def scatteringkernalv3(

    cu_ray_num = cuda.grid(1)  # alias for threadIdx.x + ( blockIdx.x * blockDim.x ),
    #           threadIdx.y + ( blockIdx.y * blockDim.y )
    # margin=1e-5
    i = 0  # emulate a C-style for-loop, exposing the idx increment logic
    # ray_components[cu_ray_num,:]=0.0
    flag = 0
    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    ray_component = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=np.complex128)
    for sink_test in range(1, network_index.shape[1]):
        if network_index[cu_ray_num, sink_test] == 0:
            if flag == 0:
                flag = 1
                sink_index = (
                    network_index[cu_ray_num, sink_test - 1] - 1 - problem_size[0]
        elif sink_test == network_index.shape[1] - 1:
            if flag == 0:
                flag = 1
                sink_index = network_index[cu_ray_num, sink_test] - 1 - problem_size[0]

    if flag == 0:
        print("error", cu_ray_num, sink_index)
        #  print(cu_ray_num,sink_index)
    # else:
    #    sink_index=network_index[cu_ray_num,-1]-1-problem_size[0]
    # print(cu_ray_num,network_index[cu_ray_num,1]-1-problem_size[0],network_index[cu_ray_num,2]-1-problem_size[0],sink_index)
    while i < (network_index.shape[1] - 1):
        # print(i,cu_ray_num,network_index[cu_ray_num,i],network_index[cu_ray_num,i+1])
        if i == 0:
            lengths = float(0)
            # lengths=calc_sep(point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num,i]-1],point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num,i+1]-1],lengths)
            if point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["Electric"]:
                ray_component[0] = (
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["ex"]
                    * scattering_coefficient[0]
                ray_component[1] = (
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["ey"]
                    * scattering_coefficient[0]
                ray_component[2] = (
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["ez"]
                    * scattering_coefficient[0]

                source_impedance = cmath.sqrt(
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1][
                    / point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1][
                # noinspection PyTypeChecker
                outgoing_dir = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=np.complex128)
                outgoing_dir = calc_dv(
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1],
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1],
                ray_component[0], ray_component[1], ray_component[2] = cross(
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["ex"],
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["ey"],
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["ez"],
                ray_component[0] = (
                    ray_component[0] / source_impedance
                ) * scattering_coefficient[0]
                ray_component[1] = (
                    ray_component[1] / source_impedance
                ) * scattering_coefficient[0]
                ray_component[2] = (
                    ray_component[2] / source_impedance
                ) * scattering_coefficient[0]
        elif i != 0:
            # noinspection PyTypeChecker
            normal = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=np.complex128)
            normal[0] = point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["nx"]
            normal[1] = point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["ny"]
            normal[2] = point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["nz"]
            ray_component = sourcelaunchtransformGPU(
                point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1],

        if network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] != 0:
            #     #print(i,cu_ray_num,network_index[cu_ray_num,i],network_index[cu_ray_num,i+1])
            #     #convert source point field to ray
            # noinspection PyTypeChecker
            outgoing_dir = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=np.complex128)
            outgoing_dir = calc_dv(
                point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1],
                point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1],
            ray_component = sourcelaunchtransformGPU(
                point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1],
            ray_component[0] = (
                * point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1]["ex"]
            ) * scattering_coefficient[0]
            ray_component[1] = (
                * point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1]["ey"]
            ) * scattering_coefficient[0]
            ray_component[2] = (
                * point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1]["ez"]
            ) * scattering_coefficient[0]
            lengths = calc_sep(
                point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1],
                point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1],

        i = i + 1

    wave_vector = (2.0 * cmath.pi) / wavelength[0]
    # loss1=cuda.local.array(shape=(1),dtype=complex64)
    if (lengths != 0.0) or (lengths != cmath.inf):
        # print(cu_ray_num,lengths[0])
        loss1 = complex(0, 0)
        loss1 = cmath.exp(1j * wave_vector * lengths)
        loss1 = loss1 * (wavelength[0] / (4 * (cmath.pi) * (lengths)))
        scattering_matrix[sink_index, 0] = scattering_matrix[sink_index, 0] + (
            ray_component[0] * loss1
        scattering_matrix[sink_index, 1] = scattering_matrix[sink_index, 1] + (
            ray_component[1] * loss1
        scattering_matrix[sink_index, 2] = scattering_matrix[sink_index, 2] + (
            ray_component[2] * loss1

def scatteringkernalv4(

    cu_ray_num = cuda.grid(1)  # alias for threadIdx.x + ( blockIdx.x * blockDim.x ),
    #           threadIdx.y + ( blockIdx.y * blockDim.y )
    # margin=1e-5
    i = 0  # emulate a C-style for-loop, exposing the idx increment logic
    # ray_components[cu_ray_num,:]=0.0
    flag = 0
    source_index = target_index[cu_ray_num, 0] - 1
    sink_index = target_index[cu_ray_num, 1] - 1 - problem_size[0]
    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    ray_component = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=np.complex128)
    # for sink_test in range(1,network_index.shape[1]):
    #     if (network_index[cu_ray_num,sink_test]==0):
    #         if (flag==0):
    #             flag=1
    #             sink_index=network_index[cu_ray_num,sink_test-1]-1-problem_size[0]
    #     elif (sink_test==network_index.shape[1]-1):
    #         if (flag==0):
    #             flag=1
    #             sink_index=network_index[cu_ray_num,sink_test]-1-problem_size[0]

    # if flag==0:
    #     print('error',cu_ray_num,sink_index)
    #       #  print(cu_ray_num,sink_index)
    # else:
    #    sink_index=network_index[cu_ray_num,-1]-1-problem_size[0]
    # print(cu_ray_num,network_index[cu_ray_num,1]-1-problem_size[0],network_index[cu_ray_num,2]-1-problem_size[0],sink_index)
    while i < (network_index.shape[1] - 1):
        # print(i,cu_ray_num,network_index[cu_ray_num,i],network_index[cu_ray_num,i+1])
        if i == 0:
            lengths = float(0)
            # lengths=calc_sep(point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num,i]-1],point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num,i+1]-1],lengths)
            if point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["Electric"]:
                ray_component[0] = (
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["ex"]
                    * scattering_coefficient[0]
                ray_component[1] = (
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["ey"]
                    * scattering_coefficient[0]
                ray_component[2] = (
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["ez"]
                    * scattering_coefficient[0]

                source_impedance = cmath.sqrt(
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1][
                    / point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1][
                # noinspection PyTypeChecker
                outgoing_dir = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=np.complex128)
                outgoing_dir = calc_dv(
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1],
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1],
                ray_component[0], ray_component[1], ray_component[2] = cross(
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["ex"],
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["ey"],
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["ez"],
                ray_component[0] = (
                    ray_component[0] / source_impedance
                ) * scattering_coefficient[0]
                ray_component[1] = (
                    ray_component[1] / source_impedance
                ) * scattering_coefficient[0]
                ray_component[2] = (
                    ray_component[2] / source_impedance
                ) * scattering_coefficient[0]
        # elif i!=0:
        # normal = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=np.complex128)
        # normal[0]=point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num,i]-1]['nx']
        # normal[1]=point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num,i]-1]['ny']
        # normal[2]=point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num,i]-1]['nz']
        # ray_component=sourcelaunchtransformGPU(ray_component,point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num,i]-1],normal)

        if network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] != 0:
            #     #print(i,cu_ray_num,network_index[cu_ray_num,i],network_index[cu_ray_num,i+1])
            #     #convert source point field to ray
            # outgoing_dir = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=np.complex128)
            # outgoing_dir=calc_dv(point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num,i]-1],point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num,i+1]-1],outgoing_dir)
            # ray_component=sourcelaunchtransformGPU(ray_component,point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num,i]-1],outgoing_dir)
            # ray_component[0]=(ray_component[0]*point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num,i+1]-1]['ex'])*scattering_coefficient[0]
            # ray_component[1]=(ray_component[1]*point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num,i+1]-1]['ey'])*scattering_coefficient[0]
            # ray_component[2]=(ray_component[2]*point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num,i+1]-1]['ez'])*scattering_coefficient[0]
            lengths = calc_sep(
                point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1],
                point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1],

        i = i + 1

    wave_vector = (2.0 * cmath.pi) / wavelength[0]
    # loss1=cuda.local.array(shape=(1),dtype=complex64)
    if (lengths != 0.0) or (lengths != cmath.inf):
        # print(cu_ray_num,lengths[0])
        loss1 = complex(0, 0)
        loss1 = cmath.exp(1j * wave_vector * lengths)
        loss1 = loss1 * (wavelength[0] / (4 * (cmath.pi) * (lengths)))
        scattering_matrix[sink_index, 0] = scattering_matrix[sink_index, 0] + (
            ray_component[0] * loss1
        scattering_matrix[sink_index, 1] = scattering_matrix[sink_index, 1] + (
            ray_component[1] * loss1
        scattering_matrix[sink_index, 2] = scattering_matrix[sink_index, 2] + (
            ray_component[2] * loss1


def scatteringkernaltest(

    cu_ray_num = cuda.grid(1)  # alias for threadIdx.x + ( blockIdx.x * blockDim.x ),
    #           threadIdx.y + ( blockIdx.y * blockDim.y )
    # margin=1e-5
    i = 0  # emulate a C-style for-loop, exposing the idx increment logic
    # ray_components[cu_ray_num,:]=0.0
    flag = 0
    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    ray_component = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=np.complex128)
    for sink_test in range(1, network_index.shape[1]):
        if network_index[cu_ray_num, sink_test] == 0:
            if flag == 0:
                flag = 1
                sink_index = (
                    network_index[cu_ray_num, sink_test - 1] - 1 - problem_size[0]
        elif sink_test == network_index.shape[1] - 1:
            if flag == 0:
                flag = 1
                sink_index = network_index[cu_ray_num, sink_test] - 1 - problem_size[0]

    if flag == 0:
        print("error", cu_ray_num, sink_index)

    scattering_matrix[cu_ray_num] = complex(sink_index)

def polaranddistance(network_index, point_information, polar_coefficients, distances):

    cu_ray_num = cuda.grid(1)  # alias for threadIdx.x + ( blockIdx.x * blockDim.x ),
    #           threadIdx.y + ( blockIdx.y * blockDim.y )
    # margin=1e-5
    if cu_ray_num < network_index.shape[0]:
        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
        ray_component = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=np.complex64)
        i = 0  # emulate a C-style for-loop, exposing the idx increment logic
        # ray_components[cu_ray_num,:]=0.0
        # print(scattering_matrix.shape[0],scattering_matrix.shape[1])
        while i < (network_index.shape[1] - 1):
            # print(i,cu_ray_num,network_index[cu_ray_num,i],network_index[cu_ray_num,i+1])
            if i == 0:
                lengths = float(0)
                lengths = calc_sep(
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1],
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1],
                if point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["Electric"]:
                    ray_component[0] = point_information[
                        network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1
                    ray_component[1] = point_information[
                        network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1
                    ray_component[2] = point_information[
                        network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1

                    source_impedance = cmath.sqrt(
                        point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1][
                        / point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1][
                    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
                    outgoing_dir = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=np.complex64)
                    outgoing_dir = calc_dv(
                        point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1],
                        point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1],
                    ray_component[0], ray_component[1], ray_component[2] = cross(
                        point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["ex"],
                        point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["ey"],
                        point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["ez"],
                    ray_component[0] = ray_component[0] / source_impedance
                    ray_component[1] = ray_component[1] / source_impedance
                    ray_component[2] = ray_component[2] / source_impedance
            elif i != 0:
                # noinspection PyTypeChecker
                normal = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=np.complex64)
                normal[0] = point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["nx"]
                normal[1] = point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["ny"]
                normal[2] = point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["nz"]
                ray_component = sourcelaunchtransformGPU(
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i]],
                lengths = calc_sep(
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1],
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1],

            if network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] != 0:
                #     #print(i,cu_ray_num,network_index[cu_ray_num,i],network_index[cu_ray_num,i+1])
                #     #convert source point field to ray
                # noinspection PyTypeChecker
                outgoing_dir = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=np.complex64)
                outgoing_dir = calc_dv(
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1],
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1],
                ray_component = sourcelaunchtransformGPU(
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1],

                ray_component[0] = (
                    * point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1]["ex"]
                ray_component[1] = (
                    * point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1]["ey"]
                ray_component[2] = (
                    * point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1]["ez"]

            i = i + 1

        polar_coefficients[cu_ray_num, 0] = ray_component[0]
        polar_coefficients[cu_ray_num, 1] = ray_component[1]
        polar_coefficients[cu_ray_num, 2] = ray_component[2]
        distances[cu_ray_num] = lengths

def freqdomainkernal(
    network_index, point_information, source_sink_index, wavelength, scattering_network

    cu_ray_num = cuda.grid(1)  # alias for threadIdx.x + ( blockIdx.x * blockDim.x ),
    #           threadIdx.y + ( blockIdx.y * blockDim.y )
    # margin=1e-5
    if cu_ray_num < network_index.shape[0]:
        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
        ray_component = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=np.complex128)
        # ray_components[cu_ray_num,:]=0.0
        # print(scattering_matrix.shape[0],scattering_matrix.shape[1])
        for i in range(network_index.shape[1] - 1):
            # print(i,cu_ray_num,network_index[cu_ray_num,i],network_index[cu_ray_num,i+1])
            if i == 0:
                lengths = float(0)
                lengths = calc_sep(
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1],
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1],
                if point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["Electric"]:
                    ray_component[0] = point_information[
                        network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1
                    ray_component[1] = point_information[
                        network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1
                    ray_component[2] = point_information[
                        network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1

                    source_impedance = cmath.sqrt(
                        point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1][
                        / point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1][
                    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
                    outgoing_dir = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=np.complex64)
                    outgoing_dir = calc_dv(
                        point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1],
                        point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1],
                    ray_component[0], ray_component[1], ray_component[2] = cross(
                        point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["ex"],
                        point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["ey"],
                        point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["ez"],
                    ray_component[0] = ray_component[0] / source_impedance
                    ray_component[1] = ray_component[1] / source_impedance
                    ray_component[2] = ray_component[2] / source_impedance

            elif i != 0:
                # noinspection PyTypeChecker
                normal = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=np.complex64)
                normal[0] = point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["nx"]
                normal[1] = point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["ny"]
                normal[2] = point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["nz"]
                ray_component = sourcelaunchtransformGPU(ray_component, normal)
                lengths = calc_sep(
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1],
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1],

            if network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] != 0:
                #     #print(i,cu_ray_num,network_index[cu_ray_num,i],network_index[cu_ray_num,i+1])
                #     #convert source point field to ray
                # noinspection PyTypeChecker
                outgoing_dir = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=np.complex64)
                outgoing_dir = calc_dv(
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1],
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1],
                ray_component = sourcelaunchtransformGPU(ray_component, outgoing_dir)

                ray_component[0] = (
                    * point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1]["ex"]
                ray_component[1] = (
                    * point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1]["ey"]
                ray_component[2] = (
                    * point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1]["ez"]
                scatter_index = i

        # print(cu_ray_num,source_sink_index[cu_ray_num,0],source_sink_index[cu_ray_num,1])
        wave_vector = (2.0 * cmath.pi) / wavelength[0]
        # scatter_coefficient=(1/(4*cmath.pi))**(complex(scatter_index))
        if scatter_index == 0:
            loss = cmath.exp(lengths * wave_vector * 1j) * (
                wavelength[0] / (4 * cmath.pi * lengths)
        elif scatter_index == 1:
            loss = cmath.exp(lengths * wave_vector * 1j) * (
                wavelength[0] / (4 * cmath.pi * lengths)
        elif scatter_index == 2:
            loss = cmath.exp(lengths * wave_vector * 1j) * (
                wavelength[0] / (4 * cmath.pi * lengths)

        ray_component[0] *= loss
        ray_component[1] *= loss
        ray_component[2] *= loss
        # print(ray_component[0].real,ray_component[1].real,ray_component[2].real)
        # add real components
                source_sink_index[cu_ray_num, 0], source_sink_index[cu_ray_num, 1], 0, :
                source_sink_index[cu_ray_num, 0], source_sink_index[cu_ray_num, 1], 1, :
                source_sink_index[cu_ray_num, 0], source_sink_index[cu_ray_num, 1], 2, :
        # add imaginary components
                source_sink_index[cu_ray_num, 0], source_sink_index[cu_ray_num, 1], 0, :
                source_sink_index[cu_ray_num, 0], source_sink_index[cu_ray_num, 1], 1, :
                source_sink_index[cu_ray_num, 0], source_sink_index[cu_ray_num, 1], 2, :

def freqdomainisokernal(
    network_index, point_information, source_sink_index, wavelength, scattering_network

    cu_ray_num = cuda.grid(1)  # alias for threadIdx.x + ( blockIdx.x * blockDim.x ),
    #           threadIdx.y + ( blockIdx.y * blockDim.y )
    # margin=1e-5
    if cu_ray_num < network_index.shape[0]:
        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
        ray_component = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=np.complex128)
        for i in range(network_index.shape[1] - 1):

            # print(i,cu_ray_num,network_index[cu_ray_num,i],network_index[cu_ray_num,i+1])
            if i == 0:
                lengths = float(0)
                lengths = calc_sep(
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1],
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1],

            elif i != 0:
                if network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] != 0:
                    lengths = calc_sep(
                        point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1],
                        point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1],

        # print(network_index[cu_ray_num,0],network_index[cu_ray_num,1],network_index[cu_ray_num,2],lengths)
        # print(cu_ray_num,source_sink_index[cu_ray_num,0],source_sink_index[cu_ray_num,1])
        wave_vector = (2.0 * cmath.pi) / wavelength
        # scatter_coefficient=(1/(4*cmath.pi))**(complex(scatter_index))
        loss = cmath.exp(lengths * wave_vector * 1j) * (
            wavelength / (4 * cmath.pi * lengths)
        ray_component[0] = loss
        # ray_component[1]=loss
        # ray_component[2]=loss
        # print(ray_component[0].real,ray_component[1].real,ray_component[2].real)
        # print(len(scattering_network[source_sink_index[cu_ray_num,0],source_sink_index[cu_ray_num,1],:]))
        # add real components
                source_sink_index[cu_ray_num, 0], source_sink_index[cu_ray_num, 1], 0, :
        # cuda.atomic.add(scattering_network[source_sink_index[cu_ray_num,0],source_sink_index[cu_ray_num,1],1,:],0,ray_component[1].real)
        # cuda.atomic.add(scattering_network[source_sink_index[cu_ray_num,0],source_sink_index[cu_ray_num,1],2,:],0,ray_component[2].real)
        # scattering_network[source_sink_index[cu_ray_num,0],source_sink_index[cu_ray_num,1],0]+=ray_component[0]
        # add imaginary components
                source_sink_index[cu_ray_num, 0], source_sink_index[cu_ray_num, 1], 0, :
        # cuda.atomic.add(scattering_network[source_sink_index[cu_ray_num,0],source_sink_index[cu_ray_num,1],1,:],1,ray_component[1].imag)
        # cuda.atomic.add(scattering_network[source_sink_index[cu_ray_num,0],source_sink_index[cu_ray_num,1],2,:],1,ray_component[2].imag)

def timedomainkernal(
    # this kernal is planned to calculate the time domain response for a given input signal
    # for flexibility this should probably start out as smn port pairs
    cu_ray_num = cuda.grid(1)  # alias for threadIdx.x + ( blockIdx.x * blockDim.x ),
    #           threadIdx.y + ( blockIdx.y * blockDim.y )
    # margin=1e-5
    if cu_ray_num < full_index.shape[0]:
        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
        ray_component = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=np.float64)
        i = 0  # emulate a C-style for-loop, exposing the idx increment logic
        # ray_components[cu_ray_num,:]=0.0
        # print(scattering_matrix.shape[0],scattering_matrix.shape[1])
        while i < (full_index.shape[1] - 1):
            # print(i,full_index[cu_ray_num,i],full_index[cu_ray_num,i+1])
            if i == 0:
                lengths = float(0)
                time_delay = float(0)
                lengths = calc_sep(
                    point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1],
                    point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1],
                # print(cu_ray_num,'start ',full_index[cu_ray_num,i]-1,' end ',full_index[cu_ray_num,i+1]-1,lengths,'m')
                time_delay += point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1][
                if point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["Electric"]:
                    ray_component[0] = point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1][
                    ray_component[1] = point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1][
                    ray_component[2] = point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1][

                    source_impedance = cmath.sqrt(
                        point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1][
                        / point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1][
                    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
                    outgoing_dir = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=np.float64)
                    outgoing_dir = calc_dv(
                        point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1],
                        point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1],
                    ray_component[0], ray_component[1], ray_component[2] = cross(
                        point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["ex"].real,
                        point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["ey"].real,
                        point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["ez"].real,
                    ray_component[0] = ray_component[0] / source_impedance
                    ray_component[1] = ray_component[1] / source_impedance
                    ray_component[2] = ray_component[2] / source_impedance
            elif i != 0:
                # noinspection PyTypeChecker
                normal = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=np.float64)
                normal[0] = point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["nx"]
                normal[1] = point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["ny"]
                normal[2] = point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["nz"]
                ray_component = sourcelaunchtransformGPU(ray_component, normal)
                lengths = calc_sep(
                    point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1],
                    point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1],
                # print(cu_ray_num,lengths,'m')

            if full_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] != 0:
                #     #print(i,cu_ray_num,network_index[cu_ray_num,i],network_index[cu_ray_num,i+1])
                #     #convert source point field to ray
                # noinspection PyTypeChecker
                outgoing_dir = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=np.float64)
                outgoing_dir = calc_dv(
                    point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1],
                    point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1],
                ray_component = sourcelaunchtransformGPU(ray_component, outgoing_dir)
                # in time domain, the real part is the magnitude, and the imaginary part is the time delay

                ray_component[0] = (
                    * point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1]["ex"].real
                ray_component[1] = (
                    * point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1]["ey"].real
                ray_component[2] = (
                    * point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1]["ez"].real
                time_delay += point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1][
                scatter_index = i

            i = i + 1

        # print(cu_ray_num,source_sink_index[cu_ray_num,0],source_sink_index[cu_ray_num,1])
        wave_vector = (2.0 * cmath.pi) / wavelength[0]
        # scatter_coefficient=(1/(4*cmath.pi))**(complex(scatter_index))
        loss = wavelength[0] / (4 * cmath.pi * lengths)

        ray_component[0] *= loss
        ray_component[1] *= loss
        ray_component[2] *= loss
        arrival_time[cu_ray_num] = (lengths / scipy.constants.c) + time_delay
        # print(arrival_time[cu_ray_num] * 1e9)

        cuda.atomic.min(wake_time, 0, arrival_time[cu_ray_num])
        # pause here to sync threads to make sure wake_time is populated

        # wake_time=min(arrival_time) the obvious idea didnt work, so will need to think of a way to access the minimum value
        # print(wake_time[0]*1e9)
        # wake_time=0.0

        # print(ray_component[0].real,ray_component[1].real,ray_component[2].real)
        time_offset = arrival_time[cu_ray_num] - wake_time[0]
        # calculate begin index, then add the excitation signal
        time_index = int(0)
        time_sep = 1.0 / sampling_freq[0]
        time_index = time_offset // time_sep
        # print(cu_ray_num,time_index)
        if (time_index + excitation.shape[0]) <= time_map.shape[2]:
            index = 0
            # print(cu_ray_num,source_sink_index[cu_ray_num,0],source_sink_index[cu_ray_num,1])
            while index < excitation.shape[0]:
                        source_sink_index[cu_ray_num, 0],
                        source_sink_index[cu_ray_num, 1],
                    time_index + index,
                    excitation[index] * ray_component[0],
                        source_sink_index[cu_ray_num, 0],
                        source_sink_index[cu_ray_num, 1],
                    time_index + index,
                    excitation[index] * ray_component[1],
                        source_sink_index[cu_ray_num, 0],
                        source_sink_index[cu_ray_num, 1],
                    time_index + index,
                    excitation[index] * ray_component[2],
                index += 1
            index = 0
            while index < (time_map.shape[2] - time_index):
                        source_sink_index[cu_ray_num, 0],
                        source_sink_index[cu_ray_num, 1],
                    time_index + index,
                    excitation[index] * ray_component[0],
                        source_sink_index[cu_ray_num, 0],
                        source_sink_index[cu_ray_num, 1],
                    time_index + index,
                    excitation[index] * ray_component[1],
                        source_sink_index[cu_ray_num, 0],
                        source_sink_index[cu_ray_num, 1],
                    time_index + index,
                    excitation[index] * ray_component[2],
                index += 1

def xyztothetaphivectors(ray_component, point_information):
    # assuming a prime vector along the z axis
    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    thetaphi = cuda.local.array(shape=(2), dtype=np.complex128)
    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    prime = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=np.complex128)
    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    theta_vector = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=np.complex128)
    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    phi_vector = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=np.complex128)
    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    normal = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=np.complex128)
    normal[0] = point_information["nx"]
    normal[1] = point_information["ny"]
    normal[2] = point_information["nz"]
    prime[:] = 0.0
    prime[2] = 1.0
    theta_vector = dot_vec(prime, normal)
    phi_vector = cross_norm(theta_vector, normal, phi_vector)
    thetaphi[0] = (
        ray_component[0] * theta_vector[0]
        + ray_component[1] * theta_vector[1]
        + ray_component[2] * theta_vector[2]
    thetaphi[1] = (
        ray_component[0] * phi_vector[0]
        + ray_component[1] * phi_vector[1]
        + ray_component[2] * phi_vector[2]
    return thetaphi

def timedomainthetaphi(
    # this kernal is planned to calculate the time domain response for a given input signal
    # for flexibility this should probably start out as smn port pairs
    cu_ray_num = cuda.grid(1)  # alias for threadIdx.x + ( blockIdx.x * blockDim.x ),
    #           threadIdx.y + ( blockIdx.y * blockDim.y )
    # margin=1e-5
    if cu_ray_num < full_index.shape[0]:
        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
        ray_component = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=np.complex128)
        i = 0  # emulate a C-style for-loop, exposing the idx increment logic
        # ray_components[cu_ray_num,:]=0.0
        # print(scattering_matrix.shape[0],scattering_matrix.shape[1])
        while i < (full_index.shape[1] - 1):
            # print(i,full_index[cu_ray_num,i],full_index[cu_ray_num,i+1])
            if i == 0:
                lengths = float(0)
                time_delay = float(0)
                lengths = calc_sep(
                    point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1],
                    point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1],
                # print(cu_ray_num,'start ',full_index[cu_ray_num,i]-1,' end ',full_index[cu_ray_num,i+1]-1,lengths,'m')
                time_delay += point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1][
                if point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["Electric"]:
                    ray_component[0] = point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1][
                    ray_component[1] = point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1][
                    ray_component[2] = point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1][

                    source_impedance = cmath.sqrt(
                        point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1][
                        / point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1][
                    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
                    outgoing_dir = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=np.complex64)
                    outgoing_dir = calc_dv(
                        point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1],
                        point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1],
                    ray_component[0], ray_component[1], ray_component[2] = cross(
                        point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["ex"],
                        point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["ey"],
                        point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["ez"],
                    ray_component[0] = ray_component[0] / source_impedance
                    ray_component[1] = ray_component[1] / source_impedance
                    ray_component[2] = ray_component[2] / source_impedance
            elif i != 0:
                # noinspection PyTypeChecker
                normal = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=np.complex64)
                normal[0] = point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["nx"]
                normal[1] = point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["ny"]
                normal[2] = point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["nz"]
                ray_component = sourcelaunchtransformGPU(
                    ray_component, point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i]], normal
                lengths = calc_sep(
                    point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1],
                    point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1],
                # print(cu_ray_num,lengths,'m')

            if full_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] != 0:
                #     #print(i,cu_ray_num,network_index[cu_ray_num,i],network_index[cu_ray_num,i+1])
                #     #convert source point field to ray
                # noinspection PyTypeChecker
                outgoing_dir = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=np.complex64)
                outgoing_dir = calc_dv(
                    point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1],
                    point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1],
                ray_component = sourcelaunchtransformGPU(
                    point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1],
                # in time domain, the real part is the magnitude, and the imaginary part is the time delay

                ray_component[0] = (
                    * point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1]["ex"].real
                ray_component[1] = (
                    * point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1]["ey"].real
                ray_component[2] = (
                    * point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1]["ez"].real
                time_delay += point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1][
                scatter_index = i

            i = i + 1

        # print(cu_ray_num,source_sink_index[cu_ray_num,0],source_sink_index[cu_ray_num,1])
        wave_vector = (2.0 * cmath.pi) / wavelength[0]
        # scatter_coefficient=(1/(4*cmath.pi))**(complex(scatter_index))
        loss = wavelength[0] / (4 * cmath.pi * lengths)

        ray_component[0] *= loss
        ray_component[1] *= loss
        ray_component[2] *= loss
        arrival_time[cu_ray_num] = (lengths / scipy.constants.c) + time_delay
        # print(arrival_time[cu_ray_num] * 1e9)

        cuda.atomic.min(wake_time, 0, arrival_time[cu_ray_num])
        # pause here to sync threads to make sure wake_time is populated

        # wake_time=min(arrival_time) the obvious idea didnt work, so will need to think of a way to access the minimum value
        # print(wake_time[0]*1e9)
        # wake_time=0.0
        thetaphi = xyztothetaphivectors(
            ray_component, point_information[full_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]

        # print(ray_component[0].real,ray_component[1].real,ray_component[2].real)
        time_offset = arrival_time[cu_ray_num] - wake_time[0]
        # calculate begin index, then add the excitation signal
        time_index = int(0)
        time_sep = 1.0 / sampling_freq[0]
        time_index = time_offset // time_sep
        # print(cu_ray_num,time_index)
        if (time_index + excitation.shape[0]) <= time_map.shape[2]:
            index = 0
            # print(cu_ray_num,source_sink_index[cu_ray_num,0],source_sink_index[cu_ray_num,1])
            while index < excitation.shape[0]:
                        source_sink_index[cu_ray_num, 0],
                        source_sink_index[cu_ray_num, 1],
                    time_index + index,
                    excitation[index] * abs(ray_component[0]),
                        source_sink_index[cu_ray_num, 0],
                        source_sink_index[cu_ray_num, 1],
                    time_index + index,
                    excitation[index] * abs(ray_component[1]),
                # cuda.atomic.add(time_map[source_sink_index[cu_ray_num,0],source_sink_index[cu_ray_num,1],:,2],time_index+index,excitation[index]*abs(ray_component[2]))
                index += 1
            index = 0
            while index < (time_map.shape[2] - time_index):
                        source_sink_index[cu_ray_num, 0],
                        source_sink_index[cu_ray_num, 1],
                    time_index + index,
                    excitation[index] * abs(ray_component[0]),
                        source_sink_index[cu_ray_num, 0],
                        source_sink_index[cu_ray_num, 1],
                    time_index + index,
                    excitation[index] * abs(ray_component[1]),
                        source_sink_index[cu_ray_num, 0],
                        source_sink_index[cu_ray_num, 1],
                    time_index + index,
                    excitation[index] * abs(ray_component[2]),
                index += 1

def pathlength(network_index, point_information, distances):

    cu_ray_num = cuda.grid(1)  # alias for threadIdx.x + ( blockIdx.x * blockDim.x ),
    #           threadIdx.y + ( blockIdx.y * blockDim.y )
    # margin=1e-5
    i = 0  # emulate a C-style for-loop, exposing the idx increment logic
    # ray_components[cu_ray_num,:]=0.0
    # print(cu_ray_num,sink_index)
    while i < (network_index.shape[1] - 1):
        if i == 0:
            lengths = float(0)
            lengths = calc_sep(
                point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1],
                point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1],
        elif (
            (i != 0)
            and (network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] != 0)
            and (i < (network_index.shape[1] - 1))
            temp = lengths
            lengths = calc_sep(
                point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1],
                point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1],
            if temp == lengths:
                print("error", network_index[cu_ray_num, i], lengths)

        i += 1

    distances[cu_ray_num] = lengths

def polarmixing(network_index, point_information, polar_coefficients):

    cu_ray_num = cuda.grid(1)  # alias for threadIdx.x + ( blockIdx.x * blockDim.x ),
    #           threadIdx.y + ( blockIdx.y * blockDim.y )
    # margin=1e-5
    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    ray_component = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=np.complex64)
    i = 0  # emulate a C-style for-loop, exposing the idx increment logic
    # ray_components[cu_ray_num,:]=0.0
    # print(scattering_matrix.shape[0],scattering_matrix.shape[1])
    while i < (network_index.shape[1] - 1):
        # print(i,cu_ray_num,network_index[cu_ray_num,i],network_index[cu_ray_num,i+1])
        if i == 0:
            # lengths=calc_sep(point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num,i]-1],point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num,i+1]-1],lengths)
            if point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["Electric"]:
                ray_component[0] = point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1][
                ray_component[1] = point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1][
                ray_component[2] = point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1][

                source_impedance = cmath.sqrt(
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1][
                    / point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1][
                # noinspection PyTypeChecker
                outgoing_dir = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=np.complex64)
                outgoing_dir = calc_dv(
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1],
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1],
                ray_component[0], ray_component[1], ray_component[2] = cross(
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["ex"],
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["ey"],
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["ez"],
                ray_component[0] = ray_component[0] / source_impedance
                ray_component[1] = ray_component[1] / source_impedance
                ray_component[2] = ray_component[2] / source_impedance

        elif i != 0:
            # noinspection PyTypeChecker
            normal = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=np.complex64)
            normal[0] = point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["nx"]
            normal[1] = point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["ny"]
            normal[2] = point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["nz"]
            ray_component = sourcelaunchtransformGPU(
                ray_component, point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i]], normal

        if network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] != 0:
            #     #print(i,cu_ray_num,network_index[cu_ray_num,i],network_index[cu_ray_num,i+1])
            #     #convert source point field to ray
            # noinspection PyTypeChecker
            outgoing_dir = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=np.complex64)
            outgoing_dir = calc_dv(
                point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1],
                point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1],
            ray_component = sourcelaunchtransformGPU(
                point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1],

            #     #project ray field onto scatter surface if it is a scatter point
            #     #if (i!=0) and (network_index[cu_ray_num,i+1]!=0) and (i < (network_index.shape[1]-1)):
            #         #print('scatter point',i,cu_ray_num,network_index[cu_ray_num,i],network_index[cu_ray_num,i+1],abs(ray_component[0]),abs(ray_component[1]),abs(ray_component[2]))
            #     #    outgoing_dir = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=complex64)
            #     #    outgoing_dir[0]=point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num,i+1]-1]['nx']
            #     #    outgoing_dir[1]=point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num,i+1]-1]['ny']
            #     #    outgoing_dir[2]=point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num,i+1]-1]['nz']
            #     #    ray_component=sourcelaunchtransformGPU(ray_component,point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num,i+1]],outgoing_dir)
            #     #else:
            #         #print('end point',network_index[cu_ray_num,i],network_index[cu_ray_num,i+1],abs(ray_component[0]),abs(ray_component[1]),abs(ray_component[2]))

            ray_component[0] = (
                * point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1]["ex"]
            ray_component[1] = (
                * point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1]["ey"]
            ray_component[2] = (
                * point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1]["ez"]

        i = i + 1

    polar_coefficients[cu_ray_num, 0] = ray_component[0]
    polar_coefficients[cu_ray_num, 1] = ray_component[1]
    polar_coefficients[cu_ray_num, 2] = ray_component[2]

def pp(network_index, point_information, polar_coefficients, paths):

    cu_ray_num = cuda.grid(1)  # alias for threadIdx.x + ( blockIdx.x * blockDim.x ),
    #           threadIdx.y + ( blockIdx.y * blockDim.y )
    # margin=1e-5
    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    ray_component = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=np.complex64)
    i = 0  # emulate a C-style for-loop, exposing the idx increment logic
    # ray_components[cu_ray_num,:]=0.0
    # print(scattering_matrix.shape[0],scattering_matrix.shape[1])
    while i < (network_index.shape[1] - 1):
        # print(i,cu_ray_num,network_index[cu_ray_num,i],network_index[cu_ray_num,i+1])
        if i == 0:
            # lengths=calc_sep(point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num,i]-1],point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num,i+1]-1],lengths)
            if point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["Electric"]:
                ray_component[0] = point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1][
                ray_component[1] = point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1][
                ray_component[2] = point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1][

                source_impedance = cmath.sqrt(
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1][
                    / point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1][
                # noinspection PyTypeChecker
                outgoing_dir = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=np.complex64)
                outgoing_dir = calc_dv(
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1],
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1],
                ray_component[0], ray_component[1], ray_component[2] = cross(
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["ex"],
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["ey"],
                    point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["ez"],
                ray_component[0] = ray_component[0] / source_impedance
                ray_component[1] = ray_component[1] / source_impedance
                ray_component[2] = ray_component[2] / source_impedance
            lengths = float(0)
            lengths = calc_sep(
                point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1],
                point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1],
        elif i != 0:
            # noinspection PyTypeChecker
            normal = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=np.complex64)
            normal[0] = point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["nx"]
            normal[1] = point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["ny"]
            normal[2] = point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1]["nz"]
            ray_component = sourcelaunchtransformGPU(
                ray_component, point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i]], normal
            # temp=lengths
            lengths = calc_sep(
                point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1],
                point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1],

        if network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] != 0:
            #     #print(i,cu_ray_num,network_index[cu_ray_num,i],network_index[cu_ray_num,i+1])
            #     #convert source point field to ray
            # noinspection PyTypeChecker
            outgoing_dir = cuda.local.array(shape=(3), dtype=np.complex64)
            outgoing_dir = calc_dv(
                point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1],
                point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1],
            ray_component = sourcelaunchtransformGPU(
                point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i] - 1],

            ray_component[0] = (
                * point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1]["ex"]
            ray_component[1] = (
                * point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1]["ey"]
            ray_component[2] = (
                * point_information[network_index[cu_ray_num, i + 1] - 1]["ez"]

        i = i + 1

    polar_coefficients[cu_ray_num, 0] = ray_component[0]
    polar_coefficients[cu_ray_num, 1] = ray_component[1]
    polar_coefficients[cu_ray_num, 2] = ray_component[2]
    paths[cu_ray_num] = lengths

def EMGPUSummation(scattering_matrix, full_rays, depth_slice, source_index):
    source_num = source_index[1]
    sink_index = cuda.grid(1)
    for array_index in range(full_rays.shape[0]):
        if depth_slice[array_index, 0] - 1 == source_index[0]:
            if depth_slice[array_index, 1] - source_num - 1 == sink_index:
                scattering_matrix[sink_index, 0] = (
                    scattering_matrix[sink_index, 0] + full_rays[array_index, 0]
                scattering_matrix[sink_index, 1] = (
                    scattering_matrix[sink_index, 1] + full_rays[array_index, 1]
                scattering_matrix[sink_index, 2] = (
                    scattering_matrix[sink_index, 2] + full_rays[array_index, 2]

# def soundingTDZC(N,R):
#    """
#    Generates a time domain Zadoff-Chu sequence of length N, and parameter R for use in channel sounding.
#    The main benefit is that when shifted by a symbol, it has a very low cross corellation.
#    Parameters
#    ----------
#    N : TYPE
#    R : TYPE
#    Returns
#    -------
#    TYPE
#        DESCRIPTION.#
#    """
#    #complex frequency domain sequence
#    y=np.zeros((N),dtype=np.complex64)
#    y=np.exp(-1j*R*np.pi())*(0:N-1).*((0:N-1)+bitand(N,1)+2*Q)/N)
#    return

def EMGPUJointPathLengthandPolar(source_num, sink_num, full_index, point_information):
    wrapper for the GPU EM processer, outputting the resultant ray components as lengths, allowing for the whole thing to be sorted again.
    At present, the indexing only supports processing the rays for line of sight and single bounce, but that will be sorted quite quickly
    full_index : int array
        index of all successful rays
    point_information : TYPE
    wavelength : TYPE

    resultant_rays : TYPE

    # cuda.select_device(0)
    # network_index,point_information,ray_components
    ray_num = full_index.shape[0]
    threads_in_block = 256
    max_blocks = 65535
    maximum_chunk_size = 2 ** 8
    path_lengths = np.zeros((ray_num), dtype=np.float32)
    polar_coefficients = np.ones((ray_num, 3), dtype=np.complex64)
    d_point_information = cuda.device_array(
        point_information.shape[0], dtype=base_types.scattering_t
    d_point_information = cuda.to_device(point_information)
    # divide in terms of a block for each source, then

    d_full_index = cuda.device_array(
        (full_index.shape[0], full_index.shape[1]), dtype=np.int64
    # d_paths=cuda.device_array((path_lengths.shape[0]),dtype=np.float32)
    # d_polar_c=cuda.device_array((polar_coefficients.shape),dtype=np.complex64)
    paths = cp.zeros((path_lengths.shape[0]), dtype=np.float32)
    polar_c = cp.zeros((polar_coefficients.shape), dtype=np.complex64)
    d_full_index = cuda.to_device(full_index)
    # Here, we choose the granularity of the threading on our device. We want
    # to try to cover the entire workload of rays and targets with simulatenous threads, so we'll
    # choose a grid of (source_num/16. target_num/16) blocks, each with (16, 16) threads

    grids = math.ceil(full_index.shape[0] / threads_in_block)
    threads = threads_in_block
    # print(grids,' blocks, ',threads,' threads')
    # Execute the kernel
    # cuda.profile_start()
    polaranddistance[grids, threads](d_full_index, d_point_information, polar_c, paths)
    # cuda.profile_stop()
    # ray_components[ray_chunks[n]:ray_chunks[n+1],:]=d_scatter_matrix.copy_to_host()
    # distmap[source_chunks[n]:source_chunks[n+1],target_chunks[m]:target_chunks[m+1]] = d_distmap_chunked.copy_to_host()
    # first_ray_payload[ray_chunks[n]:ray_chunks[n+1]]=d_chunk_payload.copy_to_host()
    # resultant_rays[ray_chunks[n]:ray_chunks[n+1],:]=d_channels.copy_to_host()
    # chunks=np.linspace(0,path_lengths.shape[0],math.ceil(path_lengths.shape[0]/maximum_chunk_size)+1,dtype=np.int32)
    # for n in range(chunks.shape[0]-1):
    # polar_coefficients=d_polar_c.copy_to_host()
    polar_coefficients = cp.asnumpy(polar_c)
    path_lengths = cp.asnumpy(paths)
    # path_lengths=d_paths.copy_to_host()
    # print('Polar Mixing Progress {:3.0f}%'.format((source_index/source_num)*100))

    return path_lengths, polar_coefficients

[docs]def EMGPUFreqDomain(source_num, sink_num, full_index, point_information, wavelength): """ Wrapper for the GPU EM processer At present, the indexing only supports processing the rays for line of sight and single or double bounces Parameters ----------- source_num : (int) the number of source points sink_num : (int) the number of sink points full_index : (2D numpy array of ints) index of all successful rays point_information : :type:`lyceanem.base_types.scattering_point` the point information contains the amplitude exciation for the sources, and the positions and normal vectors for all points, together with electromangetic properties, however, the general assumption of this model is that there is only freespace and metal interacting. wavelength : (float) the wavelength of interest Returns ------- scattering_network_comp : (2D numpy array, complex) the resultant scattering network for the provided ray paths """ #ctx = cuda.current_context() #ctx.reset() free_mem, total_mem = cuda.current_context().get_memory_info() max_mem = np.ceil(free_mem).astype(np.int64) ray_num = full_index.shape[0] threads_in_block = 256 # divide in terms of a block for each source, then depthslice, _ = targettingindex(copy.deepcopy(full_index)) memory_requirements=(source_num*sink_num*3*2*8)+depthslice.size*8+full_index.size*8 if memory_requirements>=(0.95*free_mem): #chunking required #print("Number of Chunks",np.ceil(memory_requirements/max_mem).astype(int)+1) #create chunks based upon number of chunks required num_chunks=np.ceil(memory_requirements / max_mem).astype(int) + 1 source_chunking = np.linspace(0, source_num, num_chunks + 1).astype(np.int32) scattering_network = np.zeros( (source_num, sink_num, 3, 2), dtype=np.float64, ) d_point_information = cuda.device_array( point_information.shape[0], dtype=base_types.scattering_t ) d_point_information = cuda.to_device(point_information) d_wavelength = cuda.device_array((1), dtype=np.complex64) d_wavelength = cuda.to_device( np.csingle(np.ones((1), dtype=np.complex64) * wavelength) ) #print(source_chunking) #print(np.max(depthslice, axis=0)) #print(np.min(depthslice, axis=0)) for chunk_index in range(num_chunks): sources = np.linspace( source_chunking[chunk_index] + 1, source_chunking[chunk_index + 1], source_chunking[chunk_index + 1] - source_chunking[chunk_index], ).astype(np.int64) #temp_depthslice=copy.deepcopy(depthslice[np.isin(depthslice[:, 0], sources), :]) temp_index = copy.deepcopy(full_index[np.isin(full_index[:, 0], sources), :]) #temp_depthslice=copy.deepcopy(depthslice[np.logical_and(depthslice[:,0]>= source_chunking[chunk_index], depthslice[:,0] <= source_chunking[chunk_index+1]),:]) #temp_index = copy.deepcopy(full_index[np.logical_and(depthslice[:, 0] >= source_chunking[chunk_index], # depthslice[:, 0] <= source_chunking[ # chunk_index + 1]), :]) temp_scattering_network = cp.zeros( (source_chunking[chunk_index+1]-source_chunking[chunk_index], sink_num, 3, 2), dtype=np.float64, ) #make adjustments to the index to ensure the rays are routed correctly temp_depthslice, _ = targettingindex(copy.deepcopy(temp_index)) temp_depthslice[:, 0] -= 1 + source_chunking[chunk_index] temp_depthslice[:, 1] -= source_num + 1 #temp_depthslice[:,0]-=(source_chunking[chunk_index]+1) #temp_depthslice[:,1] -=source_num + 1 #print(np.max(temp_depthslice, axis=0)) #print(np.min(temp_depthslice, axis=0)) #d_temp_target_index = cuda.device_array( # (temp_depthslice.shape[0], temp_depthslice.shape[1]), dtype=np.int64 #) d_temp_target_index = cuda.to_device(temp_depthslice) #d_temp_index = cuda.device_array( # (temp_index.shape[0], temp_index.shape[1]), dtype=np.int64 #) d_temp_index = cuda.to_device(temp_index) # Here, we choose the granularity of the threading on our device. We want # to try to cover the entire workload of rays and targets with simulatenous threads, so we'll # choose a grid of (source_num/16. target_num/16) blocks, each with (16, 16) threads # d_scattering_network = cuda.to_device(scattering_network) grids = math.ceil(temp_index.shape[0] / threads_in_block) threads = threads_in_block # print(grids,' blocks, ',threads,' threads') # Execute the kernel # cuda.profile_start() freqdomainkernal[grids, threads]( d_temp_index, d_point_information, d_temp_target_index, d_wavelength, temp_scattering_network, ) # polaranddistance(d_full_index,d_point_information,polar_c,paths) # cuda.profile_stop() # ray_components[ray_chunks[n]:ray_chunks[n+1],:]=d_scatter_matrix.copy_to_host() # distmap[source_chunks[n]:source_chunks[n+1],target_chunks[m]:target_chunks[m+1]] = d_distmap_chunked.copy_to_host() # first_ray_payload[ray_chunks[n]:ray_chunks[n+1]]=d_chunk_payload.copy_to_host() # resultant_rays[ray_chunks[n]:ray_chunks[n+1],:]=d_channels.copy_to_host() # chunks=np.linspace(0,path_lengths.shape[0],math.ceil(path_lengths.shape[0]/maximum_chunk_size)+1,dtype=np.int32) # for n in range(chunks.shape[0]-1): # polar_coefficients=d_polar_c.copy_to_host() scattering_network[source_chunking[chunk_index]:source_chunking[chunk_index+1],:,:,:] = cp.asnumpy(temp_scattering_network) #test= cp.asnumpy(temp_scattering_network) #print(temp_scattering_network.shape) del temp_scattering_network, d_temp_index, d_temp_target_index scattering_network_comp = scattering_network.view(dtype=np.complex128)[..., 0] else: #free to process depthslice[:, 0] -= 1 depthslice[:, 1] -= source_num + 1 #scattering_network = np.zeros((source_num, sink_num, 3, 2), dtype=np.float64) d_scattering_network = cp.zeros( (source_num, sink_num, 3, 2), dtype=np.float64, ) #d_scattering_network[:,:,:,:]=0.0 d_point_information = cuda.device_array( point_information.shape[0], dtype=base_types.scattering_t ) d_point_information = cuda.to_device(point_information) d_wavelength = cuda.device_array((1), dtype=np.complex64) d_wavelength = cuda.to_device( np.csingle(np.ones((1), dtype=np.complex64) * wavelength) ) d_target_index = cuda.device_array( (depthslice.shape[0], depthslice.shape[1]), dtype=np.int64 ) d_target_index = cuda.to_device(depthslice) d_full_index = cuda.device_array( (full_index.shape[0], full_index.shape[1]), dtype=np.int64 ) # d_paths=cuda.device_array((path_lengths.shape[0]),dtype=np.float32) # d_polar_c=cuda.device_array((polar_coefficients.shape),dtype=np.complex64) # paths=cp.zeros((path_lengths.shape[0]),dtype=np.float32) # polar_c=cp.zeros((polar_coefficients.shape),dtype=np.complex64) d_full_index = cuda.to_device(full_index) # Here, we choose the granularity of the threading on our device. We want # to try to cover the entire workload of rays and targets with simulatenous threads, so we'll # choose a grid of (source_num/16. target_num/16) blocks, each with (16, 16) threads #d_scattering_network = cuda.to_device(scattering_network) grids = math.ceil(full_index.shape[0] / threads_in_block) threads = threads_in_block # print(grids,' blocks, ',threads,' threads') # Execute the kernel # cuda.profile_start() freqdomainkernal[grids, threads]( d_full_index, d_point_information, d_target_index, d_wavelength, d_scattering_network, ) # polaranddistance(d_full_index,d_point_information,polar_c,paths) # cuda.profile_stop() # ray_components[ray_chunks[n]:ray_chunks[n+1],:]=d_scatter_matrix.copy_to_host() # distmap[source_chunks[n]:source_chunks[n+1],target_chunks[m]:target_chunks[m+1]] = d_distmap_chunked.copy_to_host() # first_ray_payload[ray_chunks[n]:ray_chunks[n+1]]=d_chunk_payload.copy_to_host() # resultant_rays[ray_chunks[n]:ray_chunks[n+1],:]=d_channels.copy_to_host() # chunks=np.linspace(0,path_lengths.shape[0],math.ceil(path_lengths.shape[0]/maximum_chunk_size)+1,dtype=np.int32) # for n in range(chunks.shape[0]-1): # polar_coefficients=d_polar_c.copy_to_host() scattering_network = cp.asnumpy(d_scattering_network) scattering_network_comp = scattering_network.view(dtype=np.complex128)[..., 0] # scattering_network_comp = scattering_network[:, :, :, 0] + scattering_network[:, :, :, 1] * 1j # path_lengths=d_paths.copy_to_host() # print('Polar Mixing Progress {:3.0f}%'.format((source_index/source_num)*100)) #ctx.reset() return scattering_network_comp
def IsoGPUFreqDomain(source_num, sink_num, full_index, point_information, wavelength): """ wrapper for the GPU EM processer, outputting the resultant ray components as lengths, allowing for the whole thing to be sorted again. At present, the indexing only supports processing the rays for line of sight and single bounce, but that will be sorted quite quickly Parameters ---------- full_index : int array index of all successful rays point_information : TYPE DESCRIPTION. wavelength : TYPE DESCRIPTION. Returns ------- resultant_rays : TYPE DESCRIPTION. """ # cuda.select_device(0) # network_index,point_information,ray_components ray_num = full_index.shape[0] threads_in_block = 256 max_blocks = 65535 maximum_chunk_size = 2 ** 8 path_lengths = np.zeros((ray_num), dtype=np.float32) test_d = cuda.device_array((path_lengths.shape[0]), dtype=np.float64) scattering_network = np.zeros((source_num, sink_num, 3, 2), dtype=np.float64) d_scattering_network = cuda.device_array( ( scattering_network.shape[0], scattering_network.shape[1], scattering_network.shape[2], scattering_network.shape[3], ), dtype=np.float64, ) d_scattering_network = cuda.to_device(scattering_network) d_point_information = cuda.device_array( point_information.shape[0], dtype=base_types.scattering_t ) d_point_information = cuda.to_device(point_information) d_wavelength = cuda.device_array((1), dtype=np.complex64) d_wavelength = cuda.to_device( np.csingle(np.ones((1), dtype=np.complex64) * wavelength) ) # divide in terms of a block for each source, then depthslice, _ = targettingindex(copy.deepcopy(full_index)) depthslice[:, 0] -= 1 depthslice[:, 1] -= source_num + 1 d_target_index = cuda.device_array( (depthslice.shape[0], depthslice.shape[1]), dtype=np.int64 ) d_target_index = cuda.to_device(depthslice) d_full_index = cuda.device_array( (full_index.shape[0], full_index.shape[1]), dtype=np.int64 ) # d_paths=cuda.device_array((path_lengths.shape[0]),dtype=np.float32) # d_polar_c=cuda.device_array((polar_coefficients.shape),dtype=np.complex64) # paths=cp.zeros((path_lengths.shape[0]),dtype=np.float32) # polar_c=cp.zeros((polar_coefficients.shape),dtype=np.complex64) d_full_index = cuda.to_device(full_index) # Here, we choose the granularity of the threading on our device. We want # to try to cover the entire workload of rays and targets with simulatenous threads, so we'll # choose a grid of (source_num/16. target_num/16) blocks, each with (16, 16) threads grids = math.ceil(full_index.shape[0] / threads_in_block) threads = threads_in_block # print(grids,' blocks, ',threads,' threads') # Execute the kernel # cuda.profile_start() freqdomainisokernal[grids, threads]( d_full_index, point_information, d_target_index, wavelength, d_scattering_network, ) # polaranddistance(d_full_index,d_point_information,polar_c,paths) # cuda.profile_stop() # ray_components[ray_chunks[n]:ray_chunks[n+1],:]=d_scatter_matrix.copy_to_host() # distmap[source_chunks[n]:source_chunks[n+1],target_chunks[m]:target_chunks[m+1]] = d_distmap_chunked.copy_to_host() # first_ray_payload[ray_chunks[n]:ray_chunks[n+1]]=d_chunk_payload.copy_to_host() # resultant_rays[ray_chunks[n]:ray_chunks[n+1],:]=d_channels.copy_to_host() # chunks=np.linspace(0,path_lengths.shape[0],math.ceil(path_lengths.shape[0]/maximum_chunk_size)+1,dtype=np.int32) # for n in range(chunks.shape[0]-1): # polar_coefficients=d_polar_c.copy_to_host() scattering_network = cp.asnumpy(d_scattering_network) scattering_network_comp = ( scattering_network[:, :, :, 0] + scattering_network[:, :, :, 1] * 1j ) # path_lengths=d_paths.copy_to_host() # print('Polar Mixing Progress {:3.0f}%'.format((source_index/source_num)*100)) return scattering_network_comp def EMWrapperMerged( source_num, sink_num, point_informationv2, full_index, scattering_coefficient, wavelength, ): # diff_sources=np.size(np.unique(full_index[:,0])) paths, polar_coefficients = EMGPUJointPathLengthandPolar( source_num, sink_num, full_index, point_informationv2 ) # polar_coefficients=EMGPUPolarMixing(source_num,sink_num,full_index,point_informationv2) # ray_components=EM.EMGPUWrapper(num_sources,num_sinks,full_index,point_informationv2,wavelength) depthslice, scatter_index = targettingindex(full_index) loss = pathloss(paths, wavelength) * ( np.abs(np.power(scattering_coefficient, scatter_index - 1)) * np.exp(-1j * np.pi) ) full_rays = loss.reshape(loss.shape[0], 1) * polar_coefficients if full_index.shape[1] == 2: depth_slicelos = full_index scatter_map2 = RF.scatter_net_sortEM( source_num, sink_num, np.zeros((source_num, sink_num, 3, 1), dtype=np.complex64), depth_slicelos, full_rays, 0, ) elif full_index.shape[1] == 3: depth_slicelos = depthslice[scatter_index == 1, :] depth_slicebounce = depthslice[scatter_index == 2, :] scatter_map2 = RF.scatter_net_sortEM( source_num, sink_num, np.zeros((source_num, sink_num, 3, 2), dtype=np.complex64), depth_slicelos, full_rays[scatter_index == 1, :], 0, ) scatter_map2 = RF.scatter_net_sortEM( source_num, sink_num, scatter_map2, depth_slicebounce, full_rays[scatter_index == 2, :], 1, ) elif full_index.shape[1] == 4: depth_slicelos = depthslice[scatter_index == 1, :] depth_slicebounce1 = depthslice[scatter_index == 2, :] depth_slicebounce2 = depthslice[scatter_index == 3, :] scatter_map2 = RF.scatter_net_sortEM( source_num, sink_num, np.zeros((source_num, sink_num, 3, 3), dtype=np.complex64), depth_slicelos, full_rays[scatter_index == 1, :], 0, ) scatter_map2 = RF.scatter_net_sortEM( source_num, sink_num, scatter_map2, depth_slicebounce1, full_rays[scatter_index == 2, :], 1, ) scatter_map2 = RF.scatter_net_sortEM( source_num, sink_num, scatter_map2, depth_slicebounce2, full_rays[scatter_index == 3, :], 1, ) # deallocate memory on gpu ctx = cuda.current_context() deallocs = ctx.deallocations deallocs.clear() return scatter_map2 # @njit def time_indexing(arr, starting_num, arr_length, fill_value=0.0): if arr_length < arr.shape[0]: return np.pad( arr, (starting_num, 0), "constant", constant_values=(fill_value, fill_value) )[0:arr_length] else: return np.pad( arr, (starting_num, arr_length - arr.shape[0]), "constant", constant_values=(fill_value, fill_value), )[0:arr_length] @njit(cache=True, nogil=True) def time_sortingv2( source_num, sink_num, time_steps, depthslice, loss, polar, time_map, excitation_signal, ): for sink_index in range(sink_num): sink_slice = time_steps[depthslice[:, 1] == sink_index + source_num + 1] temp_loss = loss[depthslice[:, 1] == sink_index + source_num + 1] temp_polar = polar[depthslice[:, 1] == sink_index + source_num + 1, :] for slice_index in range(len(sink_slice)): if sink_slice[slice_index] + excitation_signal.shape[0] > time_map.shape[2]: end_point = time_map.shape[2] - sink_slice[slice_index] time_map[sink_index, 0, sink_slice[slice_index] :] = ( time_map[sink_index, 0, sink_slice[slice_index] :] + temp_polar[slice_index, 0] * temp_loss[slice_index] * excitation_signal[0:end_point] ) time_map[sink_index, 1, sink_slice[slice_index] :] = ( time_map[sink_index, 1, sink_slice[slice_index] :] + temp_polar[slice_index, 1] * temp_loss[slice_index] * excitation_signal[0:end_point] ) time_map[sink_index, 2, sink_slice[slice_index] :] = ( time_map[sink_index, 2, sink_slice[slice_index] :] + temp_polar[slice_index, 2] * temp_loss[slice_index] * excitation_signal[0:end_point] ) else: time_map[ sink_index, 0, sink_slice[slice_index] : sink_slice[slice_index] + excitation_signal.shape[0], ] = ( time_map[ sink_index, 0, sink_slice[slice_index] : sink_slice[slice_index] + excitation_signal.shape[0], ] + temp_polar[slice_index, 0] * temp_loss[slice_index] * excitation_signal ) time_map[ sink_index, 1, sink_slice[slice_index] : sink_slice[slice_index] + excitation_signal.shape[0], ] = ( time_map[ sink_index, 1, sink_slice[slice_index] : sink_slice[slice_index] + excitation_signal.shape[0], ] + temp_polar[slice_index, 1] * temp_loss[slice_index] * excitation_signal ) time_map[ sink_index, 2, sink_slice[slice_index] : sink_slice[slice_index] + excitation_signal.shape[0], ] = ( time_map[ sink_index, 2, sink_slice[slice_index] : sink_slice[slice_index] + excitation_signal.shape[0], ] + temp_polar[slice_index, 2] * temp_loss[slice_index] * excitation_signal ) # time_map[sink_index,0,:]=time_map[sink_index,0,:]+temp_polar[slice_index,0]*temp*temp_loss[slice_index] # time_map[sink_index,1,:]=time_map[sink_index,1,:]+temp_polar[slice_index,1]*temp*temp_loss[slice_index] # time_map[sink_index,2,:]=time_map[sink_index,2,:]+temp_polar[slice_index,2]*temp*temp_loss[slice_index] return time_map def time_sorting( source_num, sink_num, time_steps, depthslice, loss, polar, time_map, excitation_signal, ): for sink_index in range(sink_num): sink_slice = time_steps[depthslice[:, 1] == sink_index + source_num + 1] temp_loss = loss[depthslice[:, 1] == sink_index + source_num + 1] temp_polar = polar[depthslice[:, 1] == sink_index + source_num + 1, :] for slice_index in range(len(sink_slice)): temp = time_indexing( excitation_signal, sink_slice[slice_index], time_map.shape[2] ) time_map[sink_index, 0, :] = ( time_map[sink_index, 0, :] + temp_polar[slice_index, 0] * temp * temp_loss[slice_index] ) time_map[sink_index, 1, :] = ( time_map[sink_index, 1, :] + temp_polar[slice_index, 1] * temp * temp_loss[slice_index] ) time_map[sink_index, 2, :] = ( time_map[sink_index, 2, :] + temp_polar[slice_index, 2] * temp * temp_loss[slice_index] ) return time_map def TimeDomain( source_num, sink_num, point_informationv2, full_index, scattering_coefficient, wavelength, excitation_signal, sampling_freq, num_samples, ): # use the path networks to generate a time domain polarimetric plot, representing voltage received in each polarisation time_map = np.zeros((sink_num, 3, num_samples), dtype=np.float32) time_index = np.linspace(0, (1 / sampling_freq) * num_samples, num_samples) # paths=EMGPUPathLengths(source_num,sink_num,full_index,point_informationv2) # polar_coefficients=np.abs(EMGPUPolarMixing(source_num,sink_num,full_index,point_informationv2)) # paths,polar_coefficients=EMGPUPathandPolarMixing(source_num,sink_num,full_index,point_informationv2) paths, polar_coefficients = EMGPUJointPathLengthandPolar( source_num, sink_num, full_index, point_informationv2 ) arrival_times = paths / scipy.constants.c time_ref = np.min(arrival_times) time_spread = (np.max(paths) - np.min(paths)) / scipy.constants.c # print(time_spread,' seconds') # print((np.max(paths)-np.min(paths)/3e8),' seconds') # time_ref=0.0 time_steps = np.digitize(arrival_times, time_index) # print(np.max(time_steps)-np.min(time_steps)) depthslice, scatter_index = targettingindex(full_index) loss = np.abs( pathlossv2(paths, wavelength) * ( np.abs(np.power(scattering_coefficient, scatter_index - 1)) * np.exp(-1j * np.pi) ) ) # for sink_index in range(sink_num): # sink_slice=time_steps[depthslice[:,1]==sink_index+source_num+1] # temp_loss=loss[depthslice[:,1]==sink_index+source_num+1] # for slice_index in range(len(sink_slice)): # time_map[sink_index,0,:]=time_map[sink_index,0,:]+time_indexing(excitation_signal,sink_slice[0],num_samples) time_map = time_sortingv2( source_num, sink_num, time_steps, depthslice, loss, np.abs(polar_coefficients), time_map, excitation_signal, ) return time_map, time_ref def TimeDomainv2( source_num, sink_num, point_informationv2, full_index, scattering_coefficient, wavelength, excitation_signal, sampling_freq, num_samples, ): """ New wrapper to run time domain propagation on the GPU, allowing for faster simulations. This model is static, as the points do not currently allow for motion vectors Parameters ---------- source_num : int DESCRIPTION. sink_num : int DESCRIPTION. point_informationv2 : point data type currently has position, normal vector, and electric weighting in each axis, to allow for polarised scattering. full_index : int array index of all sucesful ray paths from source (1 to source_num+1), to sink (source_num+1 to sink_num+source_num+1), with all intermediate steps scattering_coefficient : float allows for exploration of different spreading factors wavelength : float wavelength of the central frequency excitation_signal : float array the excitation signal, sampled at sampling_freq rate. sampling_freq : float the sampling frequency in Hz num_samples : TYPE the number of samples required from the first incoming wave Returns ------- time_map : array of floats an array of floats of size source_num * sink_num * num_samples * 3 to contain the 3D polarised information in the time domain wake_time : float the time in seconds that the earliest return arrived at the sinks """ ray_num = full_index.shape[0] threads_in_block = 256 max_blocks = 65535 maximum_chunk_size = 2 ** 8 path_lengths = np.zeros((ray_num), dtype=np.float32) time_map = np.zeros((source_num, sink_num, num_samples, 3), dtype=np.float64) print(time_map.nbytes) d_time_map = cuda.device_array( (time_map.shape[0], time_map.shape[1], time_map.shape[2], time_map.shape[3]), dtype=np.float64, ) d_time_map = cuda.to_device(time_map) d_point_information = cuda.device_array( point_informationv2.shape[0], dtype=base_types.scattering_t ) d_point_information = cuda.to_device(point_informationv2) d_excitation = cuda.device_array(excitation_signal.shape[0], dtype=np.float64) d_excitation = cuda.to_device(excitation_signal) d_wavelength = cuda.device_array((1), dtype=np.complex64) d_wavelength = cuda.to_device(np.ones((1), dtype=np.float64) * wavelength) d_sampling_freq = cuda.device_array((1), dtype=np.float64) d_sampling_freq = cuda.to_device(np.ones((1), dtype=np.float64) * sampling_freq) d_wake_time = cuda.device_array((1), dtype=np.float64) d_wake_time = cuda.to_device(np.ones((1), dtype=np.float64)) d_arrival_times = cuda.device_array(full_index.shape[0], dtype=np.float64) d_arrival_times = cuda.to_device(np.zeros(full_index.shape[0], dtype=np.float64)) # divide in terms of a block for each source, then depthslice, _ = targettingindex(copy.deepcopy(full_index)) depthslice[:, 0] -= 1 depthslice[:, 1] -= source_num + 1 d_target_index = cuda.device_array( (depthslice.shape[0], depthslice.shape[1]), dtype=np.int64 ) d_target_index = cuda.to_device(depthslice) d_full_index = cuda.device_array( (full_index.shape[0], full_index.shape[1]), dtype=np.int64 ) # d_paths=cuda.device_array((path_lengths.shape[0]),dtype=np.float32) # d_polar_c=cuda.device_array((polar_coefficients.shape),dtype=np.complex64) # paths=cp.zeros((path_lengths.shape[0]),dtype=np.float32) # polar_c=cp.zeros((polar_coefficients.shape),dtype=np.complex64) d_full_index = cuda.to_device(full_index) # Here, we choose the granularity of the threading on our device. We want # to try to cover the entire workload of rays and targets with simulatenous threads, so we'll # choose a grid of (source_num/16. target_num/16) blocks, each with (16, 16) threads grids = math.ceil(full_index.shape[0] / threads_in_block) threads = threads_in_block # print(grids,' blocks, ',threads,' threads') # Execute the kernel # cuda.profile_start() timedomainkernal[grids, threads]( d_full_index, d_point_information, d_target_index, d_wavelength, d_excitation, d_sampling_freq, d_arrival_times, d_wake_time, d_time_map, ) # polaranddistance(d_full_index,d_point_information,polar_c,paths) # cuda.profile_stop() # ray_components[ray_chunks[n]:ray_chunks[n+1],:]=d_scatter_matrix.copy_to_host() # distmap[source_chunks[n]:source_chunks[n+1],target_chunks[m]:target_chunks[m+1]] = d_distmap_chunked.copy_to_host() # first_ray_payload[ray_chunks[n]:ray_chunks[n+1]]=d_chunk_payload.copy_to_host() # resultant_rays[ray_chunks[n]:ray_chunks[n+1],:]=d_channels.copy_to_host() # chunks=np.linspace(0,path_lengths.shape[0],math.ceil(path_lengths.shape[0]/maximum_chunk_size)+1,dtype=np.int32) # for n in range(chunks.shape[0]-1): # polar_coefficients=d_polar_c.copy_to_host() time_map = cp.asnumpy(d_time_map) wake_time = cp.asnumpy(d_wake_time) return time_map, wake_time def TimeDomainv3( source_num, sink_num, point_informationv2, full_index, scattering_coefficient, wavelength, excitation_signal, sampling_freq, num_samples, ): """ New wrapper to run time domain propagation on the GPU, allowing for faster simulations. This model is static, as the points do not currently allow for motion vectors Parameters ---------- source_num : int DESCRIPTION. sink_num : int DESCRIPTION. point_informationv2 : point data type currently has position, normal vector, and electric weighting in each axis, to allow for polarised scattering. full_index : int array index of all succesful ray paths from source (1 to source_num+1), to sink (source_num+1 to sink_num+source_num+1), with all intermediate steps scattering_coefficient : float allows for exploration of different spreading factors wavelength : float wavelength of the central frequency excitation_signal : float array the excitation signal, sampled at sampling_freq rate. sampling_freq : float the sampling frequency in Hz num_samples : TYPE the number of samples required from the first incoming wave Returns ------- time_map : array of floats an array of floats of size source_num * sink_num * num_samples * 3 to contain the 3D polarised information in the time domain wake_time : float the time in seconds that the earliest return arrived at the sinks """ ray_num = full_index.shape[0] threads_in_block = 256 max_blocks = 65535 maximum_chunk_size = 2 ** 8 path_lengths = np.zeros((ray_num), dtype=np.float32) time_map = np.zeros((source_num, sink_num, num_samples, 3), dtype=np.float64) time_step = 1.0 / sampling_freq flag = True if np.ceil(time_map.nbytes / 1e9) > 1: # setup time_map chunking print("source chunking ", time_map.nbytes / 1e9, "Gb") num_chunks = np.ceil(time_map.nbytes / 1e9).astype(np.int32) source_chunking = np.linspace(0, source_num, num_chunks + 1).astype(np.int32) # setup wake time as a second wake_time = np.ones((1), dtype=np.float64) wake_times = np.full((len(source_chunking) - 1), 1, dtype=np.float64) for n in range(len(source_chunking) - 1): # print(n,time_map[source_chunking[n]:source_chunking[n+1],:,:,:].shape) d_temp_map = cuda.device_array( ( time_map[ source_chunking[n] : source_chunking[n + 1], :, :, : ].shape[0], time_map.shape[1], time_map.shape[2], time_map.shape[3], ), dtype=np.float64, ) d_temp_map = cuda.to_device( time_map[source_chunking[n] : source_chunking[n + 1], :, :, :] ) d_point_information = cuda.device_array( point_informationv2.shape[0], dtype=base_types.scattering_t ) d_point_information = cuda.to_device(point_informationv2) d_excitation = cuda.device_array( excitation_signal.shape[0], dtype=np.float64 ) d_excitation = cuda.to_device(excitation_signal) d_wavelength = cuda.device_array((1), dtype=np.complex64) d_wavelength = cuda.to_device(np.ones((1), dtype=np.float64) * wavelength) d_sampling_freq = cuda.device_array((1), dtype=np.float64) d_sampling_freq = cuda.to_device( np.ones((1), dtype=np.float64) * sampling_freq ) d_wake_time = cuda.device_array((1), dtype=np.float64) d_wake_time = cuda.to_device(wake_times) sources = np.linspace( source_chunking[n] + 1, source_chunking[n + 1], source_chunking[n + 1] - source_chunking[n], ).astype(np.int32) temp_index = full_index[np.isin(full_index[:, 0], sources), :] d_arrival_times = cuda.device_array(temp_index.shape[0], dtype=np.float64) d_arrival_times = cuda.to_device( np.zeros(temp_index.shape[0], dtype=np.float64) ) depthslice, _ = targettingindex(copy.deepcopy(temp_index)) depthslice[:, 0] -= 1 + source_chunking[n] depthslice[:, 1] -= source_num + 1 d_target_index = cuda.device_array( (depthslice.shape[0], depthslice.shape[1]), dtype=np.int64 ) d_target_index = cuda.to_device(depthslice) d_full_index = cuda.device_array( (temp_index.shape[0], full_index.shape[1]), dtype=np.int64 ) # d_paths=cuda.device_array((path_lengths.shape[0]),dtype=np.float32) # d_polar_c=cuda.device_array((polar_coefficients.shape),dtype=np.complex64) # paths=cp.zeros((path_lengths.shape[0]),dtype=np.float32) # polar_c=cp.zeros((polar_coefficients.shape),dtype=np.complex64) d_full_index = cuda.to_device(temp_index) # Here, we choose the granularity of the threading on our device. We want # to try to cover the entire workload of rays and targets with simulatenous threads, so we'll # choose a grid of (source_num/16. target_num/16) blocks, each with (16, 16) threads grids = math.ceil(temp_index.shape[0] / threads_in_block) threads = threads_in_block # print(grids,' blocks, ',threads,' threads') # Execute the kernel # cuda.profile_start() timedomainkernal[grids, threads]( d_full_index, d_point_information, d_target_index, d_wavelength, d_excitation, d_sampling_freq, d_arrival_times, d_wake_time, d_temp_map, ) # print(source_chunking[n],source_chunking[n+1]) time_map[source_chunking[n] : source_chunking[n + 1], :, :, :] = cp.asnumpy( d_temp_map ) wake_times[n] = cp.asnumpy(d_wake_time)[0] # calculate seperation and shift former time_map values to ensure sync wake_time = wake_times[n] print(wake_times) else: d_time_map = cuda.device_array( ( time_map.shape[0], time_map.shape[1], time_map.shape[2], time_map.shape[3], ), dtype=np.float64, ) d_time_map = cuda.to_device(time_map) d_point_information = cuda.device_array( point_informationv2.shape[0], dtype=base_types.scattering_t ) d_point_information = cuda.to_device(point_informationv2) d_excitation = cuda.device_array(excitation_signal.shape[0], dtype=np.float64) d_excitation = cuda.to_device(excitation_signal) d_wavelength = cuda.device_array((1), dtype=np.complex64) d_wavelength = cuda.to_device(np.ones((1), dtype=np.float64) * wavelength) d_sampling_freq = cuda.device_array((1), dtype=np.float64) d_sampling_freq = cuda.to_device(np.ones((1), dtype=np.float64) * sampling_freq) d_wake_time = cuda.device_array((1), dtype=np.float64) d_wake_time = cuda.to_device(np.ones((1), dtype=np.float64)) d_arrival_times = cuda.device_array(full_index.shape[0], dtype=np.float64) d_arrival_times = cuda.to_device( np.zeros(full_index.shape[0], dtype=np.float64) ) # divide in terms of a block for each source, then depthslice, _ = targettingindex(copy.deepcopy(full_index)) depthslice[:, 0] -= 1 depthslice[:, 1] -= source_num + 1 d_target_index = cuda.device_array( (depthslice.shape[0], depthslice.shape[1]), dtype=np.int64 ) d_target_index = cuda.to_device(depthslice) d_full_index = cuda.device_array( (full_index.shape[0], full_index.shape[1]), dtype=np.int64 ) # d_paths=cuda.device_array((path_lengths.shape[0]),dtype=np.float32) # d_polar_c=cuda.device_array((polar_coefficients.shape),dtype=np.complex64) # paths=cp.zeros((path_lengths.shape[0]),dtype=np.float32) # polar_c=cp.zeros((polar_coefficients.shape),dtype=np.complex64) d_full_index = cuda.to_device(full_index) # Here, we choose the granularity of the threading on our device. We want # to try to cover the entire workload of rays and targets with simulatenous threads, so we'll # choose a grid of (source_num/16. target_num/16) blocks, each with (16, 16) threads grids = math.ceil(full_index.shape[0] / threads_in_block) threads = threads_in_block # print(grids,' blocks, ',threads,' threads') # Execute the kernel # cuda.profile_start() timedomainkernal[grids, threads]( d_full_index, d_point_information, d_target_index, d_wavelength, d_excitation, d_sampling_freq, d_arrival_times, d_wake_time, d_time_map, ) # polaranddistance(d_full_index,d_point_information,polar_c,paths) # cuda.profile_stop() # ray_components[ray_chunks[n]:ray_chunks[n+1],:]=d_scatter_matrix.copy_to_host() # distmap[source_chunks[n]:source_chunks[n+1],target_chunks[m]:target_chunks[m+1]] = d_distmap_chunked.copy_to_host() # first_ray_payload[ray_chunks[n]:ray_chunks[n+1]]=d_chunk_payload.copy_to_host() # resultant_rays[ray_chunks[n]:ray_chunks[n+1],:]=d_channels.copy_to_host() # chunks=np.linspace(0,path_lengths.shape[0],math.ceil(path_lengths.shape[0]/maximum_chunk_size)+1,dtype=np.int32) # for n in range(chunks.shape[0]-1): # polar_coefficients=d_polar_c.copy_to_host() time_map = cp.asnumpy(d_time_map) wake_times = cp.asnumpy(d_wake_time) if wake_times.size > 1: print(time_map.shape) print(source_chunking) if np.max((wake_times - np.min(wake_times)) / time_step) >= 1.0: corrected_time_map = np.empty_like(time_map) timeadjustments = np.round( (wake_times - np.min(wake_times)) / time_step ).astype(int) for n in range(len(source_chunking) - 1): corrected_time_map[ source_chunking[n] : source_chunking[n + 1], :, : timeadjustments[n], :, ] = 0 corrected_time_map[ source_chunking[n] : source_chunking[n + 1], :, timeadjustments[n] :, :, ] = time_map[ source_chunking[n] : source_chunking[n + 1], :, : -timeadjustments[n], :, ] time_map = corrected_time_map return time_map, wake_times[0] def TimeDomainThetaPhi( source_num, sink_num, point_informationv2, full_index, scattering_coefficient, wavelength, excitation_signal, sampling_freq, num_samples, ): """ New wrapper to run time domain propagation on the GPU, allowing for faster simulations. This model is static, as the points do not currently allow for motion vectors Parameters ---------- source_num : int DESCRIPTION. sink_num : int DESCRIPTION. point_informationv2 : point data type currently has position, normal vector, and electric weighting in each axis, to allow for polarised scattering. full_index : int array index of all sucesful ray paths from source (1 to source_num+1), to sink (source_num+1 to sink_num+source_num+1), with all intermediate steps scattering_coefficient : float allows for exploration of different spreading factors wavelength : float wavelength of the central frequency excitation_signal : float array the excitation signal, sampled at sampling_freq rate. sampling_freq : float the sampling frequency in Hz num_samples : TYPE the number of samples required from the first incoming wave Returns ------- time_map : array of floats an array of floats of size source_num * sink_num * num_samples * 2 to contain the 3D polarised information in the time domain wake_time : float the time in seconds that the earliest return arrived at the sinks """ ray_num = full_index.shape[0] threads_in_block = 256 max_blocks = 65535 maximum_chunk_size = 2 ** 8 path_lengths = np.zeros((ray_num), dtype=np.float32) time_map = np.zeros((source_num, sink_num, num_samples, 2), dtype=np.float64) flag = True if np.ceil(time_map.nbytes / 1e9) > 1: # setup time_map chunking print("source chunking ", time_map.nbytes / 1e9, "Gb") num_chunks = np.ceil(time_map.nbytes / 1e9).astype(np.int32) source_chunking = np.linspace(0, source_num, num_chunks + 1).astype(np.int32) # setup wake time as a second wake_time = np.ones((1), dtype=np.float64) wake_times = np.full((len(source_chunking) - 1), 1, dtype=np.float64) for n in range(len(source_chunking) - 1): # print(n,time_map[source_chunking[n]:source_chunking[n+1],:,:,:].shape) d_temp_map = cuda.device_array( ( time_map[ source_chunking[n] : source_chunking[n + 1], :, :, : ].shape[0], time_map.shape[1], time_map.shape[2], time_map.shape[3], ), dtype=np.float64, ) d_temp_map = cuda.to_device( time_map[source_chunking[n] : source_chunking[n + 1], :, :, :] ) d_point_information = cuda.device_array( point_informationv2.shape[0], dtype=base_types.scattering_t ) d_point_information = cuda.to_device(point_informationv2) d_excitation = cuda.device_array( excitation_signal.shape[0], dtype=np.float64 ) d_excitation = cuda.to_device(excitation_signal) d_wavelength = cuda.device_array((1), dtype=np.complex64) d_wavelength = cuda.to_device(np.ones((1), dtype=np.float64) * wavelength) d_sampling_freq = cuda.device_array((1), dtype=np.float64) d_sampling_freq = cuda.to_device( np.ones((1), dtype=np.float64) * sampling_freq ) d_wake_time = cuda.device_array((1), dtype=np.float64) d_wake_time = cuda.to_device(wake_times) sources = np.linspace( source_chunking[n] + 1, source_chunking[n + 1], source_chunking[n + 1] - source_chunking[n], ).astype(np.int32) temp_index = full_index[np.isin(full_index[:, 0], sources), :] d_arrival_times = cuda.device_array(temp_index.shape[0], dtype=np.float64) d_arrival_times = cuda.to_device( np.zeros(temp_index.shape[0], dtype=np.float64) ) depthslice, _ = targettingindex(copy.deepcopy(temp_index)) depthslice[:, 0] -= 1 + source_chunking[n] depthslice[:, 1] -= source_num + 1 d_target_index = cuda.device_array( (depthslice.shape[0], depthslice.shape[1]), dtype=np.int64 ) d_target_index = cuda.to_device(depthslice) d_full_index = cuda.device_array( (temp_index.shape[0], full_index.shape[1]), dtype=np.int64 ) # d_paths=cuda.device_array((path_lengths.shape[0]),dtype=np.float32) # d_polar_c=cuda.device_array((polar_coefficients.shape),dtype=np.complex64) # paths=cp.zeros((path_lengths.shape[0]),dtype=np.float32) # polar_c=cp.zeros((polar_coefficients.shape),dtype=np.complex64) d_full_index = cuda.to_device(temp_index) # Here, we choose the granularity of the threading on our device. We want # to try to cover the entire workload of rays and targets with simulatenous threads, so we'll # choose a grid of (source_num/16. target_num/16) blocks, each with (16, 16) threads grids = math.ceil(temp_index.shape[0] / threads_in_block) threads = threads_in_block # print(grids,' blocks, ',threads,' threads') # Execute the kernel # cuda.profile_start() timedomainthetaphi[grids, threads]( d_full_index, d_point_information, d_target_index, d_wavelength, d_excitation, d_sampling_freq, d_arrival_times, d_wake_time, d_temp_map, ) # print(source_chunking[n],source_chunking[n+1]) time_map[source_chunking[n] : source_chunking[n + 1], :, :, :] = cp.asnumpy( d_temp_map ) wake_times[n] = cp.asnumpy(d_wake_time)[0] wake_time = wake_times[n] print(wake_times) else: d_time_map = cuda.device_array( ( time_map.shape[0], time_map.shape[1], time_map.shape[2], time_map.shape[3], ), dtype=np.float64, ) d_time_map = cuda.to_device(time_map) d_point_information = cuda.device_array( point_informationv2.shape[0], dtype=base_types.scattering_t ) d_point_information = cuda.to_device(point_informationv2) d_excitation = cuda.device_array(excitation_signal.shape[0], dtype=np.float64) d_excitation = cuda.to_device(excitation_signal) d_wavelength = cuda.device_array((1), dtype=np.complex64) d_wavelength = cuda.to_device(np.ones((1), dtype=np.float64) * wavelength) d_sampling_freq = cuda.device_array((1), dtype=np.float64) d_sampling_freq = cuda.to_device(np.ones((1), dtype=np.float64) * sampling_freq) d_wake_time = cuda.device_array((1), dtype=np.float64) d_wake_time = cuda.to_device(np.ones((1), dtype=np.float64)) d_arrival_times = cuda.device_array(full_index.shape[0], dtype=np.float64) d_arrival_times = cuda.to_device( np.zeros(full_index.shape[0], dtype=np.float64) ) # divide in terms of a block for each source, then depthslice, _ = targettingindex(copy.deepcopy(full_index)) depthslice[:, 0] -= 1 depthslice[:, 1] -= source_num + 1 d_target_index = cuda.device_array( (depthslice.shape[0], depthslice.shape[1]), dtype=np.int64 ) d_target_index = cuda.to_device(depthslice) d_full_index = cuda.device_array( (full_index.shape[0], full_index.shape[1]), dtype=np.int64 ) # d_paths=cuda.device_array((path_lengths.shape[0]),dtype=np.float32) # d_polar_c=cuda.device_array((polar_coefficients.shape),dtype=np.complex64) # paths=cp.zeros((path_lengths.shape[0]),dtype=np.float32) # polar_c=cp.zeros((polar_coefficients.shape),dtype=np.complex64) d_full_index = cuda.to_device(full_index) # Here, we choose the granularity of the threading on our device. We want # to try to cover the entire workload of rays and targets with simulatenous threads, so we'll # choose a grid of (source_num/16. target_num/16) blocks, each with (16, 16) threads grids = math.ceil(full_index.shape[0] / threads_in_block) threads = threads_in_block # print(grids,' blocks, ',threads,' threads') # Execute the kernel # cuda.profile_start() timedomainthetaphi[grids, threads]( d_full_index, d_point_information, d_target_index, d_wavelength, d_excitation, d_sampling_freq, d_arrival_times, d_wake_time, d_time_map, ) # polaranddistance(d_full_index,d_point_information,polar_c,paths) # cuda.profile_stop() # ray_components[ray_chunks[n]:ray_chunks[n+1],:]=d_scatter_matrix.copy_to_host() # distmap[source_chunks[n]:source_chunks[n+1],target_chunks[m]:target_chunks[m+1]] = d_distmap_chunked.copy_to_host() # first_ray_payload[ray_chunks[n]:ray_chunks[n+1]]=d_chunk_payload.copy_to_host() # resultant_rays[ray_chunks[n]:ray_chunks[n+1],:]=d_channels.copy_to_host() # chunks=np.linspace(0,path_lengths.shape[0],math.ceil(path_lengths.shape[0]/maximum_chunk_size)+1,dtype=np.int32) # for n in range(chunks.shape[0]-1): # polar_coefficients=d_polar_c.copy_to_host() time_map = cp.asnumpy(d_time_map) wake_times = cp.asnumpy(d_wake_time) return time_map, wake_times # @njit(cache=True, nogil=True) def targettingindex(full_index): # slice the full index to produce the source and sink index for each ray scatter_index = np.ones((full_index.shape[0]), dtype=np.int64) if full_index.shape[1] == 2: depth_slice = full_index if full_index.shape[1] == 3: depth_slice = full_index[np.all(full_index[:, 2:] == 0, axis=1), :][:, [0, 1]] depth_slice = np.append( depth_slice, full_index[np.all(full_index[:, 2:] != 0, axis=1), :][:, [0, 2]], axis=0, ) scatter_index[np.all(full_index[:, 2:] != 0, axis=1)] = 2 if full_index.shape[1] == 4: depth_slice = full_index[np.all(full_index[:, 2:] == 0, axis=1), :][:, [0, 1]] remainder = full_index[~np.all(full_index[:, 2:] == 0, axis=1), :] depth_slice = np.append( depth_slice, remainder[np.all(remainder[:, 3:] == 0, axis=1), :][:, [0, 2]], axis=0, ) remainder2 = remainder[~np.all(remainder[:, 3:] == 0, axis=1), :] depth_slice = np.append( depth_slice, remainder2[np.all(remainder2[:, 3:] != 0, axis=1), :][:, [0, 3]], axis=0, ) scatter_index[np.all(full_index[:, 2:] != 0, axis=1)] = 3 scatter_index[ np.all(np.array([full_index[:, 2] != 0, full_index[:, 3] == 0]), axis=0) ] = 2 return depth_slice, scatter_index def TimeDomainEthetaEphiTransform( Ex, Ey, Ez, point_normals, prime_vector=np.array([[0, 0, 1]], dtype=np.float32) ): """ Convert the time domain electric field vectors from a cartesian basis (Ex,Ey,Ez) at each point into a Etheta,Ephi polarisations. Parameters ---------- Ex: time domain electric field in the x plane float array of shape num_points * num_samples Ey: time domain electric field in the y plane float array of shape num_points * num_samples Ez: time domain electric field in the z plane float array of shape num_points * num_samples point_normals: the normal vectors of each point of interest (xyz) float array of shape num_points * 3 Returns ---------- Etheta : time domain electric field (Etheta polarisation) float array of shape num_points * num_samples Ephi : time domain electric field (Ephi polarisation) float array of shape num_points * num_samples """ if len(Ex.shape) == 1: num_points = Ex.shape[0] num_samples = 1 else: num_points, num_samples = Ex.shape Etheta = np.zeros((num_points, num_samples), dtype=np.float32) Ephi = np.zeros((num_points, num_samples), dtype=np.float32) Etheta_vectors = calculate_conformalVectors(prime_vector, point_normals) Ephi_vectors = np.cross(Etheta_vectors, point_normals) Etheta = ( Etheta_vectors[:, 0].reshape(num_points, 1) * Ex.reshape(num_points, num_samples) + Etheta_vectors[:, 1].reshape(num_points, 1) * Ey.reshape(num_points, num_samples) + Etheta_vectors[:, 2].reshape(num_points, 1) * Ez.reshape(num_points, num_samples) ) Ephi = ( Ephi_vectors[:, 0].reshape(num_points, 1) * Ex.reshape(num_points, num_samples) + Ephi_vectors[:, 1].reshape(num_points, 1) * Ey.reshape(num_points, num_samples) + Ephi_vectors[:, 2].reshape(num_points, 1) * Ez.reshape(num_points, num_samples) ) return Etheta, Ephi # def EMGPUCompressedScatteringtest(source_num,sink_num,unified_model,unified_normals,unified_weights,full_index,point_information,wavelength): # """ # wrapper for the GPU EM processer, outputting the resultant ray components as complex values, allowing for the whole thing to be sorted again. # At present, the indexing only supports processing the rays for line of sight and single bounce, but that will be sorted quite quickly # Parameters # ---------- # full_index : int array # index of all successful rays # point_information : TYPE # DESCRIPTION. # wavelength : TYPE # DESCRIPTION. # Returns # ------- # resultant_rays : TYPE # DESCRIPTION. # """ # #cuda.select_device(0) # #network_index,point_information,ray_components # scattering_matrix=np.zeros((source_num,sink_num,3,2),dtype=np.complex64) # ray_tempslosref=EMGPUScatteringWrapper(source_num,sink_num,full_index[full_index[:,-1]==0,:],point_information,wavelength) # ray_tempslos=RF.ScatteringNetworkGenerator(full_index[full_index[:,-1]==0,:],unified_model,unified_normals,unified_weights,point_information,wavelength,np.zeros((len(full_index[full_index[:,-1]==0,:]),3),dtype=np.complex64)) # ray_tempsbounceref=EMGPUScatteringWrapper(source_num,sink_num,full_index[full_index[:,-1]!=0,:],point_information,wavelength) # ray_tempsbounce=RF.ScatteringNetworkGenerator(full_index[full_index[:,-1]!=0,:],unified_model,unified_normals,unified_weights,point_information,wavelength,np.zeros((len(full_index[full_index[:,-1]!=0,:]),3),dtype=np.complex64)) # if np.max(np.abs(ray_tempslos-ray_tempslosref))>0.0: # print('los error',np.max(np.abs(ray_tempslos-ray_tempslosref))) # if np.max(np.abs(ray_tempsbounce-ray_tempsbounceref))>0.0: # print('bounce error',np.max(np.abs(ray_tempsbounce-ray_tempsbounceref))) # depth_slice=full_index[full_index[:,-1]==0,:][:,[0,1]] # for sink_index in range(sink_num): # for source_index in range(source_num): # scattering_matrix[source_index,sink_index,0,0]=np.sum(ray_tempslos[(depth_slice[:,0]-1==source_index) & (depth_slice[:,1]-source_num-1==sink_index),0]) # scattering_matrix[source_index,sink_index,1,0]=np.sum(ray_tempslos[(depth_slice[:,0]-1==source_index) & (depth_slice[:,1]-source_num-1==sink_index),1]) # scattering_matrix[source_index,sink_index,2,0]=np.sum(ray_tempslos[(depth_slice[:,0]-1==source_index) & (depth_slice[:,1]-source_num-1==sink_index),2]) # depth_slice=full_index[full_index[:,-1]!=0,:][:,[0,2]] # for sink_index in range(sink_num): # for source_index in range(source_num): # scattering_matrix[source_index,sink_index,0,1]=np.sum(ray_tempsbounce[(depth_slice[:,0]-1==source_index) & (depth_slice[:,1]-source_num-1==sink_index),0]) # scattering_matrix[source_index,sink_index,1,1]=np.sum(ray_tempsbounce[(depth_slice[:,0]-1==source_index) & (depth_slice[:,1]-source_num-1==sink_index),1]) # scattering_matrix[source_index,sink_index,2,1]=np.sum(ray_tempsbounce[(depth_slice[:,0]-1==source_index) & (depth_slice[:,1]-source_num-1==sink_index),2]) # #scattering_matrix[source_index,:,:]=temp_matrix # #scattering_matrix=d_scatter_matrix.copy_to_host() # #cuda.close() # return scattering_matrix def EMGPUScatteringWrapper( source_num, sink_num, full_index, point_information, wavelength ): """ wrapper for the GPU EM processer, outputting the resultant ray components as complex values, allowing for the whole thing to be sorted again. At present, the indexing only supports processing the rays for line of sight and single bounce, but that will be sorted quite quickly Parameters ---------- full_index : int array index of all successful rays point_information : TYPE DESCRIPTION. wavelength : TYPE DESCRIPTION. Returns ------- resultant_rays : TYPE DESCRIPTION. """ # cuda.select_device(0) # network_index,point_information,ray_components ray_num = full_index.shape[0] maximum_chunk_size = 2 ** 8 threads_in_block = 1024 maximum_sources = 1 scattering_matrix = np.zeros((source_num, sink_num, 3), dtype=np.complex64) ray_components = np.zeros((full_index.shape[0], 3), dtype=np.complex64) depth_slice = np.append( full_index[full_index[:, -1] == 0, 0:2], full_index[full_index[:, -1] != 0, 0:2], axis=0, ) # source_chunks=np.linspace(0,source_num-1,math.ceil(source_num/maximum_sources)+1,dtype=np.int32) # distance_temp=np.empty((chunk_ray_size),dtype=np.float32) # distance_temp[:]=math.inf # dist_list=cuda.to_device(distance_temp) d_problem_size = cuda.device_array((2), dtype=np.int32) d_problem_size = cuda.to_device(np.asarray([source_num, sink_num], dtype=np.int32)) d_wavelength = cuda.device_array((1), dtype=np.float64) d_wavelength = cuda.to_device(np.ones((1), dtype=np.float32) * wavelength) d_point_information = cuda.device_array( point_information.shape[0], dtype=base_types.scattering_t ) d_point_information = cuda.to_device(point_information) for source_index in range(source_num): temp_payload = full_index[full_index[:, 0] == (source_index + 1), :] temp_rays = np.zeros((temp_payload.shape[0], 3), dtype=np.complex64) ray_chunks = np.linspace( 0, temp_payload.shape[0], math.ceil(temp_payload.shape[0] / maximum_chunk_size) + 1, dtype=np.int32, ) for n in range(ray_chunks.shape[0] - 1): chunk_payload = temp_payload[ray_chunks[n] : ray_chunks[n + 1], :] d_full_index = cuda.device_array( (chunk_payload.shape[0], chunk_payload.shape[1]), dtype=np.int64 ) temp_matrix = np.zeros((chunk_payload.shape[0], 3), dtype=np.complex64) d_scatter_matrix = cuda.device_array( (temp_matrix.shape), dtype=np.complex64 ) d_full_index = cuda.to_device(chunk_payload) # Here, we choose the granularity of the threading on our device. We want # to try to cover the entire workload of rays and targets with simulatenous threads, so we'll # choose a grid of (source_num/16. target_num/16) blocks, each with (16, 16) threads grids = math.ceil(chunk_payload.shape[0] / threads_in_block) threads = min(chunk_payload.shape[0], threads_in_block) # Execute the kernel # cuda.profile_start() scatteringkernaltest[grids, threads]( d_problem_size, d_full_index, d_point_information, d_scatter_matrix, d_wavelength, ) # cuda.profile_stop() temp_rays[ ray_chunks[n] : ray_chunks[n + 1], : ] = d_scatter_matrix.copy_to_host() # ray_components[ray_chunks[n]:ray_chunks[n+1],:]=d_scatter_matrix.copy_to_host() # distmap[source_chunks[n]:source_chunks[n+1],target_chunks[m]:target_chunks[m+1]] = d_distmap_chunked.copy_to_host() # first_ray_payload[ray_chunks[n]:ray_chunks[n+1]]=d_chunk_payload.copy_to_host() # resultant_rays[ray_chunks[n]:ray_chunks[n+1],:]=d_channels.copy_to_host() ray_components[full_index[:, 0] == (source_index + 1), :] = temp_rays return ray_components def EMGPUWrapper(source_num, sink_num, full_index, point_information, wavelength): """ wrapper for the GPU EM processer, outputting the resultant ray components as complex values, allowing for the whole thing to be sorted again. At present, the indexing only supports processing the rays for line of sight and single bounce, but that will be sorted quite quickly Parameters ---------- full_index : int array index of all successful rays point_information : TYPE DESCRIPTION. wavelength : TYPE DESCRIPTION. Returns ------- resultant_rays : TYPE DESCRIPTION. """ # network_index,point_information,ray_components ray_num = full_index.shape[0] maximum_chunk_size = 2 ** 8 threads_in_block = 1024 resultant_rays = np.zeros((ray_num, 3), dtype=np.complex64) ray_chunks = np.linspace( 0, ray_num, math.ceil(ray_num / maximum_chunk_size) + 1, dtype=np.int32 ) # distance_temp=np.empty((chunk_ray_size),dtype=np.float32) # distance_temp[:]=math.inf # dist_list=cuda.to_device(distance_temp) d_problem_size = cuda.device_array((2), dtype=np.int32) d_problem_size = cuda.to_device(np.asarray([source_num, sink_num], dtype=np.int32)) d_wavelength = cuda.device_array((1), dtype=np.float64) d_wavelength = cuda.to_device(np.ones((1), dtype=np.float32) * wavelength) d_point_information = cuda.device_array( point_information.shape[0], dtype=base_types.scattering_t ) d_point_information = cuda.to_device(point_information) for n in range(ray_chunks.shape[0] - 1): chunk_payload = full_index[ray_chunks[n] : ray_chunks[n + 1], :] d_full_index = cuda.device_array( (chunk_payload.shape[0], chunk_payload.shape[1]), dtype=np.int64 ) d_full_index = cuda.to_device(chunk_payload) d_channels = cuda.device_array((chunk_payload.shape[0], 3), dtype=np.complex64) # Here, we choose the granularity of the threading on our device. We want # to try to cover the entire workload of rays and targets with simulatenous threads, so we'll # choose a grid of (source_num/16. target_num/16) blocks, each with (16, 16) threads grids = math.ceil(chunk_payload.shape[0] / threads_in_block) threads = min(chunk_payload.shape[0], threads_in_block) # Execute the kernel # cuda.profile_start() # scatteringkernal[grids, threads](d_full_index,d_point_information,d_channels,d_wavelength) scatteringkernaltest[grids, threads]( d_problem_size, d_full_index, d_point_information, d_channels, d_wavelength ) # cuda.profile_stop() # distmap[source_chunks[n]:source_chunks[n+1],target_chunks[m]:target_chunks[m+1]] = d_distmap_chunked.copy_to_host() # first_ray_payload[ray_chunks[n]:ray_chunks[n+1]]=d_chunk_payload.copy_to_host() resultant_rays[ray_chunks[n] : ray_chunks[n + 1], :] = d_channels.copy_to_host() return resultant_rays def DisplayESources( source_display_coords, E_vectors, source_type="E", arrow_length=0.1 ): # create a set of arrows, coloured depending on the type of source E_colour = np.array([0.08, 0, 1]) M_colour = np.array([1, 0.04, 0.04]) if source_type == "E": arrow_color = E_colour else: arrow_color = M_colour quiver_set = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.create_arrow( cone_height=0.2 * arrow_length, cone_radius=0.06 * arrow_length, cylinder_height=0.8 * arrow_length, cylinder_radius=0.04 * arrow_length, ) rot_mat = GF.axes_from_normal(E_vectors[0, :], boresight_along="z") quiver_set = GF.open3drotate(quiver_set, rot_mat) quiver_set.translate( source_display_coords[0, :] + E_vectors[0, :] * (-0.5 * arrow_length) ) quiver_set.paint_uniform_color(arrow_color) quiver_set.compute_vertex_normals() for arrow_num in range(1, source_display_coords.shape[0]): mesh_arrow = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.create_arrow( cone_height=0.2 * arrow_length, cone_radius=0.06 * arrow_length, cylinder_height=0.8 * arrow_length, cylinder_radius=0.04 * arrow_length, ) rot_mat = GF.axes_from_normal(E_vectors[arrow_num, :], boresight_along="z") mesh_arrow = GF.open3drotate(mesh_arrow, rot_mat) mesh_arrow.translate( source_display_coords[arrow_num] + E_vectors[arrow_num, :] * (-0.5 * arrow_length) ) mesh_arrow.paint_uniform_color(arrow_color) mesh_arrow.compute_vertex_normals() quiver_set = quiver_set + mesh_arrow return quiver_set #@njit(cache=True, nogil=True) def vector_mapping(local_E_vector, point_normal,rotation_matrix): """ Function to transform local vectors to the global coordinate set. This is intended to allow for transforming from antennas with horizontal, vertical, circular polarization to be specified with reference to antenna face normal vector, and then projected onto the global axes with phase and amplitude information preserved. The first step is to programmatically define the face u and v vectors in terms of the point normal. Once this is done, the global electromagnetic vector can then be defined in terms of the uv and normal vectors and the local vector, using the rotation_matrix Parameters ---------- local_vector point_normal rotation_matrix Returns ------- global_vector """ point_vector = point_normal.astype(local_E_vector.dtype) local_axes=np.eye(3) uvn_axes=np.zeros((3,3),dtype=local_E_vector.dtype) uvn_axes[2,:]=point_vector global_vector = np.zeros((3), dtype=local_E_vector.dtype) # # make sure point vectors are locked on appropriate antenna axes x_orth = np.linalg.norm(np.cross(local_axes[:, 0], point_vector)) y_orth = np.linalg.norm(np.cross(local_axes[:, 1], point_vector)) z_orth = np.linalg.norm(np.cross(local_axes[:, 2], point_vector)) #print('check values',x_orth,y_orth,z_orth) #if antenna_axes[:,2] is aligned with point_vector then the cross product will be NaN, and another axes will be # needed to define the polarisation axes consistently. if abs(z_orth)==0: # cannot use z axis as reference, so point normal is aligned with z axis, therefore face_u should be the on the # antenna y_axis, therefore face_v can be used to define backwards. uvn_axes[0,:]=np.cross(point_vector,local_axes[0,:]) / np.linalg.norm( np.cross(local_axes[0,:], point_vector) ) else: uvn_axes[0,:] = np.cross(local_axes[2,:], point_vector) / np.linalg.norm( np.cross(local_axes[2,:], point_vector) ) # if (abs(x_orth) > abs(y_orth)) and (abs(x_orth) > abs(z_orth)): # # use x-axis to establish face uv axes # face_u = np.cross(antenna_axes[:, 0], point_vector) / np.linalg.norm( # np.cross(antenna_axes[:, 0], point_vector) # ) # # elif (abs(y_orth) >= abs(x_orth)) and (abs(y_orth) > abs(z_orth)): # # use y-axis to establish face uv axes # face_u = np.cross(antenna_axes[:, 1], point_vector) / np.linalg.norm( # np.cross(antenna_axes[:, 1], point_vector) # ) # # elif (abs(z_orth) >= abs(x_orth)) and (abs(z_orth) >= abs(y_orth)): # # use z-axis # face_u = np.cross(antenna_axes[:, 2], point_vector) / np.linalg.norm( # np.cross(antenna_axes[:, 2], point_vector) # ) uvn_axes[1,:] = np.cross(point_vector,uvn_axes[0,:]) / np.linalg.norm( np.cross(uvn_axes[0,:], point_vector) ) #print('uvn',uvn_axes) #convert uvn vector to local axes, and then rotate into global axes global_vector=np.matmul(local_E_vector, uvn_axes) return global_vector @njit(cache=True, nogil=True) def orthconformalvector(desired_axis, point_normal): ray_u = np.zeros((3), dtype=np.complex64) ray_v = np.zeros((3), dtype=np.complex64) x_vec = np.zeros((3), dtype=np.complex64) y_vec = np.zeros((3), dtype=np.complex64) z_vec = np.zeros((3), dtype=np.complex64) x_vec[0] = 1 y_vec[1] = 1 z_vec[2] = 1 # make sure ray vectors are locked on appropriate global axes x_orth = np.linalg.norm(np.cross(x_vec, desired_axis)) y_orth = np.linalg.norm(np.cross(y_vec, desired_axis)) z_orth = np.linalg.norm(np.cross(z_vec, desired_axis)) if (abs(x_orth) > abs(y_orth)) and (abs(x_orth) > abs(z_orth)): # use x-axis to establish ray uv axes ray_u = np.cross(x_vec, desired_axis) / np.linalg.norm( np.cross(x_vec, desired_axis) ) elif (abs(y_orth) >= abs(x_orth)) and (abs(y_orth) > abs(z_orth)): # use y-axis to establish ray uv axes ray_u = np.cross(y_vec, desired_axis) / np.linalg.norm( np.cross(y_vec, desired_axis) ) elif (abs(z_orth) >= abs(x_orth)) and (abs(z_orth) >= abs(y_orth)): # use z-axis ray_u = np.cross(z_vec, desired_axis) / np.linalg.norm( np.cross(z_vec, desired_axis) ) # ray_v=np.cross(desired_axis,ray_u) # ray_u return ray_u # @njit(cache=True, nogil=True) def calculate_conformalVectors(desired_E_vector, source_normals, antenna_axes): # based upon the provided source normal vectors and the desired polrization axis, calculate the conformal E vectors required for conformal current sources. # conformal_E_vectors = np.zeros((source_normals.shape[0], 3), dtype=np.complex64) temp_axis = np.zeros((source_normals.shape[0], 3), dtype=np.complex64) if desired_E_vector.shape[0] == source_normals.shape[0]: # project desired E vector across whole aperture for normal_inc in range(len(source_normals)): # generate a normalised orthogonal vector conformal_E_vectors[normal_inc, :] = vector_mapping( desired_E_vector[normal_inc, :], source_normals[normal_inc, :], antenna_axes.astype(np.complex64), ) else: for normal_inc in range(len(source_normals)): # generate a normalised orthogonal vector conformal_E_vectors[normal_inc, :] = vector_mapping( desired_E_vector.ravel(), source_normals[normal_inc, :], antenna_axes.astype(np.complex64), ) # if ( # np.linalg.norm(np.cross(desired_E_vector, source_normals[normal_inc, :])) # ) == 0: # conformal_E_vectors[normal_inc, :] = vector_mapping( # desired_E_vector, source_normals[normal_inc, :] # ) # else: # temp_axis[normal_inc, :] = np.cross( # desired_E_vector, source_normals[normal_inc, :] # ) / np.linalg.norm( # np.cross( # desired_E_vector.astype(np.complex64), source_normals[normal_inc, :] # ) # ) # conformal_E_vectors[normal_inc, :] = np.cross( # -1 * temp_axis[normal_inc, :], source_normals[normal_inc, :] # ) / np.linalg.norm( # np.cross(-1 * temp_axis[normal_inc, :], source_normals[normal_inc, :]) # ) return conformal_E_vectors def face_centric_E_vectors(sink_normals, major_axis, scatter_map): # expectation is that the scatter map is source_num*sink_num*3 (xyz) # in order to make everything easier, the major axis should be defined each time, just in case I want 'V' to be aligned with an axis other than the z direction # This must be converted from xyz E vectors to V H N vectors for each point, which can then be summed appropriately and returned as a new scatter_map new_scatter_map = np.zeros(scatter_map.shape, dtype=np.complex64) # V Section (defined relative to major axis) V_alignment = calculate_conformalVectors(major_axis, sink_normals) minor_axis = np.zeros((sink_normals.shape)) H_alignment = np.zeros((sink_normals.shape)) for normal_inc in range(minor_axis.shape[0]): minor_axis[normal_inc, :] = np.cross(major_axis, sink_normals[normal_inc, :]) H_alignment[normal_inc, :] = calculate_conformalVectors( minor_axis[normal_inc, :], sink_normals[normal_inc, :].reshape(1, 3) ) N_alignment = copy.deepcopy(sink_normals) # temporaily do via a loop, I can test vector operation later for source_inc in range(new_scatter_map.shape[0]): for sink_inc in range(new_scatter_map.shape[1]): new_scatter_map[source_inc, sink_inc, 0] = scatter_map[source_inc, sink_inc, :], V_alignment[sink_inc, :] ) new_scatter_map[source_inc, sink_inc, 1] = scatter_map[source_inc, sink_inc, :], H_alignment[sink_inc, :] ) new_scatter_map[source_inc, sink_inc, 2] = scatter_map[source_inc, sink_inc, :], N_alignment[sink_inc, :] ) return new_scatter_map def definePatch(wavelength, width, length, substrate_dielectric=1, mode="Single"): # define a patch antenna # try sources, mapped a tenth of a wavelength along, and given appropriate weights # x_mesh=np.linspace(-length/2,length/2,*0.1))+1)) if mode == "Single": sources = np.zeros((1, 3), dtype=np.float32) patch_normals = np.zeros((1, 3), dtype=np.float32) patch_normals[:, 2] = 1 patch_sources = o3d.geometry.PointCloud() patch_sources.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(sources) patch_sources.normals = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(patch_normals) patch_structure = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.create_box(length, width, 1e-4) translate_dist = np.array([-length / 2.0, -width / 2.0, -(1e-4)]) # fine_mesh=reflector1.subdivide_midpoint(3) patch_structure.compute_vertex_normals() patch_structure.paint_uniform_color([184 / 256, 115 / 256, 51 / 256]) patch_structure.translate(translate_dist, relative=True) patch_weights = np.ones((sources.shape[0]), dtype=np.complex64) return patch_sources, patch_weights, patch_structure def importDat(fileaddress): datafile = pathlib.Path(fileaddress) # noinspection PyTypeChecker #temp = np.loadtxt(datafile, delimiter=",") temp = np.loadtxt(datafile) freq = temp[0, 4] * 1e6 # Hz planes = temp[0, 0] phi_lower = temp[0, 1] phi_upper = temp[0, 2] norm = 10 ** (temp[0, 3] / 20) phi_values = np.linspace(phi_lower, phi_upper, int(planes)) theta_values = temp[1 : int((temp.shape[0] - 1) / planes) + 1, 0] Ea = np.asarray( (10 ** (temp[1:, 1] / 20)) * np.exp(-1j * np.radians(temp[1:, 2])) ).reshape(len(phi_values), len(theta_values)) Eb = np.asarray( (10 ** (temp[1:, 3] / 20)) * np.exp(-1j * np.radians(temp[1:, 4])) ).reshape(len(phi_values), len(theta_values)) return Ea, Eb, freq, norm, theta_values, phi_values @njit(cache=True, nogil=True) def pathloss(lengths, wavelength): # convert length to loss and phase terms channel = np.zeros((lengths.shape[0]), dtype=np.complex64) wave_vector = (2 * np.pi) / wavelength channel = (np.exp(lengths * wave_vector * 1j)) * ( wavelength / (4 * np.pi * lengths) ) return channel @njit(cache=True, nogil=True) def pathlossv2(lengths, wavelength): # convert length to loss and phase terms channel = np.zeros((lengths.shape[0]), dtype=np.complex64) wave_vector = (2 * np.pi) / wavelength channel[lengths != 0] = (np.exp(lengths[lengths != 0] * wave_vector * 1j)) * ( wavelength / (4 * np.pi * (lengths[lengths != 0] ** 2)) ) channel[lengths == 0] = 1 return channel # @njit(cache=True, nogil=True) def losChannel( source_point, source_normal, source_weight, source_information, sink_point, sink_normal, sink_weight, sink_information, scattering_coefficient, wavelength, ): """ Parameters ---------- source_point : 1*3 float source coordinates (xyz) source_normal : 1*3 float source normal (xyz) sink_point : 1*3 float sink coordinates (xyz) sink_normal : 1*3 float sink normal (xyz) channel : 1*3 complex excitation function in global reference frame Ex,Ey,Ez wavelength : 1 float wavelength of interest Need to define stokes parameters of each vector, thus turning all weights into stokes vectors Returns ------- channel : as defined """ wave_vector = (2 * np.pi) / wavelength channel = np.zeros((3), dtype=np.complex64) outgoing_dir = np.zeros((3), dtype=np.float32) lengths = np.zeros((1), dtype=np.float32) outgoing_dir[0], outgoing_dir[1], outgoing_dir[2], lengths = RF.calc_dv( source_point, sink_point ) if lengths == 0: loss1 = 1.0 else: loss1 = (np.exp(lengths * wave_vector * 1j)) * ( wavelength / (4 * np.pi * (lengths)) ) ray_field = ( launchtransform(source_normal, outgoing_dir, source_weight, source_information) * scattering_coefficient ) channel = ray_field * sink_weight * loss1 return channel @njit(cache=True, nogil=True) def losChannelv2( source_point, source_normal, source_weight, source_information, sink_point, sink_normal, sink_weight, sink_information, wavelength, ): """ Parameters ---------- source_point : 1*3 float source coordinates (xyz) source_normal : 1*3 float source normal (xyz) sink_point : 1*3 float sink coordinates (xyz) sink_normal : 1*3 float sink normal (xyz) channel : 1*3 complex excitation function in global reference frame Ex,Ey,Ez wavelength : 1 float wavelength of interest Need to define stokes parameters of each vector, thus turning all weights into stokes vectors Returns ------- channel : as defined """ wave_vector = (2 * np.pi) / wavelength channel = np.zeros((3), dtype=np.complex64) outgoing_dir = np.zeros((3), dtype=np.float32) lengths = np.zeros((1), dtype=np.float32) outgoing_dir[0], outgoing_dir[1], outgoing_dir[2], lengths = RF.calc_dv( source_point, sink_point ) if lengths == 0: loss1 = 1.0 else: loss1 = (np.exp(lengths * wave_vector * 1j)) * ( wavelength / (4 * np.pi * (lengths)) ) ray_field = launchtransform( source_normal, outgoing_dir, source_weight, source_information ) # *ray_phase channel = ray_field * sink_weight * loss1 return channel, lengths / scipy.constants.c @njit(cache=True, nogil=True) def losplus1Channel( source_point, source_normal, source_weight, source_information, scatter_point, scatter_normal, scatter_weight, scatter_information, sink_point, sink_normal, sink_weight, sink_information, scattering_coefficient, wavelength, ): """ Parameters ---------- source_point : 1*3 float source coordinates (xyz) source_normal : 1*3 float source normal (xyz) sink_point : 1*3 float sink coordinates (xyz) sink_normal : 1*3 float sink normal (xyz) channel : 1*2 complex channel propagation coefficients for local h, local v from the source to the sink wavelength : 1 float wavelength of interest Returns ------- channel : as defined """ wave_vector = (2 * np.pi) / wavelength channel = np.zeros((3), dtype=np.complex64) outgoing_dir = np.zeros((3), dtype=np.float32) scatter_outgoing_dir = np.zeros((3), dtype=np.float32) lengths = np.zeros((1), dtype=np.float32) lengths2 = np.zeros((1), dtype=np.float32) outgoing_dir[0], outgoing_dir[1], outgoing_dir[2], lengths = RF.calc_dv( source_point, scatter_point ) ray_field = ( launchtransform(source_normal, outgoing_dir, source_weight, source_information) * scattering_coefficient ) ( scatter_outgoing_dir[0], scatter_outgoing_dir[1], scatter_outgoing_dir[2], lengths2, ) = RF.calc_dv(scatter_point, sink_point) if lengths == 0 or lengths2 == 0: loss2 = 1.0 else: loss2 = (np.exp((lengths + lengths2) * wave_vector * 1j)) * ( wavelength / (4 * np.pi * (lengths + lengths2)) ) channel = ( launchtransform( scatter_normal, scatter_outgoing_dir, ray_field * sink_weight, scatter_information, source=False, arrival_vector=outgoing_dir * -1, ) * loss2 * scattering_coefficient ) return channel @njit(cache=True, nogil=True) def losplus1Channelv2( source_point, source_normal, source_weight, source_information, scatter_point, scatter_normal, scatter_weight, scatter_information, sink_point, sink_normal, sink_weight, sink_information, wavelength, ): """ Parameters ---------- source_point : 1*3 float source coordinates (xyz) source_normal : 1*3 float source normal (xyz) sink_point : 1*3 float sink coordinates (xyz) sink_normal : 1*3 float sink normal (xyz) channel : 1*2 complex channel propagation coefficients for local h, local v from the source to the sink wavelength : 1 float wavelength of interest Returns ------- channel : as defined """ wave_vector = (2 * np.pi) / wavelength channel = np.zeros((3), dtype=np.complex64) outgoing_dir = np.zeros((3), dtype=np.float32) scatter_outgoing_dir = np.zeros((3), dtype=np.float32) lengths = np.zeros((1), dtype=np.float32) lengths2 = np.zeros((1), dtype=np.float32) outgoing_dir[0], outgoing_dir[1], outgoing_dir[2], lengths = RF.calc_dv( source_point, scatter_point ) ray_field = launchtransform( source_normal, outgoing_dir, source_weight, source_information ) # *ray_phase ( scatter_outgoing_dir[0], scatter_outgoing_dir[1], scatter_outgoing_dir[2], lengths2, ) = RF.calc_dv(scatter_point, sink_point) if lengths == 0 or lengths2 == 0: loss2 = 1.0 else: loss2 = (np.exp((lengths + lengths2) * wave_vector * 1j)) * ( wavelength / (4 * np.pi * (lengths + lengths2)) ) channel = ( launchtransform( scatter_normal, scatter_outgoing_dir, ray_field * sink_weight, scatter_information, source=False, arrival_vector=outgoing_dir * -1, ) * loss2 ) return channel, (lengths + lengths2) / scipy.constants.c @njit(cache=True, nogil=True) def losplus2Channel( source_point, source_normal, source_weight, source_information, scatter_point, scatter_normal, scatter_weight, scatter_information, scatter_point2, scatter_normal2, scatter_weight2, scatter_information2, sink_point, sink_normal, sink_weight, sink_information, scattering_coefficient, wavelength, ): """ Parameters ---------- source_point : 1*3 float source coordinates (xyz) source_normal : 1*3 float source normal (xyz) sink_point : 1*3 float sink coordinates (xyz) sink_normal : 1*3 float sink normal (xyz) channel : 1*2 complex channel propagation coefficients for local h, local v from the source to the sink wavelength : 1 float wavelength of interest Returns ------- channel : as defined """ wave_vector = (2 * np.pi) / wavelength channel = np.zeros((3), dtype=np.complex64) outgoing_dir = np.zeros((3), dtype=np.float32) scatter_outgoing_dir = np.zeros((3), dtype=np.float32) scatter_outgoing_dir2 = np.zeros((3), dtype=np.float32) lengths = np.zeros((1), dtype=np.float32) lengths2 = np.zeros((1), dtype=np.float32) lengths3 = np.zeros((1), dtype=np.float32) # scatter from source to point 1 outgoing_dir[0], outgoing_dir[1], outgoing_dir[2], lengths = RF.calc_dv( source_point, scatter_point ) ray_field1 = ( launchtransform(source_normal, outgoing_dir, source_weight, source_information) * scattering_coefficient ) # scatter from point 1 to point 2 ( scatter_outgoing_dir[0], scatter_outgoing_dir[1], scatter_outgoing_dir[2], lengths2, ) = RF.calc_dv(scatter_point, scatter_point2) ray_field2 = ( launchtransform( scatter_normal, scatter_outgoing_dir, ray_field1 * scatter_weight, scatter_information, source=False, arrival_vector=outgoing_dir * -1, ) * scattering_coefficient ) ( scatter_outgoing_dir2[0], scatter_outgoing_dir2[1], scatter_outgoing_dir2[2], lengths3, ) = RF.calc_dv(scatter_point2, sink_point) if lengths == 0 or lengths2 == 0 or lengths3 == 0: loss3 = 1.0 else: loss3 = (np.exp((lengths + lengths2 + lengths3) * wave_vector * 1j)) * ( wavelength / (4 * np.pi * (lengths + lengths2 + lengths3)) ) channel = ( launchtransform( scatter_normal2, scatter_outgoing_dir, ray_field2 * sink_weight, scatter_information2, source=False, arrival_vector=scatter_outgoing_dir * -1, ) * loss3 * scattering_coefficient ) return channel @njit(cache=True, nogil=True) def losplus2Channelv2( source_point, source_normal, source_weight, source_information, scatter_point, scatter_normal, scatter_weight, scatter_information, scatter_point2, scatter_normal2, scatter_weight2, scatter_information2, sink_point, sink_normal, sink_weight, sink_information, wavelength, ): """ Parameters ---------- source_point : 1*3 float source coordinates (xyz) source_normal : 1*3 float source normal (xyz) sink_point : 1*3 float sink coordinates (xyz) sink_normal : 1*3 float sink normal (xyz) channel : 1*2 complex channel propagation coefficients for local h, local v from the source to the sink wavelength : 1 float wavelength of interest Returns ------- channel : as defined """ wave_vector = (2 * np.pi) / wavelength channel = np.zeros((3), dtype=np.complex64) outgoing_dir = np.zeros((3), dtype=np.float32) scatter_outgoing_dir = np.zeros((3), dtype=np.float32) scatter_outgoing_dir2 = np.zeros((3), dtype=np.float32) lengths = np.zeros((1), dtype=np.float32) lengths2 = np.zeros((1), dtype=np.float32) lengths3 = np.zeros((1), dtype=np.float32) # scatter from source to point 1 outgoing_dir[0], outgoing_dir[1], outgoing_dir[2], lengths = RF.calc_dv( source_point, scatter_point ) ray_field1 = launchtransform( source_normal, outgoing_dir, source_weight, source_information ) # *ray_phase # scatter from point 1 to point 2 ( scatter_outgoing_dir[0], scatter_outgoing_dir[1], scatter_outgoing_dir[2], lengths2, ) = RF.calc_dv(scatter_point, scatter_point2) ray_field2 = launchtransform( scatter_normal, scatter_outgoing_dir, ray_field1 * scatter_weight, scatter_information, source=False, arrival_vector=outgoing_dir * -1, ) ( scatter_outgoing_dir2[0], scatter_outgoing_dir2[1], scatter_outgoing_dir2[2], lengths3, ) = RF.calc_dv(scatter_point2, sink_point) if lengths == 0 or lengths2 == 0 or lengths3 == 0: loss3 = 1.0 else: loss3 = (np.exp((lengths + lengths2 + lengths3) * wave_vector * 1j)) * ( wavelength / (4 * np.pi * (lengths + lengths2 + lengths3)) ) channel = ( launchtransform( scatter_normal2, scatter_outgoing_dir, ray_field2 * sink_weight, scatter_information2, source=False, arrival_vector=scatter_outgoing_dir * -1, ) * loss3 ) return channel, (lengths + lengths2 + lengths3) / scipy.constants.c @njit(cache=True, nogil=True) def sourcedefinition(departure_vector, local_E_vector, local_information): # establish source correctly, including E or M vector final_E_vector = np.zeros((3), dtype=np.complex64) if local_information["Electric"]: # source is electric current sources, so local_E_vector is correct final_E_vector = local_E_vector else: source_impedance = np.complex64( (local_information["permeability"] / local_information["permittivity"]) ** 0.5 ) final_E_vector = ( np.cross( departure_vector.astype(np.complex64), local_E_vector.astype(np.complex64), ) / source_impedance ) return final_E_vector @njit(cache=True, nogil=True) def launchtransform( source_normal, departure_vector, local_E_vector, local_information, source=True, arrival_vector=np.zeros((3), dtype=np.float32), ): """ Launch transform maps the local E vector onto the outgoing ray. The local coordinate sysem of uv-normal axes defining the e_vector, which is then mapped onto the h and v transverse components of the outgoing ray Parameters ------ source_normal : (numpy 1*3 array) a normalised direction vector recording the orientation of the source with respect to the global axes departure vector : (numpy 1*3 array) normalised direction vector of the departing ray local_E_vector : (numpy 1*3 array) electric field vector in uv-normal axes, representing the local `illumination function', this is not normalised, as it should be recording the field amplitude as well as directions. Returns ------- outgoing_E_vector : (numpy 1*3 complex array) electric field in global axes """ if not (source): # transform the arrived E vector to local axes for correct polarization mixing local_E_vector = illuminationtransform( source_normal, arrival_vector, local_E_vector, local_information ) else: local_E_vector = sourcedefinition( departure_vector, local_E_vector, local_information ) temp_E_vector = np.zeros((2), dtype=np.complex64) outgoing_E_vector = np.zeros((3), dtype=np.complex64) ray_u = np.zeros((3), dtype=np.float32) ray_v = np.zeros((3), dtype=np.float32) x_vec = np.zeros((3), dtype=np.float32) y_vec = np.zeros((3), dtype=np.float32) z_vec = np.zeros((3), dtype=np.float32) x_vec[0] = 1 y_vec[1] = 1 z_vec[2] = 1 # make sure ray vectors are locked on appropriate global axes x_orth = np.linalg.norm(np.cross(x_vec, departure_vector)) y_orth = np.linalg.norm(np.cross(y_vec, departure_vector)) z_orth = np.linalg.norm(np.cross(z_vec, departure_vector)) if (abs(x_orth) > abs(y_orth)) and (abs(x_orth) > abs(z_orth)): # use x-axis to establish ray uv axes ray_u = np.cross(x_vec, departure_vector) / np.linalg.norm( np.cross(x_vec, departure_vector) ) elif (abs(y_orth) >= abs(x_orth)) and (abs(y_orth) > abs(z_orth)): # use y-axis to establish ray uv axes ray_u = np.cross(y_vec, departure_vector) / np.linalg.norm( np.cross(y_vec, departure_vector) ) elif (abs(z_orth) >= abs(x_orth)) and (abs(z_orth) >= abs(y_orth)): # use z-axis ray_u = np.cross(z_vec, departure_vector) / np.linalg.norm( np.cross(z_vec, departure_vector) ) ray_v = np.cross(departure_vector, ray_u) # the ray fields must be contained in ray_v and ray_u, as there can be no E field in the direction of propagation # so if the depature vector is 0,0,1, then Ez must be 0. temp_E_vector[0] = local_E_vector.astype(np.complex64), ray_u.astype(np.complex64) ) temp_E_vector[1] = local_E_vector.astype(np.complex64), ray_v.astype(np.complex64) ) # map ray axes onto global coordinate axes to keep everything neat outgoing_E_vector = np.array( [ temp_E_vector[0] *, ray_u) + temp_E_vector[1] *, ray_v), temp_E_vector[0] *, ray_u) + temp_E_vector[1] *, ray_v), temp_E_vector[0] *, ray_u) + temp_E_vector[1] *, ray_v), ] ) return outgoing_E_vector @njit(cache=True, nogil=True) def illuminationtransform( source_normal, arrival_vector, arriving_E_vector, local_information ): """ Illuminating transform maps the local E vector onto the surface. The local coordinate sysem of uv-normal axes defining the surface and avaliable axes, which is then mapped back into global E vector axes Parameters ------ source_normal : (numpy 1*3 array) a normalised direction vector recording the orientation of the source with respect to the global axes departure vector : (numpy 1*3 array) normalised direction vector of the departing ray local_E_vector : (numpy 1*3 array, complex) electric field vector in uv-normal axes, representing the local `illumination function', this is not normalised, as it should be recording the field amplitude as well as directions. Returns ------- outgoing_E_vector : ((numpy 1*3 array, complex) electric field in the global axes direction """ point_E_vector = np.zeros((2), dtype=np.complex64) outgoing_E_vector = np.zeros((3), dtype=np.complex64) point_u = np.zeros((3), dtype=np.float32) point_v = np.zeros((3), dtype=np.float32) x_vec = np.zeros((3), dtype=np.float32) y_vec = np.zeros((3), dtype=np.float32) z_vec = np.zeros((3), dtype=np.float32) x_vec[0] = 1 y_vec[1] = 1 z_vec[2] = 1 # make sure illuminated point vectors are locked on appropriate global axes x_orth = np.linalg.norm(np.cross(x_vec, source_normal)) y_orth = np.linalg.norm(np.cross(y_vec, source_normal)) z_orth = np.linalg.norm(np.cross(z_vec, source_normal)) if (abs(x_orth) > abs(y_orth)) and (abs(x_orth) > abs(z_orth)): # use x-axis to establish ray uv axes point_u = np.cross(x_vec, source_normal) / np.linalg.norm( np.cross(x_vec, source_normal) ) elif (abs(y_orth) >= abs(x_orth)) and (abs(y_orth) > abs(z_orth)): # use y-axis to establish ray uv axes point_u = np.cross(y_vec, source_normal) / np.linalg.norm( np.cross(y_vec, source_normal) ) elif (abs(z_orth) >= abs(x_orth)) and (abs(z_orth) >= abs(y_orth)): # use z-axis point_u = np.cross(z_vec, source_normal) / np.linalg.norm( np.cross(z_vec, source_normal) ) point_v = np.cross(source_normal, point_u) # the ray fields must be contained in ray_v and ray_u, as there can be no E field in the direction of propagation # so if the depature vector is 0,0,1, then Ez must be 0. point_E_vector[0] = arriving_E_vector.astype(np.complex64), point_u.astype(np.complex64) ) point_E_vector[1] = arriving_E_vector.astype(np.complex64), point_v.astype(np.complex64) ) # point_E_vector[2],source_normal.astype(np.complex64)) # map ray axes onto global coordinate axes to keep everything neat outgoing_E_vector = np.array( [ point_E_vector[0] *, point_u) + point_E_vector[1] *, point_v), point_E_vector[0] *, point_u) + point_E_vector[1] *, point_v), point_E_vector[0] *, point_u) + point_E_vector[1] *, point_v), ] ) return outgoing_E_vector # @njit(cache=True, nogil=True) @guvectorize([(float32[:], complex64[:], complex64[:])], "(m),(n)->(m)") def source_transform2to3(departure_vector, thetaphi_E_vector, xyz_E_vector): """ This function is intended to allow for transformation of measured or modelled antenna patterns into the model cartesian space by linking each Etheta/Ephi point to it's corresponding local coordinate which is then rotated and the local U/V vectors for each point and associated normal vectors can be used to calculate the resultant Ex,Ey,Ez fields. Inputs ------ departure vector : numpy m*3 array, normalised direction vector of the departing ray local_E_vector : numpy m*2 array, electric field vector in Etheta/Ephi local_to_global : numpy m*3 Returns ------- xyz_E_vector : numpy 1*3 complex array in Ex,Ey,Ez format """ ray_u = np.zeros((3), dtype=np.float32) ray_v = np.zeros((3), dtype=np.float32) x_vec = np.zeros((3), dtype=np.float32) y_vec = np.zeros((3), dtype=np.float32) z_vec = np.zeros((3), dtype=np.float32) x_vec[0] = 1 y_vec[1] = 1 z_vec[2] = 1 # make sure ray vectors are locked on appropriate global axes x_orth = np.linalg.norm(np.cross(x_vec, departure_vector)) y_orth = np.linalg.norm(np.cross(y_vec, departure_vector)) z_orth = np.linalg.norm(np.cross(z_vec, departure_vector)) if (abs(x_orth) > abs(y_orth)) and (abs(x_orth) > abs(z_orth)): # use x-axis to establish ray uv axes ray_u = np.cross(x_vec, departure_vector) / np.linalg.norm( np.cross(x_vec, departure_vector) ) elif (abs(y_orth) >= abs(x_orth)) and (abs(y_orth) > abs(z_orth)): # use y-axis to establish ray uv axes ray_u = np.cross(y_vec, departure_vector) / np.linalg.norm( np.cross(y_vec, departure_vector) ) elif (abs(z_orth) >= abs(x_orth)) and (abs(z_orth) >= abs(y_orth)): # use z-axis ray_u = np.cross(z_vec, departure_vector) / np.linalg.norm( np.cross(z_vec, departure_vector) ) ray_v = np.cross(departure_vector, ray_u) # the ray fields must be contained in ray_v and ray_u, as there can be no E field in the direction of propagation # map ray axes onto global coordinate axes xyz_E_vector[0] = thetaphi_E_vector[0] *, ray_u) + thetaphi_E_vector[ 1 ] *, ray_v) xyz_E_vector[1] = thetaphi_E_vector[0] *, ray_u) + thetaphi_E_vector[ 1 ] *, ray_v) xyz_E_vector[2] = thetaphi_E_vector[0] *, ray_u) + thetaphi_E_vector[ 1 ] *, ray_v) # return xyz_E_vector @guvectorize( [ "(float32[:],complex64[:],complex64[:],complex64[:])", "(float64[:],complex128[:],complex128[:],complex128[:])", ], "(n),(n),(m)->(m)", target="parallel", ) def source_transform3to2( departure_vector, xyz_E_vector, thetaphi_E_vector_dummy, thetaphi_E_vector ): """ This function is intended to allow for transformation of measured or modelled antenna patterns into the model cartesian space by linking each Etheta/Ephi point to it's corresponding local coordinate which is then rotated and the local U/V vectors for each point and associated normal vectors can be used to calculate the resultant Ex,Ey,Ez fields. Inputs ------ departure vector : numpy m*3 array, normalised direction vector of the departing ray local_E_vector : numpy m*2 array, electric field vector in Etheta/Ephi local_to_global : numpy m*3 Returns ------- xyz_E_vector : numpy 1*3 complex array in Ex,Ey,Ez format """ ray_u = np.zeros((3), dtype=departure_vector.dtype) ray_v = np.zeros((3), dtype=departure_vector.dtype) x_vec = np.zeros((3), dtype=departure_vector.dtype) y_vec = np.zeros((3), dtype=departure_vector.dtype) z_vec = np.zeros((3), dtype=departure_vector.dtype) x_vec[0] = 1 y_vec[1] = 1 z_vec[2] = 1 # make sure ray vectors are locked on appropriate global axes x_orth = np.linalg.norm(np.cross(x_vec, departure_vector)) y_orth = np.linalg.norm(np.cross(y_vec, departure_vector)) z_orth = np.linalg.norm(np.cross(z_vec, departure_vector)) if (abs(x_orth) > abs(y_orth)) and (abs(x_orth) > abs(z_orth)): # use x-axis to establish ray uv axes ray_u = np.cross(x_vec, departure_vector) / np.linalg.norm( np.cross(x_vec, departure_vector) ) elif (abs(y_orth) >= abs(x_orth)) and (abs(y_orth) > abs(z_orth)): # use y-axis to establish ray uv axes ray_u = np.cross(y_vec, departure_vector) / np.linalg.norm( np.cross(y_vec, departure_vector) ) elif (abs(z_orth) >= abs(x_orth)) and (abs(z_orth) >= abs(y_orth)): # use z-axis ray_u = np.cross(z_vec, departure_vector) / np.linalg.norm( np.cross(z_vec, departure_vector) ) ray_v = np.cross(departure_vector, ray_u) # the ray fields must be contained in ray_v and ray_u, as there can be no E field in the direction of propagation # map ray axes onto global coordinate axes thetaphi_E_vector[0] = xyz_E_vector.astype(np.complex64), ray_u.astype(np.complex64) ) thetaphi_E_vector[1] = xyz_E_vector.astype(np.complex64), ray_v.astype(np.complex64) ) # return thetaphi_E_vector