Source code for lyceanem.geometry.targets

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import copy
from subprocess import run

import numpy as np
import open3d as o3d
import scipy.stats
import solid as sd
from importlib_resources import files
from numpy.linalg import norm
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R

from ..geometry import geometryfunctions as GF
from ..raycasting import rayfunctions as RF
from ..base_classes import antenna_structures, structures, points
from ..utility import math_functions as math_functions
EPSILON = 1e-6  # how close to zero do we consider zero?

def NasaAlmond(resolution="quarter"):
    NASA Almond is imported and then converted into the appropriate types for modelling
    This depends on the appropriate stl files in the working folder
    resolution : TYPE, optional
        DESCRIPTION. The default is 'quarter', right now limited to half,quarter,tenth

    NasaAlmond : o3d triangle mesh
        the physical structure of the nasa almond
    NasaAlmond_points : o3d points
        the mesh points for scattering

    if resolution == "half":
        stream = files("").joinpath(
        NasaAlmond =
    elif resolution == "quarter":
        stream = files("").joinpath(
        NasaAlmond =
    elif resolution == "tenth":
        stream = files("").joinpath(
        NasaAlmond =

    # points=np.asarray(NasaAlmond.vertices)
    # normals=np.asarray(NasaAlmond.vertex_normals)
    _, scatter_cloud = GF.tri_centroids(NasaAlmond)
    return NasaAlmond, scatter_cloud

[docs]def source_cloud_from_shape(o3dshape, ideal_point_sep, maxdeviation=0.01): """sample surface or mesh and return surface algined points on that mesh Parameters ---------- o3dshape : :class:`open3d.geometry.TriangleMesh` the surface or shape of interest ideal_point_sep : float the desired spacing between each point and it's nearest neighbours, for apertures, this is usually half a wavelength at the highest frequency of interest maxdeviation : float the maximum allowable deviation between the ideal point seperation and the average point seperation, as a fraction Returns ------ source_cloud : :class:`open3d.geometry.PointCloud` the sampled points on the surface, with normal vectors aligned with the surface normal vectors areas : array of float32 the area of each triangle in the :class:`open3d.geometry.TriangleMesh` in world units, as long as the surface is specified in metres, this will be sqm, alinged with the triangle index in the surface. """ source_cloud = o3d.geometry.PointCloud() o3dshape.compute_triangle_normals() vertex_points = np.asarray(o3dshape.vertices) norms = np.asarray(o3dshape.triangle_normals) area_triangles = np.asarray(o3dshape.triangles) # total_area=o3dshape.get_surface_area() areas = np.zeros((area_triangles.shape[0]), dtype=np.float32) centroids = np.zeros((area_triangles.shape[0], 3), dtype=np.float32) for tri_index in range(area_triangles.shape[0]): areas[tri_index] = ( np.linalg.norm( np.cross( vertex_points[area_triangles[tri_index, 0], :] - vertex_points[area_triangles[tri_index, 1], 0], vertex_points[area_triangles[tri_index, 0], :] - vertex_points[area_triangles[tri_index, 2], 0], ) ) / 2.0 ) centroids[tri_index, :] = np.asarray( [ ( vertex_points[area_triangles[tri_index, 0], 0] + vertex_points[area_triangles[tri_index, 1], 0] + vertex_points[area_triangles[tri_index, 2], 0] ) / 3, ( vertex_points[area_triangles[tri_index, 0], 1] + vertex_points[area_triangles[tri_index, 1], 1] + vertex_points[area_triangles[tri_index, 2], 1] ) / 3, ( vertex_points[area_triangles[tri_index, 0], 2] + vertex_points[area_triangles[tri_index, 1], 2] + vertex_points[area_triangles[tri_index, 2], 2] ) / 3, ] ) # source_cloud.points=o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(centroids+np.array(o3dshape.triangle_normals)*offset) # source_cloud.normals=o3dshape.triangle_normals # print(np.sum(areas)) area_per_point = (ideal_point_sep ** 2) * 0.5 num_points = np.ceil(np.sum(areas) / area_per_point).astype(int) source_cloud = o3dshape.sample_points_poisson_disk(num_points) error = ( ideal_point_sep - np.mean(source_cloud.compute_nearest_neighbor_distance()) ) / ideal_point_sep loopcount = 0 maxloops = 21 errorlog = np.full((maxloops + 1, 2), np.nan) while np.abs(error) > maxdeviation: # point sampling is to high, put in control logic for allowable variation in terms of the maxdeviation (fraction of ideal_point_sep) print(error) loopcount += 1 errorlog[loopcount, 0] = error errorlog[loopcount, 1] = np.ceil(num_points).astype(int) if loopcount >= maxloops-1: print("ran out counter, aborting") break if error < 0: # points are too far apart, add more points num_points *= 1 + np.abs(error) source_cloud = o3dshape.sample_points_poisson_disk( np.ceil(num_points).astype(int) ) error = ( ideal_point_sep - np.mean(source_cloud.compute_nearest_neighbor_distance()) ) / ideal_point_sep elif error > 0: # points are to close together, take away points num_points *= 1 - np.abs(error) source_cloud = o3dshape.sample_points_poisson_disk( np.ceil(num_points).astype(int) ) error = ( ideal_point_sep - np.mean(source_cloud.compute_nearest_neighbor_distance()) ) / ideal_point_sep errorlog[loopcount + 1, 0] = error errorlog[loopcount + 1, 1] = np.ceil(num_points).astype(int) # ensure that if the while loop cycled past the minimum it still finds it optimum_num = errorlog[ np.where(np.abs(errorlog[:, 0]) == np.nanmin(np.abs(errorlog[:, 0])))[0][0], 1 ] source_cloud = o3dshape.sample_points_poisson_disk(optimum_num.astype(int)) # breakpoint() source_cloud.estimate_normals() return source_cloud, areas
def parabola(radius, focal_length, thickness, mesh_length, mesh="all"): """ function to generate parabola of set focal length and radius using solids for more consistent meshing Parameters ---------- focal_length : TYPE DESCRIPTION. radius : TYPE DESCRIPTION. thickness : TYPE DESCRIPTION. mesh_length : TYPE DESCRIPTION. mesh : TYPE, optional DESCRIPTION. The default is 'top'. Returns ------- parabola_mesh : TYPE DESCRIPTION. parabola_scattering_points : TYPE DESCRIPTION. """ # stream = pkg_resources.resource_stream(__name__, 'parabolas.scad') stream = files("lyceanem.geometry").joinpath("parabolas.scad") parabolas = sd.import_scad(str(stream)) height = (1 / (4 * focal_length)) * radius ** 2 height_external = (1 / (4 * focal_length)) * (radius + thickness) ** 2 # keep with a focal point with zero radius. focal_radius = 0 # keep internal for now, gemetry will always be centred with focus a (0,0) geometry_centred = 0 # better to be overmeshed than under, so based on circumference detail_level = np.ceil((2 * scipy.constants.pi * radius) / mesh_length).astype(int) parabola_desired = parabolas.openscad_paraboloid( y=height, f=focal_length, rfa=focal_radius, fc=geometry_centred, detail=detail_level, ) parabola_external = parabolas.openscad_paraboloid( y=height_external, f=focal_length, rfa=focal_radius, fc=geometry_centred, detail=detail_level, ) final_parabola = sd.difference()( sd.translate([0, 0, -thickness])(parabola_external), sd.union()( parabola_desired, sd.translate([0, 0, height])( sd.cylinder(r=radius, h=height_external, segments=detail_level) ), ), ) sd.scad_render_to_file(final_parabola, "temp.scad") # run openscad and export to stl converttostl() parabola_mesh ="temp.stl") parabola_mesh.compute_vertex_normals() parabola_mesh.compute_triangle_normals() _, parabola_scatter_cloud = GF.tri_centroids(parabola_mesh) parabola_structures=structures([parabola_mesh]) parabola_points=points([parabola_scatter_cloud]) parabola=antenna_structures(parabola_structures,parabola_points) return parabola def converttostl(): """ This function is a convinence to allow the repeatable used of openscad to generate watertight stl files for use within LyceanEM. This function assumes that all openscad files are saved as temp.scad in the current working directory, and the output will be saved as temp.stl, ready for the home function to import it. Returns ------- Nothing """ import subprocess, os try: #print(os.getcwd()) working_directory="." #run([, ]) p = subprocess.Popen(["openscad-nightly", "-o", "temp.stl", "temp.scad", "--export-format=binstl"], cwd=working_directory) p.wait() except: #run(["openscad", "-o", "temp.stl", "temp.scad", "--export-format=binstl"]) p = subprocess.Popen(["openscad", "-o", "temp.stl", "temp.scad", "--export-format=binstl"],cwd=working_directory) p.wait() def meshed_pipe( eradius1, eradius2, iradius1, iradius2, height, mesh_length, mesh="centres" ): """ creates a cylinder Parameters ---------- eradius1 : float external bottom radius eradius2 : float external top radius height : float DESCRIPTION. mesh_length : float the maximum length of a facet, and maximum distance between mesh points in fully meshed mode mesh : string, optional DESCRIPTION. The default is 'centres'. Indicating only the centre of each face should be meshed. If `full' is chosen instead then a fully gridded surface will be generated.' Returns ------- shape : open3d triangle mesh of the solid mesh : open3d point cloud of the mesh of points with normal vectors """ segment_nums = np.max( [ 10, np.ceil((2 * np.pi * np.max([iradius1, iradius2])) / mesh_length).astype( "int" ), ] ) centre = sd.difference()( sd.cylinder(r1=eradius1, r2=eradius2, h=height, segments=segment_nums), sd.cylinder(r1=iradius1, r2=iradius2, h=height * 1.1, segments=segment_nums), ) if mesh == "centres": angles = np.linspace(0, np.pi * 2, segment_nums + 1)[0:-1] + (np.pi) / ( segment_nums ) mid_radius = np.min([iradius1, iradius2]) + np.abs(iradius1 - iradius2) / 2 saggita = mid_radius * (1 - np.cos((2 * np.pi / segment_nums) * 0.5)) tilt_angle = np.arctan2(iradius1 - iradius2, height) test_points = np.asarray( [ (mid_radius - saggita) * np.cos(angles), (mid_radius - saggita) * np.sin(angles), (height * 0.5) * np.ones((segment_nums)), ] ).transpose() test_normals = np.asarray( [np.cos(angles), np.sin(angles), np.zeros((segment_nums))] ).transpose() topbottom = np.asarray([[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, height]]).transpose() tb_normals = np.asarray([[0, 0], [0, 0], [-1, 1]]).transpose() test_faces = np.append(test_points, topbottom, axis=0) face_normals = np.append(test_normals, -1 * tb_normals, axis=0) elif mesh == "tops": # create a mesh for all sides with maximum spacing of mesh_length angles = np.linspace(0, np.pi * 2, segment_nums + 1)[0:-1] + (np.pi) / ( segment_nums ) face_length = (np.abs(iradius1 - iradius2) ** 2 + height ** 2) ** 0.5 face_segments = np.max([3, np.ceil(face_length / mesh_length).astype("int")]) face_heights = np.linspace(0, height, face_segments) test_points = np.empty((0, 3), dtype=np.float32) test_normals = np.empty((0, 3), dtype=np.float32) tilt_angle = np.arctan2(iradius1 - iradius2, height) adjust_radius = np.linspace(iradius1, iradius2, face_segments) for row_num in range(face_segments): segment_chord = ( 2 * adjust_radius[row_num] * np.sin((2 * np.pi / segment_nums) * 0.5) ) saggita = adjust_radius[row_num] * ( 1 - np.cos((2 * np.pi / segment_nums) * 0.5) ) col_num = np.max([2, np.ceil(segment_chord / mesh_length).astype("int")]) col_coords = np.asarray( [ (adjust_radius[row_num] - saggita) * np.ones((col_num - 1)), np.linspace(0, segment_chord, col_num)[0:-1] - segment_chord * 0.5, face_heights[row_num] * np.ones((col_num - 1)), ] ).transpose() col_normals = np.asarray( [ np.cos(tilt_angle) * np.ones((col_num - 1)), np.zeros((col_num - 1)), np.sin(tilt_angle) * np.ones((col_num - 1)), ] ).transpose() test_points = np.append(test_points, col_coords, axis=0) test_normals = np.append(test_normals, -1 * col_normals, axis=0) # minimum of 1 top point top_segments = np.max([2, np.ceil(iradius2 / mesh_length).astype("int")]) top_radials = np.linspace(0, iradius2, top_segments)[1:-1] for row_num in range(top_segments - 2): segment_chord = ( 2 * top_radials[row_num] * np.sin((2 * np.pi / segment_nums) * 0.5) ) saggita = top_radials[row_num] * ( 1 - np.cos((2 * np.pi / segment_nums) * 0.5) ) col_num = np.max([2, np.ceil(segment_chord / mesh_length).astype("int")]) col_coords = np.asarray( [ (top_radials[row_num] - saggita) * np.ones((col_num - 1)), np.linspace(0, segment_chord, col_num)[0:-1] - segment_chord * 0.5, height * np.ones((col_num - 1)), ] ).transpose() col_normals = np.asarray( [ 0 * np.ones((col_num - 1)), np.zeros((col_num - 1)), np.ones((col_num - 1)), ] ).transpose() test_points = np.append(test_points, col_coords, axis=0) test_normals = np.append(test_normals, -1 * col_normals, axis=0) test_faces = np.empty((0, 3), dtype=np.float32) face_normals = np.empty((0, 3), dtype=np.float32) for faces in range(segment_nums): # quaternion rotation around z axis r = R.from_quat( [0, 0, np.sin(angles[faces] / 2), np.cos(angles[faces] / 2)] ) test_faces = np.append(test_faces, r.apply(test_points), axis=0) face_normals = np.append(face_normals, -1 * r.apply(test_normals), axis=0) # add top centre test_faces = np.append( test_faces, np.asarray([0, 0, height]).reshape(1, 3), axis=0 ) face_normals = np.append( face_normals, -1 * np.asarray([0, 0, 1]).reshape(1, 3), axis=0 ) elif mesh == "faces": angles = np.linspace(0, np.pi * 2, segment_nums + 1)[0:-1] + (np.pi) / ( segment_nums ) face_length = (np.abs(iradius1 - iradius2) ** 2 + height ** 2) ** 0.5 face_segments = np.max([3, np.ceil(face_length / mesh_length).astype("int")]) face_heights = np.linspace(0, height, face_segments) test_points = np.empty((0, 3), dtype=np.float32) test_normals = np.empty((0, 3), dtype=np.float32) tilt_angle = np.arctan2(iradius1 - iradius2, height) adjust_radius = np.linspace(iradius1, iradius2, face_segments) for row_num in range(face_segments): segment_chord = ( 2 * adjust_radius[row_num] * np.sin((2 * np.pi / segment_nums) * 0.5) ) saggita = adjust_radius[row_num] * ( 1 - np.cos((2 * np.pi / segment_nums) * 0.5) ) col_num = np.max([2, np.ceil(segment_chord / mesh_length).astype("int")]) col_coords = np.asarray( [ (adjust_radius[row_num] - saggita) * np.ones((col_num - 1)), np.linspace(0, segment_chord, col_num)[0:-1] - segment_chord * 0.5, face_heights[row_num] * np.ones((col_num - 1)), ] ).transpose() col_normals = np.asarray( [ np.cos(tilt_angle) * np.ones((col_num - 1)), np.zeros((col_num - 1)), np.sin(tilt_angle) * np.ones((col_num - 1)), ] ).transpose() test_points = np.append(test_points, col_coords, axis=0) test_normals = np.append(test_normals, -1 * col_normals, axis=0) test_faces = np.empty((0, 3), dtype=np.float32) face_normals = np.empty((0, 3), dtype=np.float32) for faces in range(segment_nums): # quaternion rotation around z axis r = R.from_quat( [0, 0, np.sin(angles[faces] / 2), np.cos(angles[faces] / 2)] ) test_faces = np.append(test_faces, r.apply(test_points), axis=0) face_normals = np.append(face_normals, r.apply(test_normals), axis=0) else: angles = np.linspace(0, np.pi * 2, segment_nums + 1)[0:-1] + (np.pi) / ( segment_nums ) face_length = (np.abs(iradius1 - iradius2) ** 2 + height ** 2) ** 0.5 face_segments = np.max([3, np.ceil(face_length / mesh_length).astype("int")]) face_heights = np.linspace(0, height, face_segments) test_points = np.empty((0, 3), dtype=np.float32) test_normals = np.empty((0, 3), dtype=np.float32) tilt_angle = np.arctan2(iradius1 - iradius2, height) adjust_radius = np.linspace(iradius1, iradius2, face_segments) for row_num in range(face_segments): segment_chord = ( 2 * adjust_radius[row_num] * np.sin((2 * np.pi / segment_nums) * 0.5) ) saggita = adjust_radius[row_num] * ( 1 - np.cos((2 * np.pi / segment_nums) * 0.5) ) col_num = np.max([2, np.ceil(segment_chord / mesh_length).astype("int")]) col_coords = np.asarray( [ (adjust_radius[row_num] - saggita) * np.ones((col_num - 1)), np.linspace(0, segment_chord, col_num)[0:-1] - segment_chord * 0.5, face_heights[row_num] * np.ones((col_num - 1)), ] ).transpose() col_normals = np.asarray( [ np.cos(tilt_angle) * np.ones((col_num - 1)), np.zeros((col_num - 1)), np.sin(tilt_angle) * np.ones((col_num - 1)), ] ).transpose() test_points = np.append(test_points, col_coords, axis=0) test_normals = np.append(test_normals, -1 * col_normals, axis=0) # minimum of 1 top point top_segments = np.max([2, np.ceil(iradius2 / mesh_length).astype("int")]) top_radials = np.linspace(0, iradius2, top_segments)[1:-1] for row_num in range(top_segments - 2): segment_chord = ( 2 * top_radials[row_num] * np.sin((2 * np.pi / segment_nums) * 0.5) ) saggita = top_radials[row_num] * ( 1 - np.cos((2 * np.pi / segment_nums) * 0.5) ) col_num = np.max([2, np.ceil(segment_chord / mesh_length).astype("int")]) col_coords = np.asarray( [ (top_radials[row_num] - saggita) * np.ones((col_num - 1)), np.linspace(0, segment_chord, col_num)[0:-1] - segment_chord * 0.5, height * np.ones((col_num - 1)), ] ).transpose() col_normals = np.asarray( [ 0 * np.ones((col_num - 1)), np.zeros((col_num - 1)), np.ones((col_num - 1)), ] ).transpose() test_points = np.append(test_points, col_coords, axis=0) test_normals = np.append(test_normals, -1 * col_normals, axis=0) # minimum of 1 bottom point bottom_segments = np.max([2, np.ceil(iradius1 / mesh_length).astype("int")]) bottom_radials = np.linspace(0, iradius1, top_segments)[1:-1] for row_num in range(top_segments - 2): segment_chord = ( 2 * bottom_radials[row_num] * np.sin((2 * np.pi / segment_nums) * 0.5) ) saggita = bottom_radials[row_num] * ( 1 - np.cos((2 * np.pi / segment_nums) * 0.5) ) col_num = np.max([2, np.ceil(segment_chord / mesh_length).astype("int")]) col_coords = np.asarray( [ (bottom_radials[row_num] - saggita) * np.ones((col_num - 1)), np.linspace(0, segment_chord, col_num)[0:-1] - segment_chord * 0.5, np.zeros((col_num - 1)), ] ).transpose() col_normals = np.asarray( [ 0 * np.ones((col_num - 1)), np.zeros((col_num - 1)), -1 * np.ones((col_num - 1)), ] ).transpose() test_points = np.append(test_points, col_coords, axis=0) test_normals = np.append(test_normals, -1 * col_normals, axis=0) test_faces = np.empty((0, 3), dtype=np.float32) face_normals = np.empty((0, 3), dtype=np.float32) for faces in range(segment_nums): # quaternion rotation around z axis r = R.from_quat( [0, 0, np.sin(angles[faces] / 2), np.cos(angles[faces] / 2)] ) test_faces = np.append(test_faces, r.apply(test_points), axis=0) face_normals = np.append(face_normals, r.apply(test_normals), axis=0) # add top centre test_faces = np.append( test_faces, np.asarray([0, 0, height]).reshape(1, 3), axis=0 ) face_normals = np.append( face_normals, -1 * np.asarray([0, 0, 1]).reshape(1, 3), axis=0 ) test_faces = np.append(test_faces, np.asarray([0, 0, 0]).reshape(1, 3), axis=0) face_normals = np.append( face_normals, -1 * np.asarray([0, 0, -1]).reshape(1, 3), axis=0 ) # generate valid openscad code and store it in file sd.scad_render_to_file(centre, "temp.scad") # run openscad and export to stl #run(["openscad-nightly", "-o", "temp.stl", "temp.scad", "--export-format=binstl"]) converttostl() structure ="temp.stl") structure.compute_vertex_normals() scatter_cloud = RF.points2pointcloud(np.copy(test_faces)) scatter_cloud.normals = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(np.copy(face_normals)) return structure, scatter_cloud def meshed_cylinder(radius1, radius2, height, mesh_length, mesh="centres",segment_nums=0): """ creates a cylinder Parameters ---------- radius1 : float bottom radius radius2 : float top radius height : float DESCRIPTION. mesh_length : float the maximum length of a facet, and maximum distance between mesh points in fully meshed mode mesh : string, optional DESCRIPTION. The default is 'centres'. Indicating only the centre of each face should be meshed. If `full' is chosen instead then a fully gridded surface will be generated.' Returns ------- shape : open3d triangle mesh of the solid mesh : open3d point cloud of the mesh of points with normal vectors """ if segment_nums<3: segment_nums = np.max( [ 3, np.ceil((2 * np.pi * np.max([radius1, radius2])) / mesh_length).astype( "int" ), ] ) centre = sd.cylinder(r1=radius1, r2=radius2, h=height, segments=segment_nums) if mesh == "centres": angles = np.linspace(0, np.pi * 2, segment_nums + 1)[0:-1] + (np.pi) / ( segment_nums ) mid_radius = np.min([radius1, radius2]) + np.abs(radius1 - radius2) / 2 saggita = mid_radius * (1 - np.cos((2 * np.pi / segment_nums) * 0.5)) tilt_angle = np.arctan2(radius1 - radius2, height) test_points = np.asarray( [ (mid_radius - saggita) * np.cos(angles), (mid_radius - saggita) * np.sin(angles), (height * 0.5) * np.ones((segment_nums)), ] ).transpose() test_normals = np.asarray( [np.cos(angles), np.sin(angles), np.zeros((segment_nums))] ).transpose() topbottom = np.asarray([[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, height]]).transpose() tb_normals = np.asarray([[0, 0], [0, 0], [-1, 1]]).transpose() test_faces = np.append(test_points, topbottom, axis=0) face_normals = np.append(test_normals, tb_normals, axis=0) elif mesh == "tops": # create a mesh for all sides with maximum spacing of mesh_length angles = np.linspace(0, np.pi * 2, segment_nums + 1)[0:-1] + (np.pi) / ( segment_nums ) face_length = (np.abs(radius1 - radius2) ** 2 + height ** 2) ** 0.5 face_segments = np.max([3, np.ceil(face_length / mesh_length).astype("int")]) face_heights = np.linspace(0, height, face_segments) test_points = np.empty((0, 3), dtype=np.float32) test_normals = np.empty((0, 3), dtype=np.float32) tilt_angle = np.arctan2(radius1 - radius2, height) adjust_radius = np.linspace(radius1, radius2, face_segments) for row_num in range(face_segments): segment_chord = ( 2 * adjust_radius[row_num] * np.sin((2 * np.pi / segment_nums) * 0.5) ) saggita = adjust_radius[row_num] * ( 1 - np.cos((2 * np.pi / segment_nums) * 0.5) ) col_num = np.max([2, np.ceil(segment_chord / mesh_length).astype("int")]) col_coords = np.asarray( [ (adjust_radius[row_num] - saggita) * np.ones((col_num - 1)), np.linspace(0, segment_chord, col_num)[0:-1] - segment_chord * 0.5, face_heights[row_num] * np.ones((col_num - 1)), ] ).transpose() col_normals = np.asarray( [ np.cos(tilt_angle) * np.ones((col_num - 1)), np.zeros((col_num - 1)), np.sin(tilt_angle) * np.ones((col_num - 1)), ] ).transpose() test_points = np.append(test_points, col_coords, axis=0) test_normals = np.append(test_normals, col_normals, axis=0) # minimum of 1 top point top_segments = np.max([2, np.ceil(radius2 / mesh_length).astype("int")]) top_radials = np.linspace(0, radius2, top_segments)[1:-1] for row_num in range(top_segments - 2): segment_chord = ( 2 * top_radials[row_num] * np.sin((2 * np.pi / segment_nums) * 0.5) ) saggita = top_radials[row_num] * ( 1 - np.cos((2 * np.pi / segment_nums) * 0.5) ) col_num = np.max([2, np.ceil(segment_chord / mesh_length).astype("int")]) col_coords = np.asarray( [ (top_radials[row_num] - saggita) * np.ones((col_num - 1)), np.linspace(0, segment_chord, col_num)[0:-1] - segment_chord * 0.5, height * np.ones((col_num - 1)), ] ).transpose() col_normals = np.asarray( [ 0 * np.ones((col_num - 1)), np.zeros((col_num - 1)), np.ones((col_num - 1)), ] ).transpose() test_points = np.append(test_points, col_coords, axis=0) test_normals = np.append(test_normals, col_normals, axis=0) test_faces = np.empty((0, 3), dtype=np.float32) face_normals = np.empty((0, 3), dtype=np.float32) for faces in range(segment_nums): # quaternion rotation around z axis r = R.from_quat( [0, 0, np.sin(angles[faces] / 2), np.cos(angles[faces] / 2)] ) test_faces = np.append(test_faces, r.apply(test_points), axis=0) face_normals = np.append(face_normals, r.apply(test_normals), axis=0) # add top centre test_faces = np.append( test_faces, np.asarray([0, 0, height]).reshape(1, 3), axis=0 ) face_normals = np.append( face_normals, np.asarray([0, 0, 1]).reshape(1, 3), axis=0 ) elif mesh == "sides": angles = np.linspace(0, np.pi * 2, segment_nums + 1)[0:-1] + (np.pi) / ( segment_nums ) face_length = (np.abs(radius1 - radius2) ** 2 + height ** 2) ** 0.5 face_segments = np.max([3, np.ceil(face_length / mesh_length).astype("int")]) face_heights = np.linspace(0, height, face_segments) test_points = np.empty((0, 3), dtype=np.float32) test_normals = np.empty((0, 3), dtype=np.float32) tilt_angle = np.arctan2(radius1 - radius2, height) adjust_radius = np.linspace(radius1, radius2, face_segments) for row_num in range(face_segments): segment_chord = ( 2 * adjust_radius[row_num] * np.sin((2 * np.pi / segment_nums) * 0.5) ) saggita = adjust_radius[row_num] * ( 1 - np.cos((2 * np.pi / segment_nums) * 0.5) ) col_num = np.max([2, np.ceil(segment_chord / mesh_length).astype("int")]) col_coords = np.asarray( [ (adjust_radius[row_num] - saggita) * np.ones((col_num - 1)), np.linspace(0, segment_chord, col_num)[0:-1] - segment_chord * 0.5, face_heights[row_num] * np.ones((col_num - 1)), ] ).transpose() col_normals = np.asarray( [ np.cos(tilt_angle) * np.ones((col_num - 1)), np.zeros((col_num - 1)), np.sin(tilt_angle) * np.ones((col_num - 1)), ] ).transpose() test_points = np.append(test_points, col_coords, axis=0) test_normals = np.append(test_normals, col_normals, axis=0) test_faces = np.empty((0, 3), dtype=np.float32) face_normals = np.empty((0, 3), dtype=np.float32) for faces in range(segment_nums): # quaternion rotation around z axis r = R.from_quat( [0, 0, np.sin(angles[faces] / 2), np.cos(angles[faces] / 2)] ) test_faces = np.append(test_faces, r.apply(test_points), axis=0) face_normals = np.append(face_normals, r.apply(test_normals), axis=0) else: angles = np.linspace(0, np.pi * 2, segment_nums + 1)[0:-1] + (np.pi) / ( segment_nums ) face_length = (np.abs(radius1 - radius2) ** 2 + height ** 2) ** 0.5 face_segments = np.max([3, np.ceil(face_length / mesh_length).astype("int")]) face_heights = np.linspace(0, height, face_segments) test_points = np.empty((0, 3), dtype=np.float32) test_normals = np.empty((0, 3), dtype=np.float32) tilt_angle = np.arctan2(radius1 - radius2, height) adjust_radius = np.linspace(radius1, radius2, face_segments) for row_num in range(face_segments): segment_chord = ( 2 * adjust_radius[row_num] * np.sin((2 * np.pi / segment_nums) * 0.5) ) saggita = adjust_radius[row_num] * ( 1 - np.cos((2 * np.pi / segment_nums) * 0.5) ) col_num = np.max([2, np.ceil(segment_chord / mesh_length).astype("int")]) col_coords = np.asarray( [ (adjust_radius[row_num] - saggita) * np.ones((col_num - 1)), np.linspace(0, segment_chord, col_num)[0:-1] - segment_chord * 0.5, face_heights[row_num] * np.ones((col_num - 1)), ] ).transpose() col_normals = np.asarray( [ np.cos(tilt_angle) * np.ones((col_num - 1)), np.zeros((col_num - 1)), np.sin(tilt_angle) * np.ones((col_num - 1)), ] ).transpose() test_points = np.append(test_points, col_coords, axis=0) test_normals = np.append(test_normals, col_normals, axis=0) # minimum of 1 top point top_segments = np.max([2, np.ceil(radius2 / mesh_length).astype("int")]) top_radials = np.linspace(0, radius2, top_segments)[1:-1] for row_num in range(top_segments - 2): segment_chord = ( 2 * top_radials[row_num] * np.sin((2 * np.pi / segment_nums) * 0.5) ) saggita = top_radials[row_num] * ( 1 - np.cos((2 * np.pi / segment_nums) * 0.5) ) col_num = np.max([2, np.ceil(segment_chord / mesh_length).astype("int")]) col_coords = np.asarray( [ (top_radials[row_num] - saggita) * np.ones((col_num - 1)), np.linspace(0, segment_chord, col_num)[0:-1] - segment_chord * 0.5, height * np.ones((col_num - 1)), ] ).transpose() col_normals = np.asarray( [ 0 * np.ones((col_num - 1)), np.zeros((col_num - 1)), np.ones((col_num - 1)), ] ).transpose() test_points = np.append(test_points, col_coords, axis=0) test_normals = np.append(test_normals, col_normals, axis=0) # minimum of 1 bottom point bottom_segments = np.max([2, np.ceil(radius1 / mesh_length).astype("int")]) bottom_radials = np.linspace(0, radius1, top_segments)[1:-1] for row_num in range(top_segments - 2): segment_chord = ( 2 * bottom_radials[row_num] * np.sin((2 * np.pi / segment_nums) * 0.5) ) saggita = bottom_radials[row_num] * ( 1 - np.cos((2 * np.pi / segment_nums) * 0.5) ) col_num = np.max([2, np.ceil(segment_chord / mesh_length).astype("int")]) col_coords = np.asarray( [ (bottom_radials[row_num] - saggita) * np.ones((col_num - 1)), np.linspace(0, segment_chord, col_num)[0:-1] - segment_chord * 0.5, np.zeros((col_num - 1)), ] ).transpose() col_normals = np.asarray( [ 0 * np.ones((col_num - 1)), np.zeros((col_num - 1)), -1 * np.ones((col_num - 1)), ] ).transpose() test_points = np.append(test_points, col_coords, axis=0) test_normals = np.append(test_normals, col_normals, axis=0) test_faces = np.empty((0, 3), dtype=np.float32) face_normals = np.empty((0, 3), dtype=np.float32) for faces in range(segment_nums): # quaternion rotation around z axis r = R.from_quat( [0, 0, np.sin(angles[faces] / 2), np.cos(angles[faces] / 2)] ) test_faces = np.append(test_faces, r.apply(test_points), axis=0) face_normals = np.append(face_normals, r.apply(test_normals), axis=0) # add top centre test_faces = np.append( test_faces, np.asarray([0, 0, height]).reshape(1, 3), axis=0 ) face_normals = np.append( face_normals, np.asarray([0, 0, 1]).reshape(1, 3), axis=0 ) test_faces = np.append(test_faces, np.asarray([0, 0, 0]).reshape(1, 3), axis=0) face_normals = np.append( face_normals, np.asarray([0, 0, -1]).reshape(1, 3), axis=0 ) # generate valid openscad code and store it in file sd.scad_render_to_file(centre, "temp.scad") # run openscad and export to stl #run(["openscad-nightly", "-o", "temp.stl", "temp.scad", "--export-format=binstl"]) converttostl() #structure ="temp.stl")"temp.stl") temp_mesh.compute_vertex_normals() scatter_cloud = RF.points2pointcloud(np.copy(test_faces)) scatter_cloud.normals = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(np.copy(face_normals)) structure = structures([temp_mesh]) total_points = points([scatter_cloud]) return structure, total_points def meshed_trapazoid(radius1, radius2, height, mesh_length, mesh="centres"): """ creates a trapazoid Parameters ---------- radius1 : float bottom radius radius2 : float top radius height : float DESCRIPTION. mesh_length : float the maximum length of a facet, and maximum distance between mesh points in fully meshed mode mesh : string, optional DESCRIPTION. The default is 'centres'. Indicating only the centre of each face should be meshed. If `full' is chosen instead then a fully gridded surface will be generated.' Returns ------- shape : open3d triangle mesh of the solid mesh : open3d point cloud of the mesh of points with normal vectors """ # segment_nums=np.max([10,np.ceil((2*np.pi*radius)/mesh_length).astype('int')]) segment_nums = 4 centre = sd.cylinder(r1=radius1, r2=radius2, h=height, segments=segment_nums) if mesh == "centres": angles = np.linspace(0, np.pi * 2, segment_nums + 1)[0:-1] + (np.pi) / ( segment_nums ) mid_radius = np.min([radius1, radius2]) + np.abs(radius1 - radius2) / 2 saggita = mid_radius * (1 - np.cos((2 * np.pi / segment_nums) * 0.5)) tilt_angle = np.arctan2(radius1 - radius2, height) test_points = np.asarray( [ (mid_radius - saggita) * np.cos(angles), (mid_radius - saggita) * np.sin(angles), (height * 0.5) * np.ones((segment_nums)), ] ).transpose() test_normals = np.asarray( [np.cos(angles), np.sin(angles), np.zeros((segment_nums))] ).transpose() topbottom = np.asarray([[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, height]]).transpose() tb_normals = np.asarray([[0, 0], [0, 0], [-1, 1]]).transpose() test_faces = np.append(test_points, topbottom, axis=0) face_normals = np.append(test_normals, tb_normals, axis=0) elif mesh == "tops": # create a mesh for all sides with maximum spacing of mesh_length angles = np.linspace(0, np.pi * 2, segment_nums + 1)[0:-1] + (np.pi) / ( segment_nums ) face_length = (np.abs(radius1 - radius2) ** 2 + height ** 2) ** 0.5 face_segments = np.max([3, np.ceil(face_length / mesh_length).astype("int")]) face_heights = np.linspace(0, height, face_segments) test_points = np.empty((0, 3), dtype=np.float32) test_normals = np.empty((0, 3), dtype=np.float32) tilt_angle = np.arctan2(radius1 - radius2, height) adjust_radius = np.linspace(radius1, radius2, face_segments) for row_num in range(face_segments): segment_chord = ( 2 * adjust_radius[row_num] * np.sin((2 * np.pi / segment_nums) * 0.5) ) saggita = adjust_radius[row_num] * ( 1 - np.cos((2 * np.pi / segment_nums) * 0.5) ) col_num = np.max([2, np.ceil(segment_chord / mesh_length).astype("int")]) col_coords = np.asarray( [ (adjust_radius[row_num] - saggita) * np.ones((col_num - 1)), np.linspace(0, segment_chord, col_num)[0:-1] - segment_chord * 0.5, face_heights[row_num] * np.ones((col_num - 1)), ] ).transpose() col_normals = np.asarray( [ np.cos(tilt_angle) * np.ones((col_num - 1)), np.zeros((col_num - 1)), np.sin(tilt_angle) * np.ones((col_num - 1)), ] ).transpose() test_points = np.append(test_points, col_coords, axis=0) test_normals = np.append(test_normals, col_normals, axis=0) # minimum of 1 top point top_segments = np.max([2, np.ceil(radius2 / mesh_length).astype("int")]) top_radials = np.linspace(0, radius2, top_segments)[1:-1] for row_num in range(top_segments - 2): segment_chord = ( 2 * top_radials[row_num] * np.sin((2 * np.pi / segment_nums) * 0.5) ) saggita = top_radials[row_num] * ( 1 - np.cos((2 * np.pi / segment_nums) * 0.5) ) col_num = np.max([2, np.ceil(segment_chord / mesh_length).astype("int")]) col_coords = np.asarray( [ (top_radials[row_num] - saggita) * np.ones((col_num - 1)), np.linspace(0, segment_chord, col_num)[0:-1] - segment_chord * 0.5, height * np.ones((col_num - 1)), ] ).transpose() col_normals = np.asarray( [ 0 * np.ones((col_num - 1)), np.zeros((col_num - 1)), np.ones((col_num - 1)), ] ).transpose() test_points = np.append(test_points, col_coords, axis=0) test_normals = np.append(test_normals, col_normals, axis=0) test_faces = np.empty((0, 3), dtype=np.float32) face_normals = np.empty((0, 3), dtype=np.float32) for faces in range(segment_nums): # quaternion rotation around z axis r = R.from_quat( [0, 0, np.sin(angles[faces] / 2), np.cos(angles[faces] / 2)] ) test_faces = np.append(test_faces, r.apply(test_points), axis=0) face_normals = np.append(face_normals, r.apply(test_normals), axis=0) # add top centre test_faces = np.append( test_faces, np.asarray([0, 0, height]).reshape(1, 3), axis=0 ) face_normals = np.append( face_normals, np.asarray([0, 0, 1]).reshape(1, 3), axis=0 ) else: angles = np.linspace(0, np.pi * 2, segment_nums + 1)[0:-1] + (np.pi) / ( segment_nums ) face_length = (np.abs(radius1 - radius2) ** 2 + height ** 2) ** 0.5 face_segments = np.max([3, np.ceil(face_length / mesh_length).astype("int")]) face_heights = np.linspace(0, height, face_segments) test_points = np.empty((0, 3), dtype=np.float32) test_normals = np.empty((0, 3), dtype=np.float32) tilt_angle = np.arctan2(radius1 - radius2, height) adjust_radius = np.linspace(radius1, radius2, face_segments) for row_num in range(face_segments): segment_chord = ( 2 * adjust_radius[row_num] * np.sin((2 * np.pi / segment_nums) * 0.5) ) saggita = adjust_radius[row_num] * ( 1 - np.cos((2 * np.pi / segment_nums) * 0.5) ) col_num = np.max([2, np.ceil(segment_chord / mesh_length).astype("int")]) col_coords = np.asarray( [ (adjust_radius[row_num] - saggita) * np.ones((col_num - 1)), np.linspace(0, segment_chord, col_num)[0:-1] - segment_chord * 0.5, face_heights[row_num] * np.ones((col_num - 1)), ] ).transpose() col_normals = np.asarray( [ np.cos(tilt_angle) * np.ones((col_num - 1)), np.zeros((col_num - 1)), np.sin(tilt_angle) * np.ones((col_num - 1)), ] ).transpose() test_points = np.append(test_points, col_coords, axis=0) test_normals = np.append(test_normals, col_normals, axis=0) # minimum of 1 top point top_segments = np.max([2, np.ceil(radius2 / mesh_length).astype("int")]) top_radials = np.linspace(0, radius2, top_segments)[1:-1] for row_num in range(top_segments - 2): segment_chord = ( 2 * top_radials[row_num] * np.sin((2 * np.pi / segment_nums) * 0.5) ) saggita = top_radials[row_num] * ( 1 - np.cos((2 * np.pi / segment_nums) * 0.5) ) col_num = np.max([2, np.ceil(segment_chord / mesh_length).astype("int")]) col_coords = np.asarray( [ (top_radials[row_num] - saggita) * np.ones((col_num - 1)), np.linspace(0, segment_chord, col_num)[0:-1] - segment_chord * 0.5, height * np.ones((col_num - 1)), ] ).transpose() col_normals = np.asarray( [ 0 * np.ones((col_num - 1)), np.zeros((col_num - 1)), np.ones((col_num - 1)), ] ).transpose() test_points = np.append(test_points, col_coords, axis=0) test_normals = np.append(test_normals, col_normals, axis=0) # minimum of 1 bottom point bottom_segments = np.max([2, np.ceil(radius1 / mesh_length).astype("int")]) bottom_radials = np.linspace(0, radius1, top_segments)[1:-1] for row_num in range(top_segments - 2): segment_chord = ( 2 * bottom_radials[row_num] * np.sin((2 * np.pi / segment_nums) * 0.5) ) saggita = bottom_radials[row_num] * ( 1 - np.cos((2 * np.pi / segment_nums) * 0.5) ) col_num = np.max([2, np.ceil(segment_chord / mesh_length).astype("int")]) col_coords = np.asarray( [ (bottom_radials[row_num] - saggita) * np.ones((col_num - 1)), np.linspace(0, segment_chord, col_num)[0:-1] - segment_chord * 0.5, np.zeros((col_num - 1)), ] ).transpose() col_normals = np.asarray( [ 0 * np.ones((col_num - 1)), np.zeros((col_num - 1)), -1 * np.ones((col_num - 1)), ] ).transpose() test_points = np.append(test_points, col_coords, axis=0) test_normals = np.append(test_normals, col_normals, axis=0) test_faces = np.empty((0, 3), dtype=np.float32) face_normals = np.empty((0, 3), dtype=np.float32) for faces in range(segment_nums): # quaternion rotation around z axis r = R.from_quat( [0, 0, np.sin(angles[faces] / 2), np.cos(angles[faces] / 2)] ) test_faces = np.append(test_faces, r.apply(test_points), axis=0) face_normals = np.append(face_normals, r.apply(test_normals), axis=0) # add top centre test_faces = np.append( test_faces, np.asarray([0, 0, height]).reshape(1, 3), axis=0 ) face_normals = np.append( face_normals, np.asarray([0, 0, 1]).reshape(1, 3), axis=0 ) test_faces = np.append(test_faces, np.asarray([0, 0, 0]).reshape(1, 3), axis=0) face_normals = np.append( face_normals, np.asarray([0, 0, -1]).reshape(1, 3), axis=0 ) # generate valid openscad code and store it in file sd.scad_render_to_file(centre, "temp.scad") # run openscad and export to stl #run(["openscad-nightly", "-o", "temp.stl", "temp.scad", "--export-format=binstl"]) converttostl() structure ="temp.stl") structure.compute_vertex_normals() scatter_cloud = RF.points2pointcloud(np.copy(test_faces)) scatter_cloud.normals = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(np.copy(face_normals)) return structure, scatter_cloud def rectReflector(majorsize, minorsize, thickness): """ create a primative of the right size, assuming always orientated with normal aligned with zenith, and major axis with x, adjust position so the face is centred on (0,0,0) """ reflector1 = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.create_box(majorsize, minorsize, thickness) translate_dist = np.array( [-majorsize / 2.0, -minorsize / 2.0, -(thickness + EPSILON)] ) # fine_mesh=reflector1.subdivide_midpoint(3) fine_mesh = reflector1 fine_mesh.compute_vertex_normals() fine_mesh.paint_uniform_color([0.79, 0.50, 0.24]) fine_mesh.translate(translate_dist, relative=True) return fine_mesh def shapeTrapezoid(x_size, y_size, length, flare_angle): """ create a trapazoid to represent a simple horn of the right size, assuming always orientated with normal aligned with zenith, and major axis with x, adjust position so the face is centred on (0,0,0) """ # create trapazoid vertices mesh_vertices = np.zeros((8, 3), dtype=np.float32) mesh_vertices[0, :] = [-x_size / 2.0, -y_size / 2, -1e-6] mesh_vertices[1, :] = [x_size / 2.0, -y_size / 2, -1e-6] mesh_vertices[2, :] = [x_size / 2.0, y_size / 2, -1e-6] mesh_vertices[3, :] = [-x_size / 2.0, y_size / 2, -1e-6] mesh_vertices[4, :] = mesh_vertices[0, :] - np.array( [ mesh_vertices[0, 0] * np.sin(flare_angle), mesh_vertices[0, 1] * np.sin(flare_angle), length, ] ) mesh_vertices[5, :] = mesh_vertices[1, :] - np.array( [ mesh_vertices[1, 0] * np.sin(flare_angle), mesh_vertices[1, 1] * np.sin(flare_angle), length, ] ) mesh_vertices[6, :] = mesh_vertices[2, :] - np.array( [ mesh_vertices[2, 0] * np.sin(flare_angle), mesh_vertices[2, 1] * np.sin(flare_angle), length, ] ) mesh_vertices[7, :] = mesh_vertices[3, :] - np.array( [ mesh_vertices[3, 0] * np.sin(flare_angle), mesh_vertices[3, 1] * np.sin(flare_angle), length, ] ) triangle_list = np.zeros((12, 3), dtype=np.int32) triangle_list[0, :] = [0, 1, 3] triangle_list[1, :] = [2, 3, 1] triangle_list[2, :] = [0, 3, 4] triangle_list[3, :] = [3, 7, 4] triangle_list[4, :] = [3, 2, 7] triangle_list[5, :] = [2, 6, 7] triangle_list[6, :] = [0, 4, 1] triangle_list[7, :] = [5, 1, 4] triangle_list[8, :] = [2, 1, 6] triangle_list[9, :] = [5, 6, 1] triangle_list[10, :] = [4, 7, 5] triangle_list[11, :] = [6, 5, 7] mesh = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh() mesh.vertices = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(mesh_vertices) mesh.triangles = o3d.utility.Vector3iVector(triangle_list) mesh.compute_triangle_normals() mesh.paint_uniform_color(np.array([0, 0.259, 0.145])) return mesh
[docs]def meshedReflector(majorsize, minorsize, thickness, grid_resolution, sides="all"): """ A helper function which creates a meshed cuboid with the `front` face center at the origin, and with the boresight aligned with the positive z direction Parameters ---------- majorsize : float the width of the cuboid in the x direction minorsize : float the width of the cuboid in the y direction thickness : float the thickness of the cuboid structure grid_resolution : float the spacing between the scattering points, should be half a wavelength at the frequency of interest sides : str command for the mesh, default is 'all', creating a mesh of surface points on all sides of the cuboid, other options are 'front' which only creates points for the side aligned with the positive z direction, or 'centres', which creates a point for the centre of each side. Returns ------- reflector : :class:`open3d.geometry.TriangleMesh` the defined cuboid mesh_points : :class:`open3d.geometry.PointCloud` the scattering points, spaced at grid_resolution seperation between each point, and with normal vectors from the populating surfaces """ reflector = rectReflector(majorsize, minorsize, thickness) mesh_points = gridedReflectorPoints( majorsize, minorsize, thickness, grid_resolution, sides ) return reflector, mesh_points
def OTAEllipsoid( reflector_index, major_axis_size, minor_axis_size, max_grid, reflector_shape="rectangle", ): # standard defintion of the OTA Prototpe # antenna 1 should be at (-0.98107,0,0) # antenna 2 should be at (0.98107,0,0) # major axis of 2.05m, minor axis of 1.8m # gridded_sides = "front" semi_major = 2.05 semi_minor = 1.8 freq = 24e9 wavelength = 3e8 / freq local_coords = np.array( [ [-1.9998, 0.2781, 0], [-1.8041, 0.8071, 0], [-1.4317, 1.2571, 0], [-0.9192, 1.5841, 0], [-0.3167, 1.7560, 0], ] ) full_coords = np.append(local_coords, np.flipud(local_coords), axis=0) full_coords[5:, 0] = full_coords[5:, 0] * -1 # origins = np.zeros((10, 3), dtype=np.float32) directions = np.zeros((10, 3), dtype=np.float32) norm_length = np.zeros((10, 1), dtype=np.float32) directions, norm_length = math_functions.calc_dv_norm( full_coords, origins, directions, norm_length ) angle_values = np.arctan2(directions[:, 1], directions[:, 0]) reflector_pointers = ( np.arctan((semi_major ** 2) / (semi_minor ** 2) * np.tan(angle_values)) - np.pi / 2.0 ) if reflector_index == 0 or reflector_index >= 10: if reflector_shape == "rectangle": s1_plate, s1_points = meshedReflector( major_axis_size, minor_axis_size, 6e-3, max_grid, sides=gridded_sides ) elif reflector_shape == "circle": s1_plate, s1_points = meshedCircle( major_axis_size, minor_axis_size, 6e-3, max_grid, sides=gridded_sides ) s1_points = GF.open3drotate( s1_points, o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.get_rotation_matrix_from_xyz( np.asarray([np.arcsin(-1.0), 0.0, 0.0]) ), ) s1_points = GF.open3drotate( s1_points, o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.get_rotation_matrix_from_xyz( [0.0, 0.0, reflector_pointers[0]] ), ) s1_points.translate(full_coords[0, :].transpose(), relative=True) s1_plate = GF.open3drotate( s1_plate, o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.get_rotation_matrix_from_xyz( np.asarray([np.arcsin(-1.0), 0.0, 0.0]) ), ) s1_plate = GF.open3drotate( s1_plate, o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.get_rotation_matrix_from_xyz( [0.0, 0.0, reflector_pointers[0]] ), ) s1_plate.translate(full_coords[0, :].transpose(), relative=True) if reflector_index == 1 or reflector_index >= 10: if reflector_shape == "rectangle": u1_plate, u1_points = meshedReflector( major_axis_size, minor_axis_size, 6e-3, max_grid, sides=gridded_sides ) elif reflector_shape == "circle": u1_plate, u1_points = meshedCircle( major_axis_size, minor_axis_size, 6e-3, max_grid, sides=gridded_sides ) u1_plate = GF.open3drotate( u1_plate, o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.get_rotation_matrix_from_xyz( np.asarray([np.arcsin(-1.0), 0.0, 0.0]) ), ) u1_plate = GF.open3drotate( u1_plate, o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.get_rotation_matrix_from_xyz( [0.0, 0.0, reflector_pointers[1]] ), ) u1_plate.translate(full_coords[1, :].transpose(), relative=True) u1_points = GF.open3drotate( u1_points, o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.get_rotation_matrix_from_xyz( np.asarray([np.arcsin(-1.0), 0.0, 0.0]) ), ) u1_points = GF.open3drotate( u1_points, o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.get_rotation_matrix_from_xyz( [0.0, 0.0, reflector_pointers[1]] ), ) u1_points.translate(full_coords[1, :].transpose(), relative=True) if reflector_index == 2 or reflector_index >= 10: if reflector_shape == "rectangle": v1_plate, v1_points = meshedReflector( major_axis_size, minor_axis_size, 6e-3, max_grid, sides=gridded_sides ) elif reflector_shape == "circle": v1_plate, v1_points = meshedCircle( major_axis_size, minor_axis_size, 6e-3, max_grid, sides=gridded_sides ) v1_plate = GF.open3drotate( v1_plate, o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.get_rotation_matrix_from_xyz( np.asarray([np.arcsin(-1.0), 0.0, 0.0]) ), center=False, ) v1_plate = GF.open3drotate( v1_plate, o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.get_rotation_matrix_from_xyz( [0.0, 0.0, reflector_pointers[2]] ), center=False, ) v1_plate.translate(full_coords[2, :].transpose(), relative=True) v1_points.rotate( o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.get_rotation_matrix_from_xyz( np.asarray([np.arcsin(-1.0), 0.0, 0.0]) ), center=False, ) v1_points.rotate( o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.get_rotation_matrix_from_xyz( [0.0, 0.0, reflector_pointers[2]] ), center=False, ) v1_points.translate(full_coords[2, :].transpose(), relative=True) if reflector_index == 3 or reflector_index >= 10: if reflector_shape == "rectangle": w1_plate, w1_points = meshedReflector( major_axis_size, minor_axis_size, 6e-3, max_grid, sides=gridded_sides ) elif reflector_shape == "circle": w1_plate, w1_points = meshedCircle( major_axis_size, minor_axis_size, 6e-3, max_grid, sides=gridded_sides ) w1_plate.rotate( o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.get_rotation_matrix_from_xyz( np.asarray([np.arcsin(-1.0), 0.0, 0.0]) ), center=False, ) w1_plate.rotate( o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.get_rotation_matrix_from_xyz( [0.0, 0.0, reflector_pointers[3]] ), center=False, ) w1_plate.translate(full_coords[3, :].transpose(), relative=True) w1_points.rotate( o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.get_rotation_matrix_from_xyz( np.asarray([np.arcsin(-1.0), 0.0, 0.0]) ), center=False, ) w1_points.rotate( o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.get_rotation_matrix_from_xyz( [0.0, 0.0, reflector_pointers[3]] ), center=False, ) w1_points.translate(full_coords[3, :].transpose(), relative=True) if reflector_index == 4 or reflector_index >= 10: if reflector_shape == "rectangle": z1_plate, z1_points = meshedReflector( major_axis_size, minor_axis_size, 6e-3, max_grid, sides=gridded_sides ) elif reflector_shape == "circle": z1_plate, z1_points = meshedCircle( major_axis_size, minor_axis_size, 6e-3, max_grid, sides=gridded_sides ) z1_plate.rotate( o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.get_rotation_matrix_from_xyz( np.asarray([np.arcsin(-1.0), 0.0, 0.0]) ), center=False, ) z1_plate.rotate( o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.get_rotation_matrix_from_xyz( [0.0, 0.0, reflector_pointers[4]] ), center=False, ) z1_plate.translate(full_coords[4, :].transpose(), relative=True) z1_points.rotate( o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.get_rotation_matrix_from_xyz( np.asarray([np.arcsin(-1.0), 0.0, 0.0]) ), center=False, ) z1_points.rotate( o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.get_rotation_matrix_from_xyz( [0.0, 0.0, reflector_pointers[4]] ), center=False, ) z1_points.translate(full_coords[4, :].transpose(), relative=True) if reflector_index == 5 or reflector_index >= 10: if reflector_shape == "rectangle": z2_plate, z2_points = meshedReflector( major_axis_size, minor_axis_size, 6e-3, max_grid, sides=gridded_sides ) elif reflector_shape == "circle": z2_plate, z2_points = meshedCircle( major_axis_size, minor_axis_size, 6e-3, max_grid, sides=gridded_sides ) z2_plate.rotate( o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.get_rotation_matrix_from_xyz( np.asarray([np.arcsin(-1.0), 0.0, 0.0]) ), center=False, ) z2_plate.rotate( o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.get_rotation_matrix_from_xyz( [0.0, 0.0, reflector_pointers[5] + np.pi] ), center=False, ) z2_plate.translate(full_coords[5, :].transpose(), relative=True) z2_points.rotate( o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.get_rotation_matrix_from_xyz( np.asarray([np.arcsin(-1.0), 0.0, 0.0]) ), center=False, ) z2_points.rotate( o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.get_rotation_matrix_from_xyz( [0.0, 0.0, reflector_pointers[5] + np.pi] ), center=False, ) z2_points.translate(full_coords[5, :].transpose(), relative=True) if reflector_index == 6 or reflector_index >= 10: if reflector_shape == "rectangle": w2_plate, w2_points = meshedReflector( major_axis_size, minor_axis_size, 6e-3, max_grid, sides=gridded_sides ) elif reflector_shape == "circle": w2_plate, w2_points = meshedCircle( major_axis_size, minor_axis_size, 6e-3, max_grid, sides=gridded_sides ) w2_plate.rotate( o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.get_rotation_matrix_from_xyz( np.asarray([np.arcsin(-1.0), 0.0, 0.0]) ), center=False, ) w2_plate.rotate( o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.get_rotation_matrix_from_xyz( [0.0, 0.0, reflector_pointers[6] + np.pi] ), center=False, ) w2_plate.translate(full_coords[6, :].transpose(), relative=True) w2_points.rotate( o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.get_rotation_matrix_from_xyz( np.asarray([np.arcsin(-1.0), 0.0, 0.0]) ), center=False, ) w2_points.rotate( o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.get_rotation_matrix_from_xyz( [0.0, 0.0, reflector_pointers[6] + np.pi] ), center=False, ) w2_points.translate(full_coords[6, :].transpose(), relative=True) if reflector_index == 7 or reflector_index >= 10: if reflector_shape == "rectangle": v2_plate, v2_points = meshedReflector( major_axis_size, minor_axis_size, 6e-3, max_grid, sides=gridded_sides ) elif reflector_shape == "circle": v2_plate, v2_points = meshedCircle( major_axis_size, minor_axis_size, 6e-3, max_grid, sides=gridded_sides ) v2_plate.rotate( o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.get_rotation_matrix_from_xyz( np.asarray([np.arcsin(-1.0), 0.0, 0.0]) ), center=False, ) v2_plate.rotate( o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.get_rotation_matrix_from_xyz( [0.0, 0.0, reflector_pointers[7] + np.pi] ), center=False, ) v2_plate.translate(full_coords[7, :].transpose(), relative=True) v2_points.rotate( o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.get_rotation_matrix_from_xyz( np.asarray([np.arcsin(-1.0), 0.0, 0.0]) ), center=False, ) v2_points.rotate( o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.get_rotation_matrix_from_xyz( [0.0, 0.0, reflector_pointers[7] + np.pi] ), center=False, ) v2_points.translate(full_coords[7, :].transpose(), relative=True) if reflector_index == 8 or reflector_index >= 10: if reflector_shape == "rectangle": u2_plate, u2_points = meshedReflector( major_axis_size, minor_axis_size, 6e-3, max_grid, sides=gridded_sides ) elif reflector_shape == "circle": u2_plate, u2_points = meshedCircle( major_axis_size, minor_axis_size, 6e-3, max_grid, sides=gridded_sides ) u2_plate.rotate( o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.get_rotation_matrix_from_xyz( np.asarray([np.arcsin(-1.0), 0.0, 0.0]) ), center=False, ) u2_plate.rotate( o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.get_rotation_matrix_from_xyz( [0.0, 0.0, reflector_pointers[8] + np.pi] ), center=False, ) u2_plate.translate(full_coords[8, :].transpose(), relative=True) u2_points.rotate( o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.get_rotation_matrix_from_xyz( np.asarray([np.arcsin(-1.0), 0.0, 0.0]) ), center=False, ) u2_points.rotate( o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.get_rotation_matrix_from_xyz( [0.0, 0.0, reflector_pointers[8] + np.pi] ), center=False, ) u2_points.translate(full_coords[8, :].transpose(), relative=True) if reflector_index == 9 or reflector_index >= 10: if reflector_shape == "rectangle": s2_plate, s2_points = meshedReflector( major_axis_size, minor_axis_size, 6e-3, max_grid, sides=gridded_sides ) elif reflector_shape == "circle": s2_plate, s2_points = meshedCircle( major_axis_size, minor_axis_size, 6e-3, max_grid, sides=gridded_sides ) s2_plate.rotate( o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.get_rotation_matrix_from_xyz( np.asarray([np.arcsin(-1.0), 0.0, 0.0]) ), center=False, ) s2_plate.rotate( o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.get_rotation_matrix_from_xyz( [0.0, 0.0, reflector_pointers[9] + np.pi] ), center=False, ) s2_plate.translate(full_coords[9, :].transpose(), relative=True) s2_points.rotate( o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.get_rotation_matrix_from_xyz( np.asarray([np.arcsin(-1.0), 0.0, 0.0]) ), center=False, ) s2_points.rotate( o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.get_rotation_matrix_from_xyz( [0.0, 0.0, reflector_pointers[9] + np.pi] ), center=False, ) s2_points.translate(full_coords[9, :].transpose(), relative=True) # mesh_frame = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.create_coordinate_frame(size=1, origin=[0, 0, 0]) # o3d.visualization.draw_geometries([s1_plate,u1_plate,v1_plate,w1_plate,z1_plate,s1_points,u1_points,v1_points,w1_points,z1_points,mesh_frame]) if reflector_index == 0: # total_scatter_points=points2pointcloud(np.asarray(s1_points.points)) total_scatter_points = s1_points environment = RF.convertTriangles(s1_plate) all_plates = s1_plate if reflector_index == 1: # total_scatter_points=points2pointcloud(np.asarray(u1_points.points)) total_scatter_points = u1_points environment = RF.convertTriangles(u1_plate) all_plates = u1_plate if reflector_index == 2: # total_scatter_points=points2pointcloud(np.asarray(v1_points.points)) total_scatter_points = v1_points environment = RF.convertTriangles(v1_plate) all_plates = v1_plate if reflector_index == 3: # total_scatter_points=points2pointcloud(np.asarray(w1_points.points)) total_scatter_points = w1_points environment = RF.convertTriangles(w1_plate) all_plates = w1_plate if reflector_index == 4: # total_scatter_points=points2pointcloud(np.asarray(z1_points.points)) total_scatter_points = z1_points environment = RF.convertTriangles(z1_plate) all_plates = z1_plate if reflector_index == 5: # total_scatter_points=points2pointcloud(np.asarray(z2_points.points)) total_scatter_points = z2_points environment = RF.convertTriangles(z2_plate) all_plates = z2_plate if reflector_index == 6: # total_scatter_points=points2pointcloud(np.asarray(w2_points.points)) total_scatter_points = w2_points environment = RF.convertTriangles(w2_plate) all_plates = w2_plate if reflector_index == 7: # total_scatter_points=points2pointcloud(np.asarray(v2_points.points)) total_scatter_points = v2_points environment = RF.convertTriangles(v2_plate) all_plates = v2_plate if reflector_index == 8: # total_scatter_points=points2pointcloud(np.asarray(u2_points.points)) total_scatter_points = u2_points environment = RF.convertTriangles(u2_plate) all_plates = u2_plate if reflector_index == 9: # total_scatter_points=points2pointcloud(np.asarray(s2_points.points)) total_scatter_points = s2_points environment = RF.convertTriangles(s2_plate) all_plates = s2_plate if reflector_index >= 10: total_scatter_temp = RF.points2pointcloud( np.append( np.append( np.append( np.append( np.append( np.append( np.append( np.append( np.append( np.asarray(s1_points.points), np.asarray(u1_points.points), axis=0, ), np.asarray(v1_points.points), axis=0, ), np.asarray(w1_points.points), axis=0, ), np.asarray(z1_points.points), axis=0, ), np.asarray(z2_points.points), axis=0, ), np.asarray(w2_points.points), axis=0, ), np.asarray(v2_points.points), axis=0, ), np.asarray(u2_points.points), axis=0, ), np.asarray(s2_points.points), axis=0, ) ) total_scatter_normals = RF.points2pointcloud( np.append( np.append( np.append( np.append( np.append( np.append( np.append( np.append( np.append( np.asarray(s1_points.normals), np.asarray(u1_points.normals), axis=0, ), np.asarray(v1_points.normals), axis=0, ), np.asarray(w1_points.normals), axis=0, ), np.asarray(z1_points.normals), axis=0, ), np.asarray(z2_points.normals), axis=0, ), np.asarray(w2_points.normals), axis=0, ), np.asarray(v2_points.normals), axis=0, ), np.asarray(u2_points.normals), axis=0, ), np.asarray(s2_points.normals), axis=0, ) ) total_scatter_points = o3d.geometry.PointCloud() total_scatter_points.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(total_scatter_temp) total_scatter_points.normals = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(total_scatter_normals) environment = np.append( np.append( np.append( np.append( np.append( np.append( np.append( np.append( RF.convertTriangles(s1_plate), RF.convertTriangles(u1_plate), ), RF.convertTriangles(v1_plate), ), RF.convertTriangles(w1_plate), ), RF.convertTriangles(z1_plate), ), RF.convertTriangles(z2_plate), ), RF.convertTriangles(w2_plate), ), RF.convertTriangles(v2_plate), ), RF.convertTriangles(u2_plate), ) all_plates = [ s1_plate, u1_plate, v1_plate, w1_plate, z1_plate, s2_plate, u2_plate, v2_plate, w2_plate, z2_plate, ] return environment, total_scatter_points, all_plates def circleReflector(majorsize, minorsize, thickness, grid_resolution): # create a circle circ_num = np.ceil((np.pi * majorsize) / grid_resolution).astype(int) mesh = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.create_cylinder( radius=majorsize / 2, height=thickness, resolution=circ_num, split=1 ) translate_vector = np.asarray([0, 0, -(thickness / 2 + 1e-6)]) mesh.translate(translate_vector, relative=True) mesh.compute_vertex_normals() mesh.paint_uniform_color([0.79, 0.50, 0.24]) return mesh def meshedCircle(majorsize, minorsize, thickness, grid_resolution, sides="all"): # define a circle, and grid the front and back reflector = circleReflector(majorsize, minorsize, thickness, grid_resolution) mesh_points = gridedCirclePoints( majorsize, minorsize, thickness, grid_resolution, sides="front" ) return reflector, mesh_points
[docs]def meshedHorn( majorsize, minorsize, length, edge_width, flare_angle, grid_resolution, sides="front", ): """ A basic horn antenna, providing the aperture points, and the basic physical structure The horn is orientated with the centre of the aperture at the origin, and the boresight aligned with the positive z direction. Parameters ---------- majorsize : float the width of the horn aperture in the x direction minorsize : float the width of the horn aperture in the y direction length : float the length of the horn structure edge_width : float the width of the physical structure around the horn flare_angle : the taper angle of the horn grid_resolution : float the spacing between the aperture points, should be half a wavelength at the frequency of interest sides : str command for the mesh, default is 'front', and for a horn, this should not be changed. Returns ------- structure : :class:`open3d.geometry.TriangleMesh` the physical structure of the horn mesh_points : :class:`open3d.geometry.PointCloud` the source points for the horn aperture """ structure = shapeTrapezoid( majorsize + (edge_width * 2), minorsize + (edge_width * 2), length, flare_angle ) mesh_points = gridedReflectorPoints( majorsize, minorsize, 1e-6, grid_resolution, sides ) mesh_points.translate(np.asarray([0, 0, 1e-6])) return structure, mesh_points
def coneReflector(radius, height): """ create a primative of the right size, assuming always orientated with normal aligned with zenith, and major axis with x, adjust position so the face is centred on (0,0,1) """ resolution = 200000 split = 1 reflector1 = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.create_cone( radius, height, resolution, split ) translate_dist = np.array([0, 0, 3]) reflector1 = GF.open3drotate( reflector1, o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.get_rotation_matrix_from_axis_angle( np.array([0.0, np.radians(180), 0.0]) ), center=True, ) reflector1.compute_vertex_normals() reflector1.paint_uniform_color([0.79, 0.50, 0.24]) reflector1.translate(translate_dist, relative=True) return reflector1 def ringarray( ring_rad, elements, angle_offset, backing_rad, thickness, grid_resolution=20 ): # define a single ring array, backed by a circular reflector reflector = circleReflector(backing_rad, backing_rad, thickness, grid_resolution) # define ring array, with element 0 on x axis element_angles = np.linspace(angle_offset, 2 * np.pi - angle_offset, elements) element_locations = np.zeros((elements, 3), dtype=np.float32) element_normals = np.zeros((elements, 3), dtype=np.float32) element_normals[:, 2] = 1.0 element_locations[:, 0] = ring_rad * np.cos(element_angles) element_locations[:, 1] = ring_rad * np.sin(element_angles) mesh_points = o3d.geometry.PointCloud() mesh_points.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(np.copy(element_locations)) mesh_points.normals = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(np.copy(element_normals)) return reflector, mesh_points def gridedCirclePoints(majorsize, minorsize, thickness, grid_resolution, sides="front"): """ create a primative of the right size, assuming always orientated with normal aligned with zenith, and major axis with x, adjust position so the face is centred on (0,0,1) """ if sides == "all": r_space = np.linspace( grid_resolution, (majorsize / 2), int( np.max(np.asarray([2, np.ceil((majorsize * 0.5) / (grid_resolution))])) ), ) c_space = np.ceil((2 * np.pi * r_space) / grid_resolution).astype(int) source_coords = np.empty(((1, 3)), dtype=np.float32) source_coords[0, 0] = 0 source_coords[0, 1] = 0 source_coords[0, 2] = 0 for r_index in range(r_space.shape[0]): source_coords = np.append( source_coords, np.array( [ r_space[r_index] * np.cos(np.linspace(0, (2 * np.pi), c_space[r_index])[0:-1]), r_space[r_index] * np.sin(np.linspace(0, (2 * np.pi), c_space[r_index])[0:-1]), np.zeros(c_space[r_index] - 1), ] ).transpose(), axis=0, ) source_normals = np.empty(((source_coords.shape[0], 3)), dtype=np.float32) source_normals[:] = 0.0 source_normals[:, 2] = 1.0 mesh_vertices = source_coords # temp removed sides # mesh_vertices=np.append(source_coords,back_coords,axis=0) mesh_normals = source_normals elif sides == "front": r_space = np.linspace( grid_resolution, (majorsize / 2), int( np.max(np.asarray([2, np.ceil((majorsize * 0.5) / (grid_resolution))])) ), ) c_space = np.ceil((2 * np.pi * r_space) / grid_resolution).astype(int) source_coords = np.empty(((1, 3)), dtype=np.float32) source_coords[0, 0] = 0 source_coords[0, 1] = 0 source_coords[0, 2] = 0 for r_index in range(r_space.shape[0]): source_coords = np.append( source_coords, np.array( [ r_space[r_index] * np.cos(np.linspace(0, (2 * np.pi), c_space[r_index])[0:-1]), r_space[r_index] * np.sin(np.linspace(0, (2 * np.pi), c_space[r_index])[0:-1]), np.zeros(c_space[r_index] - 1), ] ).transpose(), axis=0, ) source_normals = np.empty(((source_coords.shape[0], 3)), dtype=np.float32) source_normals[:] = 0.0 source_normals[:, 2] = 1.0 mesh_vertices = source_coords # temp removed sides # mesh_vertices=np.append(source_coords,back_coords,axis=0) mesh_normals = source_normals mesh_points = o3d.geometry.PointCloud() mesh_points.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(np.copy(mesh_vertices)) mesh_points.normals = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(np.copy(mesh_normals)) return mesh_points def gridedBullsEyePoints( diameter, ring_start, ring_num, ring_wavelength, ring_amplitude, thickness, grid_resolution, sides="all", ): """ create a primative of the right size, assuming always orientated with normal aligned with zenith, and major axis with x, adjust position so the face is centred on (0,0,1) """ if sides == "front": sine_start = 5e-3 # ring_num=2 # sine_wavelength=5e-3 # sine_amplitude=(0.91/2)*1e-3 r_space = np.linspace( grid_resolution, (diameter / 2), int(np.max(np.asarray([2, np.ceil((diameter * 0.5) / (grid_resolution))]))), ) c_space = np.ceil((2 * np.pi * r_space) / grid_resolution).astype(int) source_coords = np.empty(((1, 3)), dtype=np.float32) source_coords[0, 0] = 0 source_coords[0, 1] = 0 source_coords[0, 2] = 0 for r_index in range(r_space.shape[0]): if ( ring_start <= r_space[r_index] <= (ring_start + ring_num * ring_wavelength) ): source_coords = np.append( source_coords, np.array( [ r_space[r_index] * np.cos( np.linspace(0, (2 * np.pi), c_space[r_index])[0:-1] ), r_space[r_index] * np.sin( np.linspace(0, (2 * np.pi), c_space[r_index])[0:-1] ), ring_amplitude * np.sin( (r_space[r_index] - ring_start) * ((np.pi * 2) / ring_wavelength) + np.pi / 2 ) * np.ones(c_space[r_index] - 1) - (ring_amplitude), ] ).transpose(), axis=0, ) else: source_coords = np.append( source_coords, np.array( [ r_space[r_index] * np.cos( np.linspace(0, (2 * np.pi), c_space[r_index])[0:-1] ), r_space[r_index] * np.sin( np.linspace(0, (2 * np.pi), c_space[r_index])[0:-1] ), np.zeros(c_space[r_index] - 1), ] ).transpose(), axis=0, ) # source_normals=np.empty(((source_coords.shape[0],3)),dtype=np.float32) # source_normals[:]=0. # source_normals[:,2]=1. mesh_vertices = source_coords # temp removed sides # mesh_vertices=np.append(source_coords,back_coords,axis=0) # mesh_normals=source_normals mesh_points = o3d.geometry.PointCloud() mesh_points.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(np.copy(mesh_vertices)) mesh_points.estimate_normals() elif sides == "all": r_space = np.linspace( grid_resolution, (diameter / 2), int(np.max(np.asarray([2, np.ceil((diameter * 0.5) / (grid_resolution))]))), ) c_space = np.ceil((2 * np.pi * r_space) / grid_resolution).astype(int) source_coords = np.empty(((1, 3)), dtype=np.float32) source_coords[0, 0] = 0 source_coords[0, 1] = 0 source_coords[0, 2] = 0 for r_index in range(r_space.shape[0]): if ( ring_start <= r_space[r_index] <= (ring_start + ring_num * ring_wavelength) ): source_coords = np.append( source_coords, np.array( [ r_space[r_index] * np.cos( np.linspace(0, (2 * np.pi), c_space[r_index])[0:-1] ), r_space[r_index] * np.sin( np.linspace(0, (2 * np.pi), c_space[r_index])[0:-1] ), ring_amplitude * np.sin( (r_space[r_index] - ring_start) * ((np.pi * 2) / ring_wavelength) + np.pi / 2 ) * np.ones(c_space[r_index] - 1) - (ring_amplitude), ] ).transpose(), axis=0, ) else: source_coords = np.append( source_coords, np.array( [ r_space[r_index] * np.cos( np.linspace(0, (2 * np.pi), c_space[r_index])[0:-1] ), r_space[r_index] * np.sin( np.linspace(0, (2 * np.pi), c_space[r_index])[0:-1] ), np.zeros(c_space[r_index] - 1), ] ).transpose(), axis=0, ) source_coords = np.append( source_coords, np.array( [ r_space[r_index] * np.cos(np.linspace(0, (2 * np.pi), c_space[r_index])[0:-1]), r_space[r_index] * np.sin(np.linspace(0, (2 * np.pi), c_space[r_index])[0:-1]), np.zeros(c_space[r_index] - 1) - thickness, ] ).transpose(), axis=0, ) source_coords = np.append( source_coords, np.array( [ r_space[-1] * np.cos(np.linspace(0, (2 * np.pi), c_space[-1])[0:-1]), r_space[-1] * np.sin(np.linspace(0, (2 * np.pi), c_space[-1])[0:-1]), np.zeros(c_space[-1] - 1) - thickness / 2, ] ).transpose(), axis=0, ) source_coords = np.append( source_coords, np.array( [ r_space[-1] * np.cos(np.linspace(0, (2 * np.pi), c_space[-1])[0:-1]), r_space[-1] * np.sin(np.linspace(0, (2 * np.pi), c_space[-1])[0:-1]), np.zeros(c_space[-1] - 1) - thickness, ] ).transpose(), axis=0, ) source_coords = np.append( source_coords, np.array([0.0, 0.0, -thickness]).reshape(1, 3), axis=0 ) mesh_vertices = source_coords mesh_points = o3d.geometry.PointCloud() mesh_points.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(np.copy(mesh_vertices)) mesh_points.estimate_normals() return mesh_points def gridedReflectorPoints( majorsize, minorsize, thickness, grid_resolution, sides="all" ): """ create a primative of the right size, assuming always orientated with normal aligned with zenith, and major axis with x, adjust position so the face is centred on (0,0,1) """ if sides == "all": x = np.linspace( -(majorsize / 2), (majorsize / 2), int(np.max(np.asarray([2, np.ceil(majorsize / (grid_resolution))]))), ) y = np.linspace( -(minorsize / 2), (minorsize / 2), int(np.max(np.asarray([2, np.ceil(minorsize / (grid_resolution))]))), ) xback = np.linspace( -(majorsize / 2), (majorsize / 2), int(np.max(np.asarray([2, np.ceil(majorsize / (grid_resolution))]))), ) yback = np.linspace( -(minorsize / 2), (minorsize / 2), int(np.max(np.asarray([2, np.ceil(minorsize / (grid_resolution))]))), ) majorsidey = np.linspace( -(minorsize / 2), (minorsize / 2), int(np.max(np.asarray([2, np.ceil(minorsize / grid_resolution)]))), ) majorsidez = np.linspace( -thickness, 0, int(np.max(np.asarray([2, np.ceil(thickness / grid_resolution)]))), ) minorsidex = np.linspace( -(majorsize / 2), (majorsize / 2), int(np.max(np.asarray([2, np.ceil(majorsize / grid_resolution)]))), ) minorsidez = np.linspace( -thickness, 0, int(np.max(np.asarray([2, np.ceil(thickness / grid_resolution)]))), ) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y) my, mz = np.meshgrid(majorsidey, majorsidez) mx = np.zeros((len(np.ravel(my)))) majorside1 = np.empty(((len(np.ravel(mx)), 3)), dtype=np.float32) majorside2 = np.empty(((len(np.ravel(mx)), 3)), dtype=np.float32) majorside1[:, 0] = mx + majorsize / 2.0 # +EPSILON majorside1[:, 1] = np.ravel(my) majorside1[:, 2] = np.ravel(mz) majorside2[:, 0] = mx - majorsize / 2.0 # -EPSILON majorside2[:, 1] = np.ravel(my) majorside2[:, 2] = np.ravel(mz) majorside1normals = np.empty(((len(np.ravel(mx)), 3)), dtype=np.float32) majorside2normals = np.empty(((len(np.ravel(mx)), 3)), dtype=np.float32) majorside1normals[:] = 0 majorside2normals[:] = 0 majorside1normals[:, 0] = 1.0 majorside2normals[:, 0] = -1.0 max1, maz1 = np.meshgrid(minorsidex, minorsidez) may = np.zeros((len(np.ravel(max1)))) minorside1 = np.empty(((len(np.ravel(max1)), 3)), dtype=np.float32) minorside2 = np.empty(((len(np.ravel(max1)), 3)), dtype=np.float32) minorside1[:, 0] = np.ravel(max1) minorside1[:, 1] = np.ravel(may) + minorsize / 2.0 # +EPSILON minorside1[:, 2] = np.ravel(maz1) minorside2[:, 0] = np.ravel(max1) minorside2[:, 1] = np.ravel(may) - minorsize / 2.0 # -EPSILON minorside2[:, 2] = np.ravel(maz1) minorside1normals = np.empty(((len(np.ravel(max1)), 3)), dtype=np.float32) minorside2normals = np.empty(((len(np.ravel(max1)), 3)), dtype=np.float32) minorside1normals[:] = 0 minorside2normals[:] = 0 minorside1normals[:, 1] = 1.0 minorside2normals[:, 1] = -1.0 zz = np.zeros((len(np.ravel(xx)), 1)) # +0.00025 source_coords = np.empty(((len(np.ravel(xx)), 3)), dtype=np.float32) source_normals = np.empty(((len(np.ravel(xx)), 3)), dtype=np.float32) source_normals[:] = 0.0 source_normals[:, 2] = 1.0 source_coords[:, 0] = np.ravel(xx) source_coords[:, 1] = np.ravel(yy) source_coords[:, 2] = np.ravel(zz) backx, backy = np.meshgrid(xback, yback) backz = np.empty((len(np.ravel(backx)), 1), dtype=np.float32) backz[:] = -thickness back_coords = np.empty(((len(np.ravel(backx)), 3)), dtype=np.float32) back_normals = np.empty(((len(np.ravel(backx)), 3)), dtype=np.float32) back_coords[:, 0] = np.ravel(backx) back_coords[:, 1] = np.ravel(backy) back_coords[:, 2] = np.ravel(backz) back_normals[:] = 0.0 back_normals[:, 2] = -1.0 top_bottom = np.append(majorside1, majorside2, axis=0) top_bottom_normals = np.append(majorside1normals, majorside2normals, axis=0) left_right = np.append(minorside1, minorside2, axis=0) left_right_normals = np.append(minorside1normals, minorside2normals, axis=0) sides = np.append(top_bottom, left_right, axis=0) side_normals = np.append(top_bottom_normals, left_right_normals, axis=0) mesh_vertices = np.append( np.append(source_coords, back_coords, axis=0), sides, axis=0 ) # temp removed sides # mesh_vertices=np.append(source_coords,back_coords,axis=0) mesh_normals = np.append( np.append(source_normals, back_normals, axis=0), side_normals, axis=0 ) # mesh_normals=np.append(source_normals,back_normals,axis=0) mesh_points = o3d.geometry.PointCloud() mesh_points.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(np.copy(mesh_vertices)) mesh_points.normals = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(np.copy(mesh_normals)) elif sides == "front": x = np.linspace( -(majorsize / 2), (majorsize / 2), int(np.max(np.asarray([2, np.ceil(majorsize / (grid_resolution))]))), ) y = np.linspace( -(minorsize / 2), (minorsize / 2), int(np.max(np.asarray([2, np.ceil(minorsize / (grid_resolution))]))), ) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y) zz = np.zeros((len(np.ravel(xx)), 1)) # +0.00025 source_coords = np.empty(((len(np.ravel(xx)), 3)), dtype=np.float32) source_normals = np.empty(((len(np.ravel(xx)), 3)), dtype=np.float32) source_normals[:] = 0.0 source_normals[:, 2] = 1.0 source_coords[:, 0] = np.ravel(xx) source_coords[:, 1] = np.ravel(yy) source_coords[:, 2] = np.ravel(zz) mesh_vertices = source_coords # temp removed sides # mesh_vertices=np.append(source_coords,back_coords,axis=0) mesh_normals = source_normals elif sides == "centres": source_coords = np.zeros((1, 3), dtype=np.float32) source_normals = np.zeros((1, 3), dtype=np.float32) source_normals[0, 2] = 1 mesh_vertices = source_coords mesh_normals = source_normals mesh_points = o3d.geometry.PointCloud() mesh_points.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(np.copy(mesh_vertices)) mesh_points.normals = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(np.copy(mesh_normals)) return mesh_points def gridedParabola(diameter, focal_length, thickness, grid_resolution, sides="all"): """ create a primative of the right size, assuming always orientated with normal aligned with zenith, and major axis with x, adjust position so the face is centred on (0,0,1) equation of parabola is y=(1/(4*focal_length))*x**2, this will then be rotated in the Az domain. Need to ensure that the euclidean distance between each point is grid_resolution or less """ if sides == "all": x_space = np.linspace( grid_resolution, (diameter / 2), int(np.max(np.asarray([2, np.ceil((diameter * 0.5) / (grid_resolution))]))), ) z_space = (1 / (4 * focal_length)) * x_space ** 2 c_space = np.ceil((2 * np.pi * x_space) / grid_resolution).astype(int) normal_gradiant_vector = np.array( [ np.ones((len(x_space))), np.zeros((len(x_space))), -1 / (1 / (2 * focal_length) * x_space), ] ) source = np.array([x_space, np.zeros((len(x_space))), z_space]).transpose() target = (normal_gradiant_vector * -x_space).transpose() base_directions = np.zeros((x_space.shape[0], 3), dtype=np.float32) norm_length = np.zeros((x_space.shape[0], 1), dtype=np.float32) base_directions, norm_length = math_functions.calc_dv_norm( source, target, base_directions, norm_length ) base_directions = np.append(base_directions, np.array([[1, 0, 0]]), axis=0) source_coords = np.empty(((1, 3)), dtype=np.float32) source_coords[0, :] = 0 source_normals = np.empty(((1, 3)), dtype=np.float32) source_normals[0, :] = 0 source_normals[0, 2] = 1 for r_index in range(x_space.shape[0]): source_coords = np.append( source_coords, np.array( [ x_space[r_index] * np.cos(np.linspace(0, (2 * np.pi), c_space[r_index])[0:-1]), x_space[r_index] * np.sin(np.linspace(0, (2 * np.pi), c_space[r_index])[0:-1]), z_space[r_index] * np.ones(c_space[r_index] - 1), ] ).transpose(), axis=0, ) source_normals = np.append( source_normals, np.array( [ base_directions[r_index, 0] * np.cos(np.linspace(0, (2 * np.pi), c_space[r_index])[0:-1]), base_directions[r_index, 0] * np.sin(np.linspace(0, (2 * np.pi), c_space[r_index])[0:-1]), base_directions[r_index, 2] * np.ones(c_space[r_index] - 1), ] ).transpose(), axis=0, ) mesh_vertices = np.append( np.append( source_coords - np.array([0, 0, np.max(source_coords[:, 2])]), source_coords - np.array([0, 0, (np.max(source_coords[:, 2]) + thickness)]), axis=0, ), np.array( [ x_space[-1] * np.cos(np.linspace(0, (2 * np.pi), c_space[r_index])[0:-1]), x_space[-1] * np.sin(np.linspace(0, (2 * np.pi), c_space[r_index])[0:-1]), z_space[-1] * np.ones(c_space[-1] - 1), ] ).transpose() - np.array([0, 0, (np.max(source_coords[:, 2]) + thickness / 2)]), axis=0, ) mesh_normals = np.append( np.append(source_normals, source_normals * -1, axis=0), np.array( [ base_directions[-1, 0] * np.cos(np.linspace(0, (2 * np.pi), c_space[-1])[0:-1]), base_directions[-1, 0] * np.sin(np.linspace(0, (2 * np.pi), c_space[-1])[0:-1]), np.zeros(c_space[-1] - 1), ] ).transpose(), axis=0, ) elif sides == "front": x_space = np.linspace( grid_resolution, (diameter / 2), int(np.max(np.asarray([2, np.ceil((diameter * 0.5) / (grid_resolution))]))), ) z_space = (1 / (4 * focal_length)) * x_space ** 2 c_space = np.ceil((2 * np.pi * x_space) / grid_resolution).astype(int) normal_gradiant_vector = np.array( [ np.ones((len(x_space))), np.zeros((len(x_space))), -1 / (1 / (2 * focal_length) * x_space), ] ) source = np.array([x_space, np.zeros((len(x_space))), z_space]).transpose() target = (normal_gradiant_vector * -x_space).transpose() base_directions = np.zeros((x_space.shape[0], 3), dtype=np.float32) norm_length = np.zeros((x_space.shape[0], 1), dtype=np.float32) base_directions, norm_length = math_functions.calc_dv_norm( source, target, base_directions, norm_length ) source_coords = np.empty(((1, 3)), dtype=np.float32) source_coords[0, :] = 0 source_normals = np.empty(((1, 3)), dtype=np.float32) source_normals[0, :] = 0 source_normals[0, 2] = 1 for r_index in range(x_space.shape[0]): source_coords = np.append( source_coords, np.array( [ x_space[r_index] * np.cos(np.linspace(0, (2 * np.pi), c_space[r_index])[0:-1]), x_space[r_index] * np.sin(np.linspace(0, (2 * np.pi), c_space[r_index])[0:-1]), z_space[r_index] * np.ones(c_space[r_index] - 1), ] ).transpose(), axis=0, ) source_normals = np.append( source_normals, np.array( [ base_directions[r_index, 0] * np.cos(np.linspace(0, (2 * np.pi), c_space[r_index])[0:-1]), base_directions[r_index, 0] * np.sin(np.linspace(0, (2 * np.pi), c_space[r_index])[0:-1]), base_directions[r_index, 2] * np.ones(c_space[r_index] - 1), ] ).transpose(), axis=0, ) mesh_vertices = source_coords - np.array([0, 0, np.max(source_coords[:, 2])]) mesh_normals = source_normals mesh_points = o3d.geometry.PointCloud() mesh_points.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(np.copy(mesh_vertices)) mesh_points.normals = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(np.copy(mesh_normals)) return mesh_points def BullsEye(O2, n_rings, innerdia, period, ht, basethick, grid_resolution): # create bullseye lens structure on a reflector, this is a temp setup rotate_nums = 31 # make 5 rings with a preiod of 5mm between them. # period=4.53e-3# period of the rings # n_rings=2# number of rings to make # ht=(0.91e-3)/2# amplitude of ring waves m_rings = 0 # ring to start at # innerdia=7.12e-3# diameter of inner ring # basethick=3e-3# thickness of the base below the bottom of the slots5 # O2=2e-3 # generate appropriatly paced sine curve for face of array, then convert to point list with .tolist() # convert with grid resolution between each points, from innerdia to (innerdia+period*n_rings+) points2d = np.zeros() # face_curve=points2d.tolist() centre = sd.translate([0, 0, -basethick])( sd.cylinder( r=innerdia / 2 + m_rings * period + period * 0.01, h=basethick, segments=rotate_nums, ) ) for p in range(m_rings, n_rings + 1): centre += sd.rotate_extrude(angle=360, segments=rotate_nums)( sd.translate([innerdia / 2 + p * period, 0, 0])( sd.scale([period, ht, 1])( sd.polygon( points=[ [0.000000, 0.000000], [0.025000, -0.012312], [0.050000, -0.048943], [0.075000, -0.108993], [0.100000, -0.190983], [0.125000, -0.292893], [0.150000, -0.412215], [0.175000, -0.546010], [0.200000, -0.690983], [0.225000, -0.843566], [0.250000, -1.000000], [0.275000, -1.156434], [0.300000, -1.309017], [0.325000, -1.453990], [0.350000, -1.587785], [0.375000, -1.707107], [0.400000, -1.809017], [0.425000, -1.891007], [0.450000, -1.951057], [0.475000, -1.987688], [0.500000, -2.000000], [0.525000, -1.987688], [0.550000, -1.951057], [0.575000, -1.891007], [0.600000, -1.809017], [0.625000, -1.707107], [0.650000, -1.587785], [0.675000, -1.453990], [0.700000, -1.309017], [0.725000, -1.156434], [0.750000, -1.000000], [0.775000, -0.843566], [0.800000, -0.690983], [0.825000, -0.546010], [0.850000, -0.412215], [0.875000, -0.292893], [0.900000, -0.190983], [0.925000, -0.108993], [0.950000, -0.048943], [0.975000, -0.012312], [1.000000, 0.000000], [1, -basethick / ht], [0, -basethick / ht], ] ) ) ) ) centre += sd.translate([0, 0, -basethick / 2])( sd.cylinder( r=innerdia / 2 + (n_rings + 1) * period + O2, h=basethick, center=True, segments=rotate_nums, ) - sd.cylinder( r=innerdia / 2 + (n_rings + 1) * period - period * 0.01, h=2 * basethick, center=True, segments=rotate_nums, ) ) # generate valid openscad code and store it in file sd.scad_render_to_file(centre, "d.scad") # run openscad and export to stl #run(["openscad-nightly", "-o", "d.stl", "d.scad", "--export-format=binstl"]) converttostl() solid ="d.stl") solid.compute_vertex_normals() # o3d.visualization.draw_geometries([test_structure]) test_points = np.asarray(solid.vertices) test_normals = np.asarray(solid.vertex_normals) image_points = RF.points2pointcloud( np.copy(test_points[test_points[:, 2] >= -ht * 2, :]) ) image_points.normals = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector( np.copy(test_normals[test_points[:, 2] >= -ht * 2, :]) ) return solid, image_points def defineParabola(diameter, focal_length, thickness, grid_resolution): # create shape from points mesh_points = gridedParabola( diameter, focal_length, thickness, grid_resolution, sides="all" ) distances = mesh_points.compute_nearest_neighbor_distance() avg_dist = np.mean(distances) radius = 1.5 * avg_dist mesh = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.create_from_point_cloud_ball_pivoting( mesh_points, o3d.utility.DoubleVector([radius, radius * 2]) ) # mesh = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.create_from_point_cloud_ball_pivoting( # mesh_points, # o3d.utility.DoubleVector([radius, radius * 2])) mesh.compute_triangle_normals() return mesh def parabolic_reflector_segment(): """ This function is intended to generate a segment parabolic reflector, such as used for some radars """ reflector = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh() mesh_points = o3d.geometry.PointCloud() return reflector, mesh_points def CASSIOPeiA_triplet( wavelength, triplet_number, triplet_spacing=1.0, offset_angle=0.0 ): """ convinience function to create the CASSIOPeiA triplets, three dipole antennas with centres space a quarter wavelength apart. The efield vectors are arranged for z direction polarisation. Parameters ---------- wavelength : float the wavelength of interest triplet_number: int the number of triplets required, to be generated with center at the origin, and extending symmetrically in the x axis. If the number is even then the central clusters will be spaced symmetrically either side of the origin. If odd, then there will be a central cluster. triplet_spacing : float the spacing between the centres of the triplets in the xy plane (m) offset_angle:float offset angle of the primary antenna element from the x axis. Default is zero, but the clusters can be rotated around by altering this parameter. Returns ------- source_points: the positions of the antennas with normal vectors, the normals are defined arbitarily to aid in the helical arrangement of the layers efield_vectors: the polarisation vectors of the triplets. """ source_points = o3d.geometry.PointCloud() efield_vectors = np.zeros((triplet_number * 3, 3), dtype=np.complex64) efield_vectors[:, 2] = 1.0 triplet_points = np.zeros((3, 3), dtype=np.float32) # spacing is equivalent to an equilateral triangle antenna_spacing = wavelength * 0.25 triplet_points[0, 0] = (3 ** 0.5 / 3) * antenna_spacing # rotate as required for primary element offset offsetangle = np.radians(offset_angle) rot_mat = np.asarray( [ [np.cos(offsetangle), -np.sin(offsetangle), 0], [np.sin(offsetangle), np.cos(offsetangle), 0], [0, 0, 1], ] ) triplet_points[0, :] = (triplet_points[0, :] * rot_mat)[:, 0] angle = np.radians(120) rot_mat = np.asarray( [ [np.cos(angle), -np.sin(angle), 0], [np.sin(angle), np.cos(angle), 0], [0, 0, 1], ] ) triplet_points[1, :] = (triplet_points[0, :] * rot_mat)[:, 0] angle = np.radians(240) rot_mat = np.asarray( [ [np.cos(angle), -np.sin(angle), 0], [np.sin(angle), np.cos(angle), 0], [0, 0, 1], ] ) triplet_points[2, :] = (triplet_points[0, :] * rot_mat)[:, 0] # now lay out the clusters at the required spacing along the x axis. outer_cluster = ((triplet_number - 1) / 2) * triplet_spacing cluster_centres = np.linspace(-outer_cluster, outer_cluster, triplet_number) cluster_points = np.tile(triplet_points, [triplet_number, 1]) for cluster in range(triplet_number): cluster_points[cluster * 3 : (cluster + 1) * 3, 0] += cluster_centres[cluster] normals = np.zeros((triplet_number * 3, 3), dtype=np.float32) normals[:, 1] = 1 source_points.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(cluster_points) source_points.normals = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(normals) # create board and center plane = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.create_box( width=2 * (outer_cluster + triplet_spacing * 0.5), height=wavelength * 0.5, depth=wavelength * 0.05, ) plane.translate( [ -(outer_cluster + triplet_spacing * 0.5), -wavelength * 0.25, -wavelength * 0.025, ], relative=True, ) return source_points, plane, efield_vectors def CASSIOPeiA_Array( wavelength, num_rows, num_col, row_spacing=1.0, triplet_spacing=1.0, offset_angle=0.0, total_twist_angle=180, ): adjusted_twist_angle=(total_twist_angle/(num_rows+1))*num_rows outer_row = ((num_rows - 1) / 2) * row_spacing row_centres = np.linspace(-outer_row, outer_row, num_rows) angle_offsets = np.linspace(-adjusted_twist_angle / 2, adjusted_twist_angle / 2, num_rows) array_points = o3d.geometry.PointCloud() array_structure = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh() # create row of triplet clusters source_points, plane, efield_vectors = CASSIOPeiA_triplet( wavelength, num_col, triplet_spacing=triplet_spacing, offset_angle=offset_angle ) for row in range(num_rows): temp_row = copy.deepcopy(source_points) temp_plane = copy.deepcopy(plane) temp_row.translate([0, 0, row_centres[row]], relative=True) temp_plane.translate([0, 0, row_centres[row]], relative=True) rotation_vector = np.radians(np.array([0, 0, angle_offsets[row]])) rotation_matrix = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.get_rotation_matrix_from_xyz( rotation_vector ) temp_row = GF.open3drotate(temp_row, rotation_matrix) temp_plane = GF.open3drotate(temp_plane, rotation_matrix) array_points += temp_row array_structure += temp_plane array_efield_vectors = np.tile(efield_vectors, [num_rows, 1]) return array_points, array_structure, array_efield_vectors def chain_home_transmitter(): """ This function generates the required antenna geometry to model the Chain Home transmitter, which operated at 20MHz. This model is based upon the information at Returns ------- chain_home_transmit """ wavelength=3e8/20e6 #eight dipoles vertically stacked half wavelength spacing, with reflectors behind each, seperated by 0.18 wavelengths horizontally, a stack for each pair of towers? So three stacks for the early quad arrangements, and two stacks for the later triple towers? #mean height of the array is 215 feet, and claimed main lobe at 2.6 degrees in elevation due to ground reflection, first null at 5.2 degrees, and a horizontal beamwidth of 100 degrees chain_home_transmit=antenna_structures() return chain_home_transmit